Daniel Kotzin on Twitter noted that this variant is spreading globally via the vaccinated--they're the ones getting on airplanes, departing from South Africa or wherever, carrying the variant, and then spreading it into their own countries.
Turns out it was in Holland a little earlier which brings up the whole point that such mutations are/were likely everywhere given it's rapid replication rate but the uniform selection pressure of the vaccinated populations will ultimately determine whether it becomes the dominant strain. But some are trying to blame SA for this due to low vax rates.
The very fact that most of the cases identified were in fully vaxxed people (who are allowed to travel) gives me hope that it will become the dominant strain fairly quickly. All pandemics must come to an end, and Omicron could well be the final nail in the coffin, despite the best efforts of "public health" authorities to contain it.
They could be hospitalizing kids just in case, even if they're not that sick, to monitor them. Or it could be a "huge increase" from like one hospitalization to two. Who knows--certainly The Daily Beast is not an objective source.
I agree. Lots of conflicting reports coming out of South Africa, depending on the source. So it is hard to tell the actual truth of the situation... but what seems clear is how the western media is going to cover the situation and the objectives seem twofold: to ratchet up fear for the under-five demographic and sow doubt in the effectiveness of natural immunity.
Since the SARS-CoV-2 virus was never isolated and characterized there's zero possibility that the genome of a purported Omicron variant can be proven to exist. The gaslighting is beginning to wear thinner the graphene oxide. ... Dr. Coetzee could stand to be debriefed on her certainty and how Omicron was proven to exist and differentiated from dozens of other causative agents.
Team Apocalypse will be so disappointed.
Daniel Kotzin on Twitter noted that this variant is spreading globally via the vaccinated--they're the ones getting on airplanes, departing from South Africa or wherever, carrying the variant, and then spreading it into their own countries.
Thus it will become fashionable to have it--just as Pfizer was deemed "the hot people's vaccine," Omicron will be "the hot people's variant."
Turns out it was in Holland a little earlier which brings up the whole point that such mutations are/were likely everywhere given it's rapid replication rate but the uniform selection pressure of the vaccinated populations will ultimately determine whether it becomes the dominant strain. But some are trying to blame SA for this due to low vax rates.
The very fact that most of the cases identified were in fully vaxxed people (who are allowed to travel) gives me hope that it will become the dominant strain fairly quickly. All pandemics must come to an end, and Omicron could well be the final nail in the coffin, despite the best efforts of "public health" authorities to contain it.
A regular reminder that cases of themselves mean nothing.
Premier Dominic Perrottet said NSW would not "go backwards" despite the slow rise in the number of Omicron cases in the state.
"[I'm] getting asked questions here about six cases .... six cases ...lets shift the thinking," he said.
"The thinking needs to move away from every single day saying 'here's the case numbers'.
"It's about the hospitalisations and the ICU numbers."
And now the omicron endgame becomes clearer:
Just in time to make the push to vaccinate babies...
They could be hospitalizing kids just in case, even if they're not that sick, to monitor them. Or it could be a "huge increase" from like one hospitalization to two. Who knows--certainly The Daily Beast is not an objective source.
I agree. Lots of conflicting reports coming out of South Africa, depending on the source. So it is hard to tell the actual truth of the situation... but what seems clear is how the western media is going to cover the situation and the objectives seem twofold: to ratchet up fear for the under-five demographic and sow doubt in the effectiveness of natural immunity.
Here was that news. https://www.newsweek.com/dutch-find-omicron-sample-mid-november-5-days-before-south-africa-discovery-1654456
Spread (the facts)
totally adverse to the narrative....
Since the SARS-CoV-2 virus was never isolated and characterized there's zero possibility that the genome of a purported Omicron variant can be proven to exist. The gaslighting is beginning to wear thinner the graphene oxide. ... Dr. Coetzee could stand to be debriefed on her certainty and how Omicron was proven to exist and differentiated from dozens of other causative agents.
The OBrandon variant.
Yes. In the meantime, buy the dip.
Eighty House Republicans voted for the Federal vax database.