We can add another 70 easily. The people behind the Covid scam must be held accountable; otherwise, we will experience this anti-human behavior again.

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Ahh — he forgot! Can’t prove vaccines are ‘science’ either!

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We haven't had true drug science in decades. If we did, big pharma would be out of business.

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Remember every single one of the large older pharma companies started out as literal snake oil salesmen.

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Just a wonderful editing and listing of all the wrongs over the past few years ... in my opinion.

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A commendable summary Justin! I'll file it for later reference! Thanks! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Whoever organized the cat-herding to arrange the dance of government, big pharma& media to all-together-now harmonize: vax=good, Ivermectin-bad, and no tolerance for Barrington Declaration common sense public health should be id’d & done with your career!

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None of the list above had anything to do with science it was simply and very effectively an exercise in people control and nothing else. All one has to do is look at 'event 201', where they had a war game type scenario on how to deal with a pandemic...held the year before covid was declared, the overall emphasis was on how to ensure effectively one got obedience, how the 'media' should present the issue, F all about real health issues... Basically a practice run for exactly what was put into effect in 2020...


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Peter Hotez - the embodiment of anti-science. And a clown. But great list!

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No 33 is incorrect NO VACCINE IS SAFE OR EFFECTIVE all cause harm and kill. All vaccines are a fraud and harm mankind.

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38. "Not rapidly running randomized trials to evaluate off-patent early treatment options and denigrating doctors and patients who tried them ("horse paste") when better options were not available is anti-science."

Bhattacharya, from what I saw, never spoke of or seemed to acknowledge the fact that effective Real treatment for covid was a fact very early in the pandemic and thus the only ethical "rapidly running randomized trials to evaluate off-patent early treatment options" would be comparing one demonstrated effective covid treatment protocol with another demonstrated effective covid treatment protocol or the against the same multi drug treatment protocol with slight modification.

Prevention of hospitalization from covid with Effective REAL early outpatient treatment as well as Prevention of hospitalization with effective REAL outpatient or ER treatment for people who seemingly had recovered then rapidly deteriorated was Rapidly Demonstrated by REAL Doctors Treating Real People sick from covid in numerous countries across Our Planet Earth. These REAL DOCTORS developed various simple protocols using various combinations of low cost generic drugs to treat the viral stage of covid, and to prevent and treat and the allergic and immune dis-regulation overreaction inflammatory stage of covid and to prevent and treat the blood clumping/ clotting/low blood oxygen stage of covid and bacterial co infections These results demonstrated REAL Pandemic Times GOLD STANDARD EVIDENCE of how to STOP most of the harms from covid and STOP most all long covid and STOP hospitalization from covid. Effective Demonstration of how to STOP THE "PANDEMIC" by Stopping the perceived need for lockdowns and a forced "vaccine". Public "Health" was informed of these demonstrated effective protocols on an ongoing basis. "they" closed their ears and refused to hear then launched their attacks against these Heroes.

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background then "cut to the chase"

background - by the 1990's US "intelligence" and "defense" et al. had grown very concerned about technological developments in genetic editing and manipulation that raised portents of bioweapon attacks and of the possibility of fast and cheap mRNA technology for use in bioweapon countermeasure development and as a platform for genetic manipulation.

After September 11 2001 / "9 11" the "Patriot Act" was passed opening "the door where evil dwells" to 1) the total control surveillance state and to 2) bioweapon development with provisions effectively removing penalties for direct US bioweapon development and contracted out bioweapon development and then all hell broke loose with total control measures and endless wars and "First Develop The Bioweapon" bioweapon development under the ruse of ‘‘bona fide research’’ to develop bioweapon countermeasures


The embodied evil in and operating through the dod/military industrial/"scientific"/cia/fauci/bioweapon/bioweapon countermeasure/big pharma/controlled "medical" journals/controlled media/trusted news initiative/ big evil complex /endless war vice president dick cheney moved bioweapon/bioweapon countermeasure research and development from Fort Detrick to fauci with a second salary for fauci and with fauci's control of the "big evil" research and development dollars which controlled the NIAID and NIH et al..

cut to the chase - by the 2013 or so time frame -

1) Trials of conventional vaccine platforms had all failed in all attempts to make a safe vaccine against sars-cov(1). They all caused an immune system response which made antibodies. When vaccinated animals that had developed these antibodies and unvaccinated control group animals were exposed to sars-cov(1) - the vaccinated animals fared worse the the unvaccinated animals.

