As the founder of Rational Ground and author of "Gone Viral: How Covid Drove the World Insane," I've spent countless hours analyzing the effects of the pandemic on our society. One of the most heart-wrenching aspects has been the impact on our children. In this post, I'll share statistics, anecdotes, and personal stories that illustrate the profound consequences of COVID on our youngest generation.
Education has taken a massive hit during the pandemic. According to one study, educational attainments have been set back a decade1. The risk of COVID for young children is 100,000 times lower than for someone at the average age of death (roughly 80 years old)2. Yet, we've subjected our children to unprecedented restrictions and disruptions in their lives.
One of the most disturbing statistics is the 250,000 cases of child abuse that went unreported during the lockdowns3. School administrators and teachers, who often catch these cases, were unable to do so due to school closures. The impact on children's mental health has been equally devastating. One quick side anecdote: a Palm Beach therapist reported a significant increase in speech delays among children during the pandemic4 - we’re seeing that in San Diego and with our own children.
The emotional toll on children is evident in the story of a 5-year-old girl whose mother shared her experience5. Once a happy and outgoing child, the girl became sad, withdrawn, and irritable due to the lockdowns. This story is just one of many that can be found on CovidStoriesArchive.org6, a website we helped launch to document the human impact of the pandemic.
Teenagers have also suffered immensely. They can articulate their feelings and work through them in therapy, but the damage is still profound. The pandemic has left them with burdens they should never have had to bear.
The impact on our youngest children is inexcusable.
The economic consequences of the pandemic have also affected children. An estimated 150 million people have been forced into extreme poverty, with 8 million Americans pushed into poverty8.
The media has played a significant role in perpetuating fear and hysteria during the pandemic. Clickbait headlines and sensationalist reporting created an environment where rational discussion and evidence-based decision-making have been sidelined.
It's essential to recognize the damage done to our children and work to repair it. We must prioritize their well-being and ensure that they have the support and resources they need to recover from this once-in-a-century human-made fiasco
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What I find incredibly sad is what schools have become, they're nothing more than indoctrination camps. After what kids were put thru with the "pandemic" now they're forced to believe the hype on trans crap. No wonder kids are committing suicide, they're so brainwashed and they don't know what to believe. I wish more parents could home school so with time kids would be deprogrammed. On the "covid" side, that was just a huge lie perpetrated by the most evil among us. It's so hard for me to wrap my mind around the dept of evil they went to for money and power, it's actually satanic in my view. In my 71 years I have never seen anything like what's been done to us and they aren't stopping. The bioweapon injections are going to continue until humanity stands up as one and says "NO" we can beat them and they know it but allot of people can't let go of the fear. Our medical field has been infiltrated by monsters dead set on killing us and turning us into trans-humans thru the injections. I follow Karen Kingston on her substack, she's amazing with her work on patents, she reads thousands of hours to help us understand what's been done to humanity. One thing I know for sure is that God is here with us, we just have to acknowledge Him. I also believe we are fighting a spiritual war but it can be won.
I really need to see recognition of the trans fallout upon teens. Their social lives were moved from in person to online. To ensure that every kid went online, the support for online schooling was well funded. They were made to feel dysphoric, as their physical bodies had no outlet, became increasingly overweight, during this sensitive time of puberty, and their bodies were made a source of terror by contagion culture. The polarization of society by the new woke PC culture made it imperative to self dignity to be a noble minority, not an oppressor. The method one can choose to change roles in that is by choosing to be transgender. Online teen culture went woke and queer, making it something easy to encounter, and "support" communities multiplied and evangelized. For boys, alienated to their own developing bodies, freely available porn was an easy gateway to gay sex, furry sex, and trans sex, where you can become the one you desire. I would like to see recognition on of the trans fallout which has given children the idea that their parents are the enemy. It has broken up families, as trans kids are prepared to excommunicate parents who don't affirm. It has made the state the better and more authoritative parent. It has led young people to believe they can simply change bodies by damaging irreversibly the bodies they were born with.