I’m so non-believer now that the only vaccine I’d take is a rabies vaccine if was bitten by a rabid animal. Now I don’t even trust hospitals or doctors for general care. Most are so scared, greedy, or stupid they just keep doing what they are told no matter how many lives are ruined.

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With 20/20 hindsight it's clear Fauci should be hanged for his crimes against humanity.

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Believers and non-believers? How is this not cult-speak? Good God, the world has gone stark raving mad!

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Everything that has happened over the past two years should scare all of us.

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"Fauci says we should have had a more coordinated global response because the virus circulating in any part of the world is a threat to everyone." And yet, China is playing the exact same virus games they were playing 2-years ago, and we're about to send a bunch of athletes to a fake hot zone. Our species will never learn a fucking lesson. Never.

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And I thought my ex husband (also a doc) was the most narcissistic person I had ever known. I believe Fowch is worse.

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Vaccines are “extraordinarily successful”

If by "extraordinarily successful", they mean disastrous failure.

We need a constitutional amendment prohibiting any government (local, state, federal), business, or agency from coercing or mandating vaccines, treatments, or procedures as a condition of employment, education, or normal life.

And these people must be relieved of power soon.

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Does the "S" in fauci's middle name stand for Scumbag or Shithead?

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Satanic Pfizer: The Occult Symbolism Found On The Pfizer Mural. They Are Mocking Us

The Pfizer Mural created in 1960 depicts Coronavirus officially discovered in 1965


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The simplest answer would have been and still is for all nations to ban all gain of function research and any support of virus research in China. That's the kind of international cooperation we need.

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It is obvious that they want this to continue forever, Will be linking this tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Saw you on Tucker tonight - Good job

Also Biden's "depresser" was enlightening as he stated not only did he want the rest of theU.S. to get jabbed but he wants to jab the whole world.

As I stated elsewhere, Fauci was probably grinning from ear to ear on that one, as he pulled Joe's strings. I think old Joe is pimping for Tony and Bourla at Pfizer. Would that be called OMICronyism then!!!!!!!

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Then focus on vaccinating illegal immigrants that the US gov is flying all over the US. Shouldn’t that be part of the ‘global approach’?

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“We give the virus an advantage when we don’t act in a unified way.” —attributed to Fauci is what jumps out. WE need to act in a unified way to beat these evil jackasses.

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