More data is coming out about the risk to children (or lack thereof).
First, the CDC has updated their Case Surveillance File and noted that there are 373 deaths with hospitalizations between the ages of 0 and 19. There are over 83 million people in that age range. It also notes some 6 million confirmed cases and 46,000 hospitalizations.
Here’s what that funnel looks like:
In July the CDC estimated that some 43% of children had already contracted the disease. While the overall numbers denotes 900+ deaths in that age range there are only 373 deaths with a confirmed hospitalization.
Here are the age ranges by quarter with sub-totals and core metrics:
Then we have some very interesting slides from the CDC presented at recent meetings for the FDA to understand the impact of SARS-CoV2 on children.
Note that the CDC puts the seroprevalance (the population infection spread) at 42% for these ages. Extrapolating to Q4 we can absolutely assert that half of all children have contracted COVID-19.
Next slide conveys the pace of COVID with that of previous periods of influenza. you can deduce very quickly that the hospitalization threat of the flu to our children is SIGNIFICANTLY greater than that of COVID-19.
Next we turn to details on diseases underlying pediatric hospitalizations for COVID-19. Note that 68% of ALL COVID-19 had an existing underlying medical condition. In other words - only 30% of C19 pediatric cases requiring a trip to the hospital had NO underlying clinical characgteristics.
Lastly, we can see that COVID accounts for rouble 1% of all deaths among the 5 to 11 age group.
Clearly, our rush to vaccinate the entire population is just unfounded. Certainly our fears for our kids are vastly overstated and only serve to harm them with untoward policies which keep them masked up and quarantined.
As we’ve noted elsewhere, the risk that unvaccinated kids face is the same risk that a full vaccinated 30 year old faces.
We're beyond any sort of reason and common sense. Jabbing children was something I just couldn't grasp as a possibility, especially after the vaccine injuries I've seen and heard about. A quick look at VAERS, even disregarding 90% of the reports, is beyond anything we've ever allowed in our history. Yet the masses are unaware, uninformed and/or willfully ignorant. My brain has been in shock since that 17-1-0 vote.
Thank you for this.