Please, Please, Please STOP referring to these injections as vaccines. They are not vaccines. They are gene-editing injections. Conventional vaccines are dangerous enough. These mRNA injections take the potential harms & lethality of conventional vaccines to a whole new level.

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I agree but I gotta hit the SEO words that will pick them up. But I should do an entire piece on that. Great feedback.

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It doesn’t matter what the scientific studies conclude—when a war chest of money and federal protection are in play, they’ll always dismiss the findings. They'll say whatever is necessary to defend the pharmaceutical companies. This is precisely why these agencies need to be completely dismantled.

Justin, here’s an article from Factcheck.org claiming you're wrong and that the vaccine is safe and effective. The system is stacked against us, and the average American is unlikely to ever see through it. Even if half of Americans were forced to read the scientific study, most would have almost no comprehension of its conclusions.


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You'rer right... it is stacked against us. Super frustrating. Where are you in SF? I grew up in Lafayette. My parents are still there. CoCo Country has gone koo koo.

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At this stage of the plandemic I can only conclude that mandating these unnecessary mRNA jabs to students is another element of indoctrination. The endgame is to condition the students to blindly accept any and all government & NGO mandates. No one anywhere on earth should be forced to take medical interventions against their will.

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There are definitely mal-intented individuals running the show here.

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Barney Rubble's real life avatar is one of five siblings. Three of us would not have considered getting the Covid injections and did not and two of the five did. Admittedly anecdotally, Each of the two siblings who were injected had more Covid infections than the three of us un injected combined. As you might guess, the ratio would be undefined.

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I hate to be cynical and repetitive, but I might as well own it. The boosters are not for protection. The boosters are for profit. Giving the boosters to younger and younger people simply increases the length of time over which the vaccine hucksters can make money on their "investment." This--the Great Covid Dumpster Fire--was NEVER about health. The universities are either, over a barrel, given the amount of investment in their infrastructure by vaccine-friendly donors, or they are simply FOS assholes, bent on following the previously established narrative(s) regarding vaccination. Either way, getting them to back off, regardless of data, is unlikely. I developed a little picture, Figure 2, illustrating the paradigm of vaccination with a non-sterilizing vaccine, in this piece from a long time ago: https://pandata.org/is-the-pandemic-of-the-unvaccinated-a-media-construct/

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Great data.. .thank you.

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All vaccines share the same fate as poison mRNA substances. If any vaccine worked, the population would be a lot healthier than it is. Essentially, vaccines and mRHA poisons are supposed to provide your body with a premature boost to combat a nefarious and unseen virus that is highly unlikely to ever attack you. But the aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde and fetal cell adjuvants will wreck your body over time. It's all a guessing game and the entire medical system will usually guess wrong at your expense both in health and wealth.

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Cost-benefit is definitely not there

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