Dr. Peter McCullough who has sat on FDA & pharmaceutical boards bringing vaccines & medications to market stated when a vaccine falls below 50% effective, it gets pulled. He doesn’t recommend ANYONE, not even those over 75, 85, take this vaccine. He doesn’t hedge. He also stated he wouldn’t use weak language concerning natural immunity. You head most doctors, even those on our side state something to the effect “natural immunity is at least as good if not superior to vaccines.”’Dr. McCullough says natural immunity is far superior to these failed vaccines.” (See 2 episodes where he appears on Steve Deace Show)

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There is no benefit from the Covid shots, for anyone, only harm, to whatever degree. For thousands that's meant severe, life-altering reactions and death, reported at a rate 30 times greater than all the traditional, actual, vaccines combined. A critical factor in this entire debacle has been and continues to be CDC/Fauci et al's denial of the efficacy of treatments that many MDs have been using to successfully treat Covid patients since the first one walked in their door early in 2020, with a recovery rate of over 99%. Official protocol in essence relegated hundreds of thousands to early graves, sending them home untreated after diagnosis, until they'd worsened to the point where hospitalization was required, then pounding the nails into their coffins with kidney-destroying remdesivir and intubation/ventilation. Covid has been a nefarious narrative since day one.

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Very informative. I think the same can be said almost everywhere -- there doesn't seem to be any evidence that these vaccines are doing much good; if anything, they are a net-negative. Here in Russia a Duma deputy just released a video making a similar argument, and warning of a "Big Pharma coup" with the introduction of QR codes in February! crazy times: https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/duma-deputy-protect-yourself-and

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What does the deaths/100K vs Vax rate look like? And then that broken down by age group? If the vax is really helpful for the older population I would assume we would see stronger correlation there. And and then charting that correlation vs age group I would assume we see a slow curve from 0-50(60?70) that starts to really accelerate (if the vax is really helping the older pop).

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