My WSJ Oped: Covid Lockdowns Disqualify Trump in 2024
‘Fifteen days to stop the spread’ turned into an eternity.
Well, I didn’t expect the Wall Street Journal to pick it up - but there it is. Out in Thursday’s print edition:
I’m certain this will spark some controversy. I put it forward with the best intentions to finally build towards some accountability around Covid. President Trump owns a part of that blame and we need to be honest about that.
Let me know your thoughts below.
It’s not just the lockdowns (that he publicly tweeted how “bad” Sweden did in April 2020 because they didn’t lock down). It’s also the fact he promised RFK jr to audit the childhood vaccine schedule (as required by the 1986 law) for possible harm (which has never been done, only new vaccines added), and to clean up the science requirements for the Vs. When Pfizer got wind, they donated a million to his campaign, and then Trump put Gottlieb—former Pfizer exec—on the FDA. What rolled out from there was banning effective treatments (IVm and HCQ) even though docs with 30+ years in ICU experience had contacted him to let him know their death rates were 50% that of their peers not using it, and that was in critical care. He also ignored the virologists telling him vaccinating during a pandemic would drive variants, and allowed doctors to be shut down. To put icing on the cake, he incentivized hospitals to vent patients at hundreds of thousands per patient, which killed patients. As far as I’m concerned, he helped all this happen so “his” fast-tracked vaccine could come to market so he could look like the hero he believes he is.
He’s also ignoring people reaching out to him about their family deaths and their own injuries. He made a comment no one has been harmed by his vaccine, in complete denial.
As far as I’m concerned, he also likely has huge Pharma investments. Why do I beliehe this? His own actions. Plus, His daughter spent years saying not only should everyone get free vaccines, but free daycare. That’s not a conservative value to me.
In my opinion, he will do anything that benefits himself, and if it benefits everyone else too, great. Anyone who gets in his way is to be destroyed.
PS. When Santorum was running in 2011, Trump publicly called him an idiot. Santorum called him to clear the air (not the other way around) and trump told him he’s “too pro-life” and “too conservative.” Knowing Trump was a lifelong democrat, said on meet the press in 1999 he is firmly pro-choice, and tried to get a woman thrown off her own property with eminent domain so he could build his business, I held my nose to vote for him before.
Turns out, I lost more constitutional rights under him in 2020 than any of my 48 previous years (including Carter when I remember, as a kid, waiting in line for an hour for gas on our gas day). Then Trump brags we did better because of our lockdowns. Sorry, no, as a survivor of a narcissistic abuse relationship, I see the love bombing, then the lies and restrictions. The problem is, people are in such hero worship of him because they had cheap gas, they can’t see the mass psychosis formed in 2020…or somehow it’s not Trump’s fault (and they can’t point to single part of the “swamp” drained by trump. Fauci? Birx? Education? IRS? )
I do not understand why there is any reticence around acknowledging the fact that our massive C19 response failure is the responsibility of President Trump. It was clear from the very beginning that his incompetence and complete lack of leadership skills were directly responsible for what was nothing other than a runaway bureaucratic train. This is a great op-Ed and I hope it is the beginning of some accountability but the fact that Trump’s responsibility isn’t immediately grasped by many on the right is especially concerning. Also, there is no reference to Warp Speed and the mRNA pharmaceutical products. That’s on him too.