Jessica Hockett (the belated Twitter account @ewoodhouse7) has the details on the letter my lawyers sent to Twitter below. Hopefully, a shot across the bow will do something to stave off something worse down the road for Team Reality.
Also note: we have 65+ people attending our conference on October 8th. Discounted prices on hotels are available. Meet the heroes of Team Reality!
Justin Hart Suspended from Twitter for "Targeted Harassment" of David French
This one's a doozy, even for Twitter
Oh, for heaven’s sake. 🤦♀️
Twitter temporarily suspended my friend Justin Hart - founder of Rational Ground & godfather of covid Twitter Team Reality - today, for allegedly violating the platform’s rules about abuse and harassment.
The *offending* content was Justin’s quote-tweet of journalist David French’s postabout getting the new covid booster and flu vaccine, saying, “Countdown for @DavidAFrench to contract Covid. He knows the 2nd booster gives him negative efficacy, right! RIGHT?!”
In a Delete Tweet notice, Twitter implied Justin’s tweet constituted harassment of Mr. French, incited other users to harass French, and/or wished/hoped French physical harm. #biggeststretchever

The 12-hour suspension (a.k.a., “Twitter jail”) begins when and if Hart deletes his post. Currently, the tweet is *hidden* with the message, “This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules.”
This isn’t the first time Justin has been censored for his covid-related views. Both Twitter and Facebook claimed he violated their covid misinformation policies in mid-July 2021, for posts related to the inefficacy of masks against the virus. These alleged violations occurred around the same time the Biden Administration revealed it was directing social media companies to “consistently take action against mis-information super-spreaders on their platforms.”
Shortly thereafter, Chicago-based Liberty Justice Center filed a lawsuit on Justin’s behalf, against President Biden, Surgeon Generous Vivek Murthy, Facebook, and Twitter.
Tonight, LJC released a letter to attorney Jonathan Patchen about the latest *infraction*, demanding that Twitter reinstate Justin’s account immediately.

As far as I can tell, David French hasn’t reacted to the incident - or indicated he’s aware of it.
His pinned tweet suggests he wouldn’t agree with the actions Twitter took against Justin Hart.
It’s amazing how social media is abuzz with “people” wishing out loud that Trump supporters die of Covid yet Mr. Hart’s comment “hoped for physical harm”. Ugh…
But on David French... his descent into never trumpism and Covid worship has been very disappointing. Lots of friends who used to read him and liked him. But his true colors have been revealed.