Realize too that the covid excuse could be a false reason for lockdowns. Doesn't it just seem too convenient?

Martin Armstrong, who is extremely well connected, has mentioned that the real reason behind theses horrendous actions is China's extreme liquidity problems.

He outlines the probability of China's motivation to stop any bank runs before they start. China is monitoring any withdraws that seem unusual then declaring marshall law over covid. This seems legitimate in light of the property crash and other factors in China's financial crisis.

Following the money has and is the most accurate method of shinning light on truth and especially in the times we live in now.

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Great compilation. The level of hypocrisy on display staggers the imagination. It's worth noting that if westerners started protesting like this (blank sheets of paper, etc), they would be censored and suppressed as well.

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Why are you looking at China at all? Let China do what it wants.

Are you worried that western " authorities " (sic) will oooohhh follow its lockdown again? If so nail them , forget about China-- NOYB!!!!

This "do it like China" or "not do it like China" is an intentional rogues game. First it is clear that Neo-con US foreign policy is trying to pivot away from Ukraine--this Reuters (really --the WEF supporting Reuters--good source???) led increase in China stories just leads all the gullible of the US public once again down the garden path named" Who will be our current diversion". Good god how many times does this need to happen before people/pundits wake up?

Until that happens- how about you look into who funds most of the world biological weapons industry-- uh huh-- yup the US. And of course corrupt FTX is just the latest "group" to be found funding them. We all have LOTS in our countries to focus on dont you think?

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I still don't understand how Covid, at the expense of all else -- literally, dominated every decision so quickly. How the media, shown above, just embraced this opportunity to . . . destroy Trump? Wield Power? Work from home in PJ's and order out every night? I don't get it.

One day we met in a large ballroom for my son's HS basketball team banquet while the next day Venice California (not my city) was filling in skate parks with sand and beaches were being closed, and we were the crazy ones saying: "wait a minute."

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China also did not jab its people w Pfizer or Moderna gene therapy. Maybe that’s one reason the Chinese people are still able to rebel? Wonder how the med and gov folk factor that into their hype?!

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Very nice summary and a reminder of how wrong our officials and media were. China is a humanitarian disaster and no state in the world should be aiming to copy them, but of course they are because the authoritarians among us are salivating at the idea of that level of control. I think they've taken this approach simply to prove that their totally inhumane treatment of their citizens is in fact necessary and good, and of course that's why we should keep a close eye on all in the west who cheer them on.

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