There’s good data and there’s bad data. As we’ve come to know - bad policy from bad data impacts us all.
That is the true motivating factor behind everything we do here on this Substack and our fight over the past 3 years. In truth, the fight against Covid wasn’t necessarily about Covid - it was about unelected bureaucrats using bad data to make very bad policy that impacted us all.
They’ll use the same tactics they did before. Masks for climate change? You bet they would!
So, when a hurricane makes landfall the same powers that be are keen to blame it on the same thing that blamed Covid on - you exhaling.
Remember, it took the climate change lobby 4 decades to convince and codify into law that what you breathe out will kill the planet. It took these same powers about about 4 months to convince the world that what we breathe out will kill grandma - therefore mask up.
To that end, we will absolutely take the fight against these powers on this issue.
Here’s a simple chart taken from NOAA data.
There is NO statistically significant increase for the number or strength or viciousness of hurricanes making landfall over time since the 1850s. Decade after decade:
19 hurricanes on average
Average category 2 when they make landfall
Avg central pressure: 965
89 mph avg wind
No wonder we need to lockdown for Climate Change. How will we ever reach Zero Hurricanes by 2030?
Check out Tony Heller (Rumble, YouTube or he has been documenting the nonsense of CAGW for years. Excellent resource.