My daughter left the University of Arizona where she had a near-full scholarship because she can't medically wear a mask. The school won't recognize her medical exemption (signed by her doctor) and says if she doesn't wear a mask she will be required to take zoom classes in her dorm. So she's going to GCU this spring semester which is fully open, no mask mandate, no testing mandates, etc. My son is at Texas Tech -- no restrictions, in person classes, no masks, no mandatory testing, no mandates. I feel for this kid. It's all BS -- rules, testing, masks, vaccines.

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It's been very disappointing to watch smart people in positions of authority deliberately lobotomize themselves to follow rules they know are unfair and useless. They watch the consequences of their own decisions but rationalize them as being someone else's fault. It's been sad.

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What they’ve done to people, and our youth specifically, is terrible. It wasn’t COVID, it was the response.

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Yes, Covid poses basically 0 risk to young people, so all of the school / uni closures, mandatory masking, closing down of fun activities were for nothing. It was entirely a self wound. Young people like myself will not forgive this easily.

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It is truly jaw dropping to see how unintelligent the universities are (with a few exceptions). I'm glad the young man woke up from the trance and taking the leave of absence. If life in California was one of the draws for him, take it from this California native, that the state he thought he was going to no longer exists. He may want to consider a university somewhere else, and to consider what the value is today of a university education in whatever his chosen area of study is. The kind of degree he was pursuing may not be worth it, particularly if already he is unsure if he will every finish the degree. Good luck, young man. What an education!

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99.7% recovery rate across all age groups... the risk in this poor kids age group (fatality rate)? Indistinguishable from zero. Insanity... and all for nothing.

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Let’s not forget the wonderful contribution to preserving public health of the librarian

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I hope these poor young people remember this and think twice before ever voting for power-hungry politicians again. We have to prioritize leaders who value freedom and the Constitution.

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This is just so heartbreaking, even worse, it was all so unnecessary. This era will go down in history - if we even have a future from which to look back from - as one of the worst in terms of human-caused human suffering, especially for our children. What a legacy for our time.

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He's describing lunacy. Consistently applied, across the board lunacy with a bit of mass cowardice thrown in. California, where I spent the first 8 years of my life, is a state run by and for insects.

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This story makes me so angry for what our country has done to our young people. I've seen my child (now a senior in high school) lose her motivation, give up her dream of going into musical theater, and basically turn into an angry, distant child because of what the covid response has done to her.

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From being a mentally and physically healthy 19-year old college freshman at Temple University in Philadelphia, my daughter became severely depressed with suicidal ideation after two “remote” semesters that were forced on her. Out of her 5 classes in the spring of 2020, she never again heard from two of her professors after class went remote. She had COVID in the spring of 2021 and was mildly ill for 3 days. Then against my wishes, she went behind my back and got both vaccines because Temple mandated vaccines and she thought that would mean college life would get back to “normal.” Not a chance. I’ll never forgive nor financially support Temple after their horrific response to this pandemic. Fortunately, my daughter was not (to our knowledge to date) injured by the vaccine, and she has learned to manage/navigate continued restrictions and recover her mental health. I feel so sorry for students of all ages.

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My then junior in high school got both vaccines against our wishes. This was because of coercion from teachers (both in and out of school) and peer pressure. My daughter won't even talk to me now because I continue to fight (my latest is to get masks off the kids at her school). I will never forgive what "they" have done to young people and to my family.

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The Los Angeles mandate is in theory supposed to allow for both medical and religious exemptions. Those exempt are not required to present any documentation, simply stating that they have a medical exemption is supposed to be enough. Strangely, businesses and restaurants do not seem to be aware of this and most people that have a medical issue do not like drawing attention to themselves by arguing at the door of a restaurant. Just yesterday, my son walked 20 feet away, ordered his food online then went back in to pick it up.

Quite frankly, I am shocked this young man's university accepted a medical exemption. While anecdotal, as far as I've seen, California universities (both public and private) are rejecting all doctor signed evidence based medical exemption requests. UC's and State Universities are approving religious exemption requests but most private universities are not.

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This is heartbreaking. As a mom with a son (then 2000 miles away) at a university in San Diego — as a sophomore when this started — I can relate to much of what this young man is saying. We have since moved closer but even that does not help alleviate any of the stress or eliminate the pain of the last year.

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Heartbreaking experience. I am grateful that my son is a freshmen at UCF and is experiencing a normal college life.

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You already have the answer - Florida! Or move to Texas. Great colleges in both places.

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So sorry this young person had to endure this stupidity of those in charge...

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Very sad. One thing the student got wrong is it wasn't COVID but the policies enacted to control COVID that screwed his college life up.

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Student from Wuhan infected everyone on their dorm floor. Hmm…sent by CCP to do just that?

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