2) mRMA research had proceeded to the point that a mRNA "vaccine" could be made, and without any evidence that a safe and effective mRNA "vaccine" could be made, at some point a mRNA "vaccine" only response path for prevention was chosen with the suppression of all REAL PREVENTION and REAL TREATMENT to induce the requisite Fear Fear Fear deemed necessary to force acceptance of mass mRNA platform "vaccination" and then to force regulatory pre-approval status of the mRNA platform for current and future genetic manipulation, without need for further human testing of the mRNA platform, based on the LIE that the unchallengeable safety of the mRNA platform had been demonstrated in the mass covid 19 "vaccinations".

3) Suppression of REAL PREVENTION began with stopping further additions to the national strategic stockpiles of N95 masks and destruction of the national strategic stockpiles of N95 masks in the "5 eyes" countries and failure to establish the low cost, resilient, in country, manufacturing and distribution chains with built in extra capacity and "first in first out" distribution from working stock piles of N95 masks that can provide ready REAL PREVENTION for a willing, informed population.

In 2019/2020 the ccp/pla "chinese", with the help of "their" W.H.O., hid the spread of their sars-cov2 and covid while they "looted" the US warehouse stockpiles of N95. This is the reason for the immediate nonavailability of N95 after the doctors and nurses looted the small stocks of N95 held in the then unlocked/unguarded hospital supply rooms and the designed to fail N95 supply chain the reason for the general nonavailability of N95 until well after the start of mass "vaccination". "Our" US national strategic stockpile of N95 in 2020, as shown at the Homeland Security website, was 13 million N95 masks which were manufactured from "pandemic scare" 2009 to, yes, 2013. Only 1 N95 mask for every 25 Americans. These N95 masks, technically expired 5 years after manufacturing, were then tested and shown still effective with the fine particle trapping electrostatic field that occupies 100% of the space between the mask fibers still intact

While these N95 masks are tested against and required to stop 95% of a larger / heavier / higher mass "most penetrating" size particle they are shown to stop over 99.5% of the total infiltration through and around the N95 mask of particles with a mean size the same as an average single sars-cov2 with particles in the mix of test particles 10 times smaller and 2 times larger which is the equivalent size of the largest sars-cov2 virus.

In the real world of real N95 grade masks, worn by real people, in a hospital environment with real cov2 virus this is shown "may have cut (covid) ward based infection to zero" and " COVID-19, effectively mitigated by the use of" (respirator grade masks).

There is No such thing as mild covid and there is No such thing as a "safe and effective" "vaccine" against coronavirus. Exposure and accumulated exposure to the bioweapon spike of sars-cov2 with its bioweapon inserts and deletions as well as exposure and accumulated exposure to the mRNA and viral vector generated "spike" "vaccine antigen" and toxic mRNA platform components and dangerous contamination are causing harms including the slow kill of accelerated aging of body systems and organs and with the prion generating "feature" of the spike - fast and slow cascades of amyloid formation. Fast and slow kill and injury from sars-cov2 and "vaccine" spike antigen continues in the highly "vaccinated" "west".

As all Real Treatment for covid was suppressed to enable mass injections, SO WAS REAL PREVENTION.

Some are awake to the reality of Real Treatment, of these, many remain PROGRAMED AGAINST REAL PREVENTION using N95 masks now, with the drumbeat of mis dis and mal information from many, equating Real N95 masks with the little value, no effective protection bogus masks they were forced to wear.

BASIC PREVENTION with early treatment backup can stop pandemics within a willing, informed population.

BASIC PREVENTION when in potentially infected indoor or close quarters outdoor "shared" air.

1) home mixed antiviral sprays for nose, mouth and eyes then

2) put on and simply adjust for fit a 3M N95 and put on any type of eyeglasses (better with added side shields as "safety glasses" have or with glasses with more side shielding)

3) when back home wash hands and depending on perceived potential exposure also use home mixed antiviral wash/flush for nose, mouth and eyes.

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Love this. Thanks for sharing it.

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My Favorite Parts Of Covid:


That No One Of Exceptional Intelligence Will Ever Take A Doctor Of Medicine Seriously Again.

Nor Will Their Children.


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