Longevity breeds familiarity and in some cases respect. It also spawns super power centers that are not easily foiled. Dr. Fauci is at the center of a massive black hole of power. He has deigned himself the sole representative of “the science” and actively sought to thwart anyone who gets in his way. He has obfuscated, demurred, deferred, delayed, and flat out lied to the American people and the leaders he served.
Let’s review some of the Fauci fails.
Join us today at noon pacific for our LIVE podcast discussing some of these items:
Most Recent Gaslighting Moment for Fauci
Articles on Dr. Fauci from Rational Ground and our Partners
Educating Dr. Fauci On Herd Immunity And COVID-19: Completing What Rand Paul Began - Andrew Bostom
Mistake or manipulation? - Len Cabrera
Is Anthony Fauci the Same Thing as ‘Science’? - Vinay Prasad
Does Fauci Bear Any Responsibility? He Says No - via Brownstone Institute
The Six Major Fails of Anthony Fauci - via Brownstone Institute
Original Gaslighting on Vaccines
It’s a cult. Fauci today on “believers and non-believers”
Fauci is… “The Science”
We still can’t believe this is the quote from Fauci last November: “They're really criticizing science, because I [Tony Fauci] represent science; that's dangerous."
That is the mind of a megalomaniac - it’s certainly NOT the mind of a scientist.
Fauci made his rounds on the talk shows and indicated that “everything is on the table” — lockdowns, vax travel mandates, school closings…
They’re going to do it again.
Which means - we have to go to war - again.
Honestly, my team of ragtag analysts, experts and activists would LOVE to get back to our lives — but as one woman in the San Diego board meeting put it: “I prefer to be left alone to enjoy my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness… but you just won’t let me!”
To that end, Rational Ground desperately needs your help. We get daily requests asking to help churches, parents, county officials and the like. It takes a lot of time and energy to make this happen. The threat of de-platforming is real. Many in our group are already banned from Twitter and Facebook.
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Fauci Hates Dogs?
Here’s the lowdown on this breaking story over the weekend. Will this be the final straw that brings down Anthony Fauci?
Here’s the lowdown on this breaking story over the weekend. Will this be the final straw that brings down Anthony Fauci?
A bipartisan letter from lawmakers is seeking response from Dr. Fauci about ongoing research using live beagles for infectious disease research.
The allegations from White Coat Waste Project that involve drugging puppies and subjecting them to really horrible experiments.
Allegedly, 44 beagle puppies were used in a lab in Tunisia. Some of the dogs had their vocal cords removed so scientists could work without incessant barking.
Why were the dogs barking? Because their heads were forced into a mesh covering where they were subjected to sand flies to study the impact of specific infectious diseases which might carry to humans.
Past Offenses
Video surfaces of Dr. Fauci spouting egregious fear-mongering scenarios from the 1980s regarding transmission of AIDS.
A Good Summary of his Failures
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff itemize the many failures of Dr. Fauci in Newsweek
The official title of the article is “How Fauci Fooled America” but that’s a click-bait-y editor making that decision. The correct description would be “How Fauci FAILED America.”
Our intrepid authors call out Fauci for his refusal to recognize natural immunity. Actually, some of the best stuff in the article are the links to OTHER articles - bringing the receipts - like this quote from Fauci:
"When you are in a public health crisis, sometimes unusual situations require unusual actions," Dr. Anthony Fauci told the "Fox News Sunday" show. "In this case, it's things like mandating, be they masks or vaccinations."
Jay and Martin note:
Natural immunity. By pushing vaccine mandates, Dr. Fauci ignores naturally acquired immunity among the COVID-recovered, of which there are more than 45 million in the United States. Mounting evidence indicates that natural immunity is stronger and longer lasting than vaccine-induced immunity. In a study from Israel, the vaccinated were 27 times more likely to get symptomatic COVID than the unvaccinated who had recovered from a prior infection.
Next they talk about protecting the elderly and make some great recommendations:
What can we do now to minimize COVID mortality? Current vaccination efforts should focus on reaching people over 60 who are neither COVID-recovered nor vaccinated, including hard-to-reach, less-affluent people in rural areas and inner cities. Instead, Dr. Fauci has pushed vaccine mandates for children, students and working-age adults who are already immune—all low-risk populations—causing tremendous disruption to labor markets and hampering the operation of many hospitals.
It’s been a year almost to the day when Jay and Martin together with Sunetra Gupta penned another piece for Newsweek.
Some have argued that it is impossible to separate older and younger generations. While 100 percent separation is impossible, with the current lockdown and contact tracing strategy, we have "successfully" shifted infection risk from the professional class to the working class. With the focused protection measures outlined above, it will prove no more difficult to shift infection risk away from high-risk older people.
Jay and Martin continue on discussing school closures and masks. They point to a study I had forgotten about out of Finland and Sweden. ZERO school children deaths.
They point to a tremendous piece from Jordan S. where he itemizes ALL of the times Fauci called for the closing of schools.
Jay and Martin call out the nonsense of contact tracing and end noting the disastrous impact on the opinion of public health:
In private conversations, most of our scientific colleagues agree with us on these points. While a few have spoken up, why are not more doing so? Well, some tried but failed. Others kept silent when they saw colleagues slandered and smeared in the media or censored by Big Tech. Some are government employees who are barred from contradicting official policy. Many are afraid of losing positions or research grants, aware that Dr. Fauci sits on top of the largest pile of infectious disease research money in the world. Most scientists are not experts on infectious disease outbreaks. Were we, say, oncologists, physicists or botanists, we would probably also have trusted Dr. Fauci.
We owe a great debt of gratitude that these few individuals have stepped forward to inject some sanity into the debate.
And if you haven’t read RFK Jr. book “The Real Anthony Fauci” do so immediately. Wow.
Shifted Covid from professional to working class! True because working class must go to work.