Stop testing asymptomatic people and the fear would subside. But that isn't going to happen, because our rulers feed on the fear. God help us.

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They have changed their tunes in Australia. All thanks to omi, which is giving our "cases" a bigly surge.

In short, PCR test only if:

1. If you are symptomatic

2 If you are directed to

"If you don't fulfil this definition of a close contact then there is no need for you to be in that line," Mr Morrison said.


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I would be betting the effect on "cases" will be exactly the reverse of what cmo says. :)

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What cares what the CMO et al say. Only what they do.

btw, how many academic "experts" have blocked your email? I got two in two days this week!

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So are there any reports from districts regarding illnesses/hospitalizations and deaths in school age kids- 'cause that would be the data I would want!

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aka formerly Dawn. Lost my hotmail acct and had to change my name. Happy New Years guys! Here's some recent info and links I wanted to share to start off the new year.

REINER FUELLMICH American German Lawyer and other EU Experts CORONA VIRUS INVESTIGATIVE COMMITEE on Odysee.com 4hr meeting 12-31-2021. https://odysee.com/@Corona-Investigative-Committee:5/Session-85-en:f

The AJ Roberts Show on Facebook yesterday had additional information v injured people could use to file complaints to the Metropolitan Police Dept in UK I believe.

Also https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/big-pharma-execs-gates-fauci-uk-officials-charged-with-crimes-against-humanity-in-international-court/

Also with documents https://www.thedesertreview.com/opinion/columnists/gates-fauci-and-daszak-charged-with-genocide-in-court-filing/article_76c6081c-61b8-11ec-ae59-7718e6d063ed.html

Also https://www.riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/modern-day-censorship/covid-19-pharmaceutical-giants-gates-fauci-uk-officials-accused-of-crimes-against-humanity-in-international-criminal-court-complaint/ Also see COMMENTS 9 down for COUNTER MEASURE FILED for a LEAVE by USA Retired AG

Additionally here's a link here's to The Joe Rogan Experience and Dr Robert Malone 12-31-2021.


One more. Symposium. Not for the faint of heart. Disturbing postmortem vaccinated deaths and pathology report close to start of Symposium.


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