In Georgia, more specifically Cobb County, our schools have been "back to normal" for almost a year now. Not a SINGLE student has died from covid, yet a very small fraction of leftist democrat parents continue to attack the superintendent. Some people just WANT the dystopia. They crave the attention, the drama, the evilness of forcing kids to "mask up." I feel SO sorry for kids who've only seen the masks up to half their lives. And we free states look at the people who voluntarily comply and... I'm sorry, but ya'll are crazy!!!

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Texas as well except in communist controlled cities. The mandates are supposed to be gone, but Abbott is a useless, toothless RINO.

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Where should one move to, if one were to come from say…Canada

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Thanks, Justin, for this hopeful news. We reposted at Presscalifornia.com

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How long until parents will be moving to areas of the country where their freedoms and the freedoms of their children will be protected? We are considering opening business facilities in various states, and how state governments have behaved during this pandemic is certainly a consideration.

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We no longer have school age children and we homeschooled, this is still our #1 consideration as we consider leaving The People's Republic of California. Los Angeles just now started contact tracing, my son (a bartender) was just told he may have been in contact at work with someone that tested positive. He tested negative but was still told to isolate, including no outdoor activity.

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You will not regret leaving! Our family in the LA area are completely brainwashed and won't even visit us, they think they'll die if they come (yet, the hypocrisy is amazing, as they flew over here to GA a few years ago and then flew home while contagious with the worst flu I can recall in years (they don't see that as the same as traveling without a mask during covid). These family members, when the couple had covid last year at the same time, literally quarrantined in their same home on different floors!!! And they are teacher/administrator in the LA County School district! (supposed to be intelligent?). We love them, but... you won't regret leaving the madness.

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When my kids were under 18 they saw Dr. Sharon Kaminker. While I would say she is generally pro-vax when I contacted her about the covid-19 vaccines she very strongly advised against my grown sons getting them (they have had trouble at University)

Can your son see an adult doctor? Look up Dr. Avi Ishaaya.

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Never seen so many "blue" state license plates in Atlanta before. I just hope they don't bring their politics with them!

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Unfortunately, Colorado is not maskless in schools. Even Colorado Springs shows their basketball teams playing in masks. My county in Colorado actually was going to sue a Christian school over their refusal to wear masks. They "gave up" because the hearing would be after the holidays and "damage would already be done" - fucking ridiculous. All democrat commissioners completely political.

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Texas has been mask free for years. Hardly anyone outside of the big cities cares about the scamdemic/plandemic at all! LET'S GO BRANDON! FJB!

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Colorado should not be included on your list. Sure, no state mask mandate, but Gov. Polis has not put a stop to local "public health boards" from mandating masks. Jefferson County is a prime example, our kids are required to wear masks in school and now a public indoor mask mandate has been in effect for 2 weeks. Dr. Dawn Comstock is the main problem here in Jeffco.

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Texas should also be on this list…

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Most kids in Colorado are masked, including mine. There's no statewide mandate, but Denver and surrounding counties' local health authorities under recommendation from the state health department mandate masks in schools.

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Texas, in the Colleyville-Grapevine area between Dallas and Fort Worth.


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Dec 17, 2021·edited Dec 17, 2021

I live in southeast Cherokee County (GA) with 3 kids in middle/high school. Our superintendent is excellent and my kids have not missed a beat due to Covid.

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Utah is also mask free!

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Utah is pretty good. At my kids school I see maybe 1 in 10 or less with masks on. At church it's different, but my local church leaders have been pretty dumb about covid policies. I am in Utah county though, it may be a lot worse in Salt Lake county which is a lot more wrapped up in the covid hysteria.

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Sadly, in Charleston SC, the Charleston County School District decided a few days ago that after the Christmas break, students will once again have to mask up upon return. Many blue state people who are relocating here seem to delight in bringing their ridiculous liberal kowtowing to government overreach with them. Or perhaps it’s the many old money powerful political Democrat families pushing it all along. We relocated here to get away from the madness in CA & we have family here. Disappointed with how liberal much of the government is. The governor is wishy-washy at best. He sometimes talks the talk, & has joined some of the state lawsuits, but he is definitely NOT a DeSantis acting proactively to keep personal freedoms fir all the citizens. SC is definitely purple in parts of the state. May God penetrate the brainwashing and stop this 💯 ineffectual madness. There are brave families who do speak out and some who’ve pulled their kids out of the worst offending school districts over this. Pray it grows.

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"Strange outliers"?? Pretty sure the lockdown states are the strange ones.

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Why is Texas missing?

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