I saw a rather alarmist video on Twitter about the numbers of cancers reported in females under the age of 50. He claimed that in 2022 cancers for these younger women had risen from a pre-pandemic count of 26,600 to an alarming 47,550.
I went searching and sure enough it’s there. Is it real, a type-o. How do you account for it?
Links below (directly from he cancer.org website):
The 2019 figures break at 45 years of age, while 2022 break at 50. So of course there's a big increase. They also say "estimates should not be compared with those from previous years;" one hopes there's clarifying text somewhere to explain why this is so.
For "younger than 65" as a whole, breast cancer decreased.
If we trust these figures.
More profits for big pharma since they missed murdering people with mRNA poisons and can now murder them with poison cancer drugs.