We have both a hedonistic culture and a culture of death. It may very well be that we end up with the politicians we deserve rather than the best politicians.

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‘The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden.

The LORD is known by his acts of justice; the wicked are ensnared by the

work of their hands.

The wicked go down to the realm of the dead, all the nations that forget God.’

Psalm 9:15-17

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If you will excuse my apparent snideness, it's already too late. We've been getting the politicians we deserve for years, maybe even decades. The abortion issue is but one symptom of a profoundly sick society. (And I say that as someone who considers himself violently pro-choice.)

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We are a failing nation. Look at our schools. Look how they have dumbed down the books over the last 50 years to fit the flailing student. Take a look at a primer from 1955, most of our high school graduates would not know a lot of the vocabulary. Look how we treat our elderly. When Covid came, we just allowed them to die, and nobody even raised a hand to stop the death knell in the nursing homes. Look how we treat our veterans. How about our homeless people, how about them? So is it any wonder that nobody gives a damn about anybody else’s baby? What DO we care about? The next video game, the next iPhone, coming out, the next series on Netflix, the middle aisles of the grocery store that make you fat and sick as long as you can stuff your gullet with as much junk food as you can. That’s where we are. Fat, lazy, illiterate, apathetic with nary a thought for anyone but ourselves. And don’t let me get started about our lack of spirituality and regard for God…

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Sep 11Liked by Justin Hart

Here’s a 2024 study at one hospital. Which states will step up and provide care for the fetus, so that every fetus can be adopted by parents, who want a child? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11185850/

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So many babies murdered. It's horrifying.

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It's hard to see these numbers.

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It has come out recently that There Are More Fetuses IE Babies that not permitted to Born Because of IVF than all Surgical Abortion Combined every year Yes they are conceived but most are deleted as it were They never see the Light of this World Trump should know (if he has good Moral Advisors) that the String of Inherently immoral actions for A Surrogacy to take place Make it More Morally reprehensible than Surgical Abortion Alone While i still believe quite strongly That Trumps Policies are less Evil that The Global Anti Life Conspiracy He has a great deal of Waking up to a total Prolife Position that is coherent And God Fearing as it seems he wants to be

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I live in Australia -

Queensland: Abortion is legal in Queensland and available on request as a health service up until 22 weeks gestation, for any reason, without disclosing the reason to the doctor.

New South Wales: Legal to 22 weeks. Legal post-22 weeks two doctors’ approval. Safe access zones are set at 150m around clinics that provide termination of pregnancy services.

Australian Capital Territory: Abortion is legal in Australia Capital Territory with no pregnancy gestation limit. Safe access zones are set at 50m around the termination of pregnancy services.

Victoria: Legal to 24 weeks. Legal post-24 weeks with two doctors’ approval. Safe access zones are set at 150m around clinics that provide termination of pregnancy services.

South Australia: Legal to 22 weeks and 6 days. Legal post-22 weeks and 6 days with two doctors’ approval. Safe access zones are set at 150m around clinics that provide termination of pregnancy services.

Tasmania: Legal to 16 weeks. Legal post-16 weeks with two doctors’ approval. Safe access zones are set at 150m around clinics that provide termination of pregnancy services.

Western Australia: Following new legislation coming into effect 27 March 2024, an abortion may be performed up to 23 weeks pregnant and only one health professional needs to be involved in early abortion care. Safe access zones are set at 150m around clinics that provide termination of pregnancy services.

Northern Territory: Legal to 24 weeks. Legal post-24 weeks with two doctors’ approval. Safe access zones are set at 150m around clinics that provide termination of pregnancy services.

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The FL numbers for percent of abortions that are elective is a powerful bit of data. Of course, one would need to see the general data to conclude. However, I suspect that FL is not an outlier. As such, the rallying cry--that outlawing abortions will make the multitude of people who seek them for "legitimate" reasons, like incest and rape, unable to achieve care--is but another shallow talking point.

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That’s quite the drop in 1998.

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I believe that is when CA stopped reporting to CDC.

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The taking of a human life is murder , plain and simple , using different terminlogy doesn't change the fact , the question is when does human life begin ?

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