Great summation. I hope this goes well for Berenson. Doubt it though as the current regime will snowball it.

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It's scary that many people will refuse to acknowledge an issue if it is not covered by the NYTs and the like.

By ignoring the case they are effectively "censoring" it.

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We all know if oil executives convinced trump to censor the tweets of environmentalists it would be a front and center splash in/on every major news outlet in the country.

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And what will justice look like? Hard to bring back the dead that died because of the lies this administration told. Thousands are dead because they took and experimental drug that was rushed to the market and that was clearly not safe or effective from the very trials as shown in Pfizer and FDA own documents. I like to know what happens if the courts actually rule in his favor????

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Excellent. Thank you. Agree with every word.

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I hope that a few wins come to the people sometime soon. Getting publicity for this would be cool.

What would be nice to find out is how the list of naughty subjects/people is distributed in the media arena. I have also been very disappointed in 'Anonymous' and similar rebels. How come they can hack into a secure computer but never find compelling dirt on the evil politicians?

How does every news source know they must be silent about this?

Do they simply not report unless the news came from Reuters or Associated Press feeds?

How does the top editor know the will of the WEF for all situations?

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Watching. If prior issues with this admin are an example this wont see a courtroom for years. Thanks for sharing.

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