Sure, the elections could be impacted as with more people out of work, that means the fascist dems can hire (pay them) more stooges to wreck the election. But what won't change is the effect the election will have. Not enough people are fighting or even care about digital technocratic tyranny. Their cell phones are all that matters. And in that, they are now trapped and compromised.

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And the new Communist UK Labour Party is about to reduce our National productivity by mandating a FOUR DAY WEEK! They are Globalist fanatics working for the World Economic Forum (New World Order!

These evil 'controllers'(as they see themselves) are panicking because their house of cards is collapsing. More of us know their diabolical intentions and they're now running scared.

We must keep up the pressure and continue to spread the word about their 'Great Reset' New World Order (All organised and managed by the corrupt World Economic Forum).

First objective is to terminate the ridiculous ZERO LIABILITY for pharmaceutical murderers who pretend to create medicines, mostly applied by needle, that reduce Life Expectancy, reduce natural immunity and depopulate the planet as quickly as they thought they could get away with.

ZERO LIABILITY for injected poisons, like Covid Vax, must cease before another unsuspecting person is terminated by their surreptitious Cull by injection.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer by avoiding their murder by injection.

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8/20/24: American private sector business is in a recession; note the 1 MILLION jobs reduction this month. Another Bidenesque “miscalculation” erroneously portraying the economy. American deep state employment is in overdrive & our bureaucratic bimbos are in full denial of inflation costs re: food, rent, dollar de-valuation, military readiness, or crime stats.

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I’m just surprised that the unemployment revisions came out before the election…..

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Whatever the plan is I sure hope it happens swiftly once the time comes. Small businesses are hanging on but barely by the skin of their teeth. Please we don’t want WalMart and Amazon to be the only places to shop. Hurry hurry hurry! Please!

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The economy reflects market factors and a psychological component of consumers (and taxpayers). The indicators sho a considerable lack of leadership from elected officials, including Biden-Harris. Polling supports this with recent results showing that people have more confidence in Trump than Harris…

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