How many children have actually died of Covid?
The "dying with" vs. "dying of" investigation is becoming clearer
Our colleague @AWokeZombie has catalogued the deaths attributed to Covid among children. She masterfully illustrates why the grunt number of pediatric mortality for the disease is not what necessarily what it seems.

Each Covid death below indicates a serious overcounting of Covid-related pediatric deaths.
Newborn affected by a maternal infection and parasitic disease. 10 deaths, all in newborns. Counted as Covid
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. 5 deaths. All under 1 yrs old. Counted as Covid
Birth Asphyxia. 3 deaths. All newborns. 3 deaths. Counted as Covid
Respiratory Distress Syndrome. All newborns. 3 deaths. Counted as Covid
Brain cancer. 3 Deaths in 17 yr olds. Counted as Covid
Overdose on Narcotics. 3 deaths in 17 yr olds. Counted as Covid
Intracranial hemorrhage. 2 deaths. Both under 1 yrs old. Counted as Covid
Newborn affected by rupture of membranes. 2 deaths, both newborns. Counted as Covid.
Newborn affected by other forms of placental separation. 2 deaths, both newborns. Counted as Covid
Intrauterine hypoxia. 2 deaths, both newborns. Counted as Covid.
Neonatal Cardiac Failure. 2 deaths. Both newborns. Counted as Covid.
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. 2 deaths. Both newborns. Counted as Covid.
Congenital Malformation of the Heart. 2 deaths. Both under 1 yr old. Counted as Covid.
Edwards Syndrome. 2 deaths, Both under 1 yr old. Counted as covid. "Edwards' syndrome affects how long a baby may survive. Sadly, most babies with Edwards' syndrome will die before or shortly after being born. "
Person injured in unspecified Motor Vehicle Accident. 2 deaths. Both 17 yrs old. Counted as Covid.
Here are the other causes of death resulting in 1 death per code. All under 1 yrs old. Heart failures, Bacterial infection, Poisoning, placental disorders, complications from L&D. 26 deaths. All counted as Covid.
1 death per code, all 1 yrs of age. Majority are birth defects, liver/heart/kidneys 9 deaths. All counted as covid.
1 death per code, ages 2 through 5. Cancers, birth defects, brain hemorrhages. 7 deaths total. All counted as covid.
1 death per code, ages 6 through 9, Epilepsy, drowning, brain cancer, blood cancer, birth defects, mononucleosis. 17 deaths total. All counted as covid
1 death per code, ages 10 through 13. diabetes, leukemia, foreign body entering through the eye, epilepsy, accidents, drowning, Patau syndrome. 27 deaths total. All counted as Covid
In total, 169 of the 632 listed deaths in kids 17 or under likely have NOTHING to do with covid, but are counted as a covid death. Imagine if we had access to audit the other 463?
Sadly, children have died from covid. But it's rare, and it’s rarer than we're being led to believe.
Imagine if we could audit all 801K deaths in the US. It is VERY reasonable to assume we would see similar statistics.
When you incentivize an Illness by laying out lump sums to hospitals, this is the end result. In the end, hospitals and providers are not benevolent, they are out to make money. They are incentivized to call anything covid, just as they are incentivized to use certain pharmaceuticals and vaccines.