One our Rational Ground colleagues produced a very interesting chart showing when the volume of suspensions and account bans hit peaks and valleys.
Based on some data collected at the website: OPENVAET (nice play on acronyms there) our RG colleague notes that the bans really started coming in after the first Biden VAX mandated at the beginning of September 2021 and then directly after Elon’s first signs of wanting to pursue Twitter.
As we note in the book, Jen Psaki and the Surgeon General admitted that they were working directly with Facebook and Twitter to take down specific accounts and posts.
In July 2021, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said, “We’ve increased disinformation research and tracking within the Surgeon General’s office. We’re flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation.” Psaki also revealed that the White House effort to suppress free speech reaches all the way to the level of senior staff for President Biden. Although we didn’t know about it at the time, plans were even underway to establish a “Ministry of Truth” in the Department of Homeland Security known as the Disinformation Governance Board, where it would have a dedicated law enforcement wing to back up its edicts. Pressuring social media platforms to kick people like us off was merely the tip of the new censorship spear the government was honing.
Lawsuits filed by yours truly and other Team Reality folks have revealed a MASSIVE trove of behind-the-scenes workings. Just this week the Intercept published an interesting finding that Big Tech had provided DOJ and other government entities with a portal to call out balls, strikes and fouls as they saw it.
Stay tuned. We’ll be adding to our 100 Rational Ground associates who have been suspended or banned from Twitter very soon.
Twitter banned Dr. Peter McCullough just days before Musk took over and have not even fixed that yet. Pretty pathetic so far.
Here's the list from Justin's thread:
"These 40 accounts are still gone:
Abir Ballan (@abirballan)
Thomas Binder (@Thomas_Binder)
Omnipotent Busybody (@Obusybody)
CovidAnalysis (@CovidAnalysis)
Colleen Huber (@natureworksbest)
Nick Hudson (@NickHudsonCT)
Steve Kirsch (@)
El Gato Malo (@boriquagato)
Greg Piper (@gregpiper)
Emma Woodhouse (@ewoodhouse7)
Michael Yeadon (@MichaelYeadon3)
Scott Atlas (@ScottWAtlas)
RebelACole (@RebelACole)
Dmitry Kats (@nia3in)
Robert Malone (@)
Emerald Robinson (@EmeraldRobinson)
Donald Trump (@realdonaldtrump)
Naomi Wolf (@naomirwolf)
Daniel Alexander (@)
Nicola Bidoli (@BidoliNicola)
Bristolblues (@)
BusyDrT (@BusyDrT)
Louisa Clary (@louisaclary)
Jim Corr (@)
CovidSenseBloke (@CovidSenseBloke)
DGrouf (@DGrouf)
Lynn Fynn (@)
Fynn-derella (@Fynn-derella)
Simon Goddek (@goddeketalDr)
Dr Grouf (@DGrouf
Syed Haider (@)
Mike Lindell (@)
Alex Berensen (@AlexBerenson
ArkMedik (@ArkMedik)
Daniel Levitt (@)
Bidoli Nicola (@)"