The fact that he's STILL openly positive about how great the injections were has turned me off. Not saying I'm a huge DeSantis fan either, although I do admire some of the things he did. I don't trust anyone at this point.

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They are ALL in it together. Wake up people...

The Hegelian Dialectic Process: One and the SAME. The Devil's Most Powerful Tool:


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Jun 16, 2023·edited Jun 16, 2023

Read Covid19 And The Global Predators: We Are The Prey by Breggin.

Trump was fooled, all too easily, by those responsible for this manufactured pandemic and the deliberately destructive response to it.

His character flaws made him vulnerable to being duped, and unable to admit he has been fooled. Worse, his character flaws see him continue (3 yrs later) to reach deeper to justify and even exalt his actions.

Not only does this mean he is likely to do the same again, but, it is highly unlikely he will have any interest in holding those responsible for this gross tyranny to account.

This alone makes him a very poor candidate for 2024.

Having said that, he is a far better option than Biden/Harris.

Far worse than DeSantis or Kennedy.

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Trump clearly trusted people he shouldn't have and he didn't understand what a pit of self serving megalomaniacs he was in. But Trump isn't the fundamental problem...DC is.

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I will vote for DeSantis first, RFK second, and Trump never. I will stay home before I vote for Donald. I honestly do not understand what the high-information, pro-Donald case is supposed to be anymore. I do not think such a case exists. What is the lasting policy that Donald implemented that we are thankful for currently? I can think of nothing. Nearly the only lasting gifts Donald left us is his insane totalitarian police state and inflation hell. He was supposed to be the swamp-draining, DC wrecking ball; now he's best buds with every swamp critter and usually endorses AGAINST the more conservative candidates. His military leadership openly disregarded his demands to prevent trans military service; he did nothing in response. His covid team destroyed the country by a thousand cuts, and he gave them awards as he left office. He left J6'ers, Snowden, Assange, etc. to rot. Donald is blowhard child-man who usually succeeds only in driving his opposition to action. He has no focus, no follow-through, no moral compass, no grounding principles and no courage when it comes to defending anything but himself.

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For some reason, I remember Trump saying, "You don't lockdown America," but then waffling under the tremendous pressure of the MSM and Establishment. Admittedly, whatever the case, he was a failed (as planned) in dealing with the Plandemic. I was waiting for wholesale FIRINGS, but he didn't have the courage. He even says now the MSM would have gone crazy. So what? I say.

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I agree with the article for the most part but it’s clear that those around Trump, including special advisers, where all saying the same things so it narrowed significantly the types of questions would likely ask.

Trump was clearly bounced/manoeuvred into a view point / mindset that curtailed any meaningful questioning.

By the looks of things all major world leaders went down the same rabbit hole.

I remember trump deriding the “china” virus and also talking about cheap interventions like ivermectin. These things where against the grain of the officials and derided by all media outlets as is to say this buffoon has no clue.

I detect the same tone now in many articles including this one.

I’m truly no trump supporter, but I also detest being lied to. Major world leaders where duped all at the same time but they don’t want admit it.

Not many world leaders from Covid still in power. Most have resigned or been voted out.

UK could see a 4th pm by Xmas.

Instead of going after Trump of Johnson, why is the media not going after Ferguson

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All pre-pandemic planning guides said do not enact travel bans for pandemic influenza. Noting that they are ineffective at preventing spread of airborne respiratory illnesses. And knowing that travel bans become purely political exercises. The WHO, CDC, all international plans pre-2020 saying, "when nations blame other nations for the spread of infectious disease (this class of contagion) that they don't have any control over, that nation's leaders then blame their own people for spread of infectious disease they don't have any control over, resulting in a loss of civil liberties and a dangerous turn into totalitarianism." Their own guidelines. Basically saying "shit rolls down hill," leaders will blame shift, scapegoat in order to appear effective and in control in a crisis that they aren't even able to control. Appearances.

CCP China even said as much after Trump initiated his travel ban from China. First pleading for cooler heads to prevail, then saying that the pandemic would provide the world a comparison/contrast between democratic individualism and authoritarian collectivism systems in a crisis, believing the final outcome would favor their heavy-handed central-planned pandemic strategies. Asserting that "both systems have pluses and minuses, and while democratic individualism provides for more creativity and innovation in normal times, authoritarian collectivism is preferred in a crisis by people wanting to be led under a firm, decisive hand."

I'll hand it to them, the Chinese understood human psychology when in the grips of mass fear, the majority of people, even in western liberal democracies, have gravitated towards authoritarianism since 2020. I even came across official Chinese English-language editorials that said western democracies would be wise to stick with their style of governance through a crisis, only make a change in systems when a crisis had passed. Cautioning that changing systems in the middle of a crisis would lead to poor outcomes, divisiveness, a worse outcome than if they stuck with what their citizens were used to. "Dance with the one who brung you." Not the time to change suitors. More wise counsel. From our most powerful adversary. That we ignored. Out of ignorance or willfulness.

