The Government could find a way to screw up a one-car funeral or a wet dream! Keep the Government out of our Life; they suck! Both parties, DemonRats and RepubTurds! You will always do better in Life if you do the opposite of what the Government tells you to do!

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Government here no longer works for We the People. Let that sink in my fellow Americans.

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When did it ever work that way? The people were supposed to be the masters and not the slaves.

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Yep. We humans are really good at focusing on one facet of a problem and completely ignoring all the others. And of course, California and its infinite wisdom banned incandescent, which happened to be better for your health.

When we lived in California, I used to order them and had them sent to friends and family in other states. Then they would mail them to me. Asinine.

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Thank you for that great tip!!

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Wrong. The manufacturers no longer make them. They are pure crap.

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Really? It's not the petro-chemicals fracked into you water supply? It's the light bulbs making you stupid? Is it the LED light bulbs making you buy an Edison bulb that's 95% waste and lasts for 1/10 the time. That's a lot of power from an inanimate object.

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Jack kruse coalesced a lot of circadian research but he’s not the only one. It’s not about the tech. It’s about the spectrum of light that affects our biology.

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The quote "ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge" is attributed to Charles Darwin. He wrote this in his book The Descent of Man (1871). Darwin was discussing the idea that people with little knowledge are often more confident in their beliefs, while those who are more knowledgeable tend to be more aware of their limitations and uncertainties.

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You'll have to read up on Dr Jack Kruse.

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You have to read up on Nikola Tesla. Does Dr Kruse have 1000 inventions? https://teslaleaks.com/f/the-great-light-bulb-conspiracy-nikola-tesla-vs-thomas-edison

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You are focusing on the wrong thing. No one is criticizing teslas inventions at all. Timothy and I are pointing out that indoor lighting, with its artificial spectrum of light, have impacted the health of humans over the last century, but really the last two decades.

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LEDs frankly aren’t living up to the longevity hype & supposedly emit dangerous gases as well. I want my incandescents back, I want fully flushable toilets on the 1st flush & dishwashers & washing machines that can clean dishes & clothes in under an hour. Government has NO BUSINESS in any of these, or gas stoves & gas vehicles (& more). “Efficient” & regular products should be available for those who want them & let the market will out.

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Exactly this! Every thing the government pushes on us is inferior to what it has replaced.

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Just a simple observation. Conservatives have higher emotional intelligence than liberals.

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And they’re doing it again with EVs.

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The other part of this that has to be understood is that when the federal ban was passed R's went along with it. And when they gained majorities along with the presidency in 1/2017-1/2019 they didn't repeal the ban. Which informs us that R's support taking away choice and picking winners, central control of the economy, every bit as much as D's. They're just happy to let D's take the PR hit over them, use as empty campaign rhetoric to fundraise off of. Hmmm? Kind of like their promises to repeal Obamacare.

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To this day, CFLs are sold in California with no consumer knowledge of recycling. Furthermore, CFLs produce yelllow light that reduces vision in older people (whose eyes see yellow light better than other colors).

LEDs have their own deficiencies and hazards. WTF was wrong with incandescent bulbs? And why are domestic and commercial buildings constructed with no way to admit natural sunlight?

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"Yet liberals, with their implicit trust in the progressive man, often overlook the dangers of concentrating power in the hands of a few."

They don't overlook anything, especially not the obvious. They do this by design, with clear intent. Submit to liberals at your peril, there is always an agenda.

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Liberals with brains? Is that even possible? In any event, the one CFL in the kitchen isn't much better than a night light. We mostly need to turn on the overhead 48" florescents to do any serious seeing.

I once busted open one of those squiggly/squirrelly CFLs but didn't call in a hazmat team. I guess the mercury didn't do me in as that was 6-7 years ago. Of course they don't want you to know that sunlight is the best thing ever invented and not by silly humans.

Liberalism is all about following an agenda that is never questioned. Liberals are always right and never fallible. Promoting plastic bags, EVs, green energy and recycling are some of their more glaring failures.

Retardicans are not much different since they have few decent ideas that make sense. This is why following politics will lead you to Never Never Land where there is never anything of substance decided and accomplished.

When was the last time a politician did a great thing to help this country and it took hold and benefited more people than it harmed? If you lack a leader that is great, you don't need one. If you choose a politician to be your leader, you may be a liberal and not know it.

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Wrong. There was an incandescent ban in place back in the 1890's. The Republican's, Rifkinite's and Luddites extended the ban for another 125 years. They are 5% efficient, if not the least efficient invention in human history, 5% efficient, while gasoline round-trip is 2% efficient. Nikola Tesla's arc lamps and carbon button lights are 50% efficient or better. What is it like to worship an actual pile of garbage? https://teslaleaks.com/f/the-great-light-bulb-conspiracy-nikola-tesla-vs-thomas-edison

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