The lifecycle of a sociopathic/psychopathic oligarch: First they buy things, then property, status, influence, control, and at this point, they genuinely believe they own everything and everyone - who become a subset of everything.

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Excellent article. The thug oligarchs who rule through a facade of constitutional republican government are the greatest threat to the future freedom and prosperity of the average American and average citizen residing in the West. The massive power they have accumulated and their radical agenda are absolutely terrifying. The younger generations are screwed if their power is not greatly rolled back and soon.

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A global rebellion against the WEF and their ultimate incarceration is required

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Great post. Thanks.

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Thank You for this essay, it is our responsibility to keep these historical accounts of these societies and individuals alive. A society (global apparently) who fails to remember its past is doomed to repeat it, and aid in its loss of liberty and autonomies. I have been, since the “Great Pandemic / reset” started to come out into the open, printed much of these essays and information and saving them for others to read as this information may soon be prohibited online. This could happen suddenly and without “warning” be prepared or be repressed, your choice.

Be Well in All you do.

The Seeker

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I have a photo of my grandmother as a young lady standing with John Ruskin. I think she was a big fan and traveled to Cotswold to meet him. She was a painter/poet

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This is excellent and to tie it more deeply to America's corporate-political-media oligarchy Trine Day has twio fab books. Sutton's Skull & Bones is online & also in pdf at Wayback.. Fleshing out Skull & Bones has member listings & reference that is super helpful but no pdf.




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