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Trump failures in regards to Covid-19 is the reason the Republicans need to choose someone else as their candidate. The fact remains that Trump was finally challenged with having to show critical thinking and he failed the test. He thought he could bullshit his way through Covid-19. He failed to realize the liar and snake that was Tony Fauci who funded the research with my tax dollars. His failure to find that out and fire him is all we need to know. The party that nominates someone besides Trump or Biden wins in 2024.

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Fauci is part of Senior Executive Services - a federal employees group that has favored status which means they CANNOT be fired/ have their job terminated. Not even the president of the U.S. can fire these people. There is no way Trump could have fired him. You might have noticed that Trump NEVER endorsed the lockdowns; in fact it was up to the governors to say whether or not they would enforce the lockdowns. If you want to blame someone blame the governor of every single state which endorsed the lockdowns, mask-wearing, etc. Trump followed our constitution, where our 10th amendment says basically that whatever is not enumerated in the Constitution is up to the individual states. Trump knows he does not have training in how to handle a pandemic. Why didn't he stop the unconstitutional lockdowns? It really isn't his job, it's up to the governors and We the People to make our voices heard. Sadly, most people caved to fear and wore masks, stayed home, etc. I was one who raised my voice and tried to spread truth - which is that it's unconstitutional to take our freedoms away, the masks don't work because holes in mask are too small to keep out the virus, etc. No one wanted to hear it and I very nearly got arrested for merely speaking truth. I also stood up to our town mayor and told her if she forced the jab on firefighters and police it was crimes against humanity, you aren't allowed to force any medical procedure on anyone. She and the entire City Council turned white when I said that. Result was that no one was forced to take the jab. That's what I did to try to protect our freedoms. What did you do, I'd be interested to know.

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"He seemed to have no intellectual curiosity, no sense of history, no nuance or depth, no wisdom, not a modicum of humility to ask questions."

And that is characteristic of a certain type of businessman's management style, Justin.

Yes, he brought in Dr. Atlas, but when we investigate what is available about the group dynamic involving Trump, Birx, Fauci and Atlas, another characteristic of that same management style appears. Rather than engaging, investigating and leading, President Trump set his subordinates against each other, incentivizing the most vicious and underhanded infighter to "win." We see this same dynamic playing out everywhere in business. There are strong parallels to Eric Berne's description of the psychosocial game "let's you and him fight."

President Trump brought a bit of rational business thinking to public policy and regularly "said the quiet part out loud." Many admire him for that and no wonder; the nation has wearied of political double-speak and gaslighting. That said, it's a positive thing to have the old "run the country like a business" trope finally placed in perspective. There are limitations to the government-as-business conceptual model. It' a very useful, even essential model, but it cannot solve every problem.

On the other hand, that whole "teflon" aspect is understandable, considering how any admission of error is inevitably seen as a sign of weakness and the jackals immediately spring from all sides, rending and tearing in coordinated attack.

We have brought all of this on ourselves, to a great degree, by allowing imperial presidencies and failing to censure the bipartisan legislative junta that passed the USA Patriot Act without bothering to read it. Much of the constitutional corrosion we currently face, was the result of that passage. It wasn't entirely a matter of the corruption written into the bill, it was also the signalling and precedent set; any pretense of legislative deliberation evaporated, and few even expect deliberation any longer.

Mind you, it's not that thoughtful deliberation has ever been a defining trait of legislators, but that pretense allowed a soupcon of accountability, however limited in scope and effect.

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Thank you for this. I feel I'm a lone voice and the cult of Trump surrounds me. The indictments are not justified. Neither is supporting him in this presidential run.

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Everyone is wasting their time here. The pitiful puppet is going to be reinstalled. Americans no longer have a say since the monsters who've seized power in DC now know they can simply commit blatant systemic election fraud. Those who can should be looking into exiting the disaster area that is the US.

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Trump is a Q-fantasy--a character crowned with savior-like status. It has been one of the more disturbing things to watch--people buying into “the plan.”

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The manipulation of public policy and narrative surrounding COVID-19 was (and still is) exactly the same as how Global Cooling/Global Warming/Anthropogenic Global Warming/Climate Change/Climate Crisis is conducted. As with the very sudden turnaround in the 1980's with climate, the Administration and "science" completely ignored the published guidance, recently updated, from the WHO advising AGAINST broad lock-down measures as a means of controlling viral spread, or the 70+ years of studies showing that face coverings and most masks do little to nothing in reducing the spread of respiratory viruses.

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Excellent post

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