Recent disclosures have unveiled alarming details about Dr. David Morens, Senior Advisor at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and his close associate, Dr. Anthony Fauci. These officials, central to the U.S. pandemic response, are now implicated in a series of deceptive practices aimed at evading transparency and accountability.
The FOIA Dodging Tactics
Using Personal Emails to Avoid FOIA
Dr. Morens frequently used his personal email to conduct official business, explicitly to dodge the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA):
"So you and Peter and others should be able to email me on gmail only."
Deleting Federal Records
More disturbingly, Dr. Morens discussed methods to delete federal records to prevent their release under FOIA:
"I learned from our FOIA lady here how to make emails disappear after I am FOIAed, but before the search starts, so I think we are all safe. Plus I deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to Gmail."
Misleading Congress
Dr. Morens likely provided false testimony to the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, violating federal law:
"On December 22, 2023, and January 18, 2024, Dr. Morens testified at transcribed interviews before the Select Subcommittee. At the interviews, Select Subcommittee counsel advised Dr. Morens that he was required pursuant to Title 18 Section 1001 of the United States Code to answer questions truthfully, including questions posed by Congressional staff in the interview, and that if he knowingly made false statements, he could be subject to criminal prosecution. The evidence presented throughout this memorandum establishes that Dr. Morens likely provided false testimony to the Select Subcommittee."
The Role of Dr. Fauci
Evidence suggests Dr. Fauci was aware of and possibly involved in these deceptive practices. New emails indicate he used his personal email for official communications to evade FOIA:
"I can either send stuff to Tony on his private gmail, or hand it to him..."
Collusion with EcoHealth Alliance
Dr. Morens's emails reveal a secretive collaboration with Dr. Peter Daszak, President of EcoHealth Alliance. They discussed ways to share sensitive information without it being subject to FOIA:
"Please feel free to share any docs that I've sent to you, with Tony. Hopefully you can do that in a way that avoids FoIA, and if not possible, just show him stuff on screen share on Zoom."
Examples of Inappropriate Behavior
Dr. Morens's emails contained unprofessional and misogynistic comments, unbecoming of a federal employee:
"Well, she does wear a skirt..." and " delivered by a blonde nymphomaniac..."
Background and Timeline of Allegations
June 29, 2023
The Select Subcommittee sent Dr. Morens a request for documents pertinent to its investigations from his personal email accounts. Dr. Morens produced approximately 2,000 pages of documents in response.
December 22, 2023, and January 18, 2024
Dr. Morens testified at transcribed interviews before the Select Subcommittee. He was warned about the legal consequences of providing false testimony.
April 16, 2024
The Select Subcommittee announced a subpoena to compel Dr. Morens to produce the remaining responsive documents from his personal email accounts. Subsequently, he produced approximately 30,000 more pages of documents.
The Implications
The actions of Dr. Morens and Dr. Fauci represent a severe breach of public trust. Their attempts to hide data and manipulate information not only hindered transparency but also influenced critical decisions during the pandemic. The recent debarment of EcoHealth Alliance underscores the need for stringent oversight and transparency at all levels of public health research.
Rebuilding Trust
As Dr. Morens's testimony approaches, it is crucial to uncover the full extent of his actions and intentions. His history of evading transparency is a systemic issue that undermines public trust in health institutions. Rebuilding trust will require a steadfast commitment to transparency and accountability.
The deceitful actions of Dr. Fauci and Dr. Morens, their evasion of FOIA, and their backroom dealings have severely undermined public trust. As these revelations come to light, it is crucial for us to demand greater transparency and integrity from our public health officials. Only then can we restore faith in our health institutions and ensure they truly serve the public good.
Justin, Everything you say here is spot on except the remedies. Do you really believe that "demanding greater transparency and integrity" from these people will have ANY impact? It sounds just like the "strongly worded letter" from the US to the Taliban after they took over Afghanistan and locked up all the women once again. Performative, only.
These organizations all need to be dismantled and all of the people let go. Then start over from scratch, probably at the state level where some level of local observation is possible. Nothing much will be lost. Much might potentially be gained.