Of course, I live in a state with just about the highest vax rate for those innocent souls. Massachusetts is truly the home of the evil, soulless, mindless, over-educated, progressive, ridiculous (if they weren't so dangerous) parent. God, I want to vomit when I think of those poor babies being subjected to the ignorant vagaries of their smug, know it all parents.

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Dramatic Rise in Children's Funerals: Small Coffins Ordered in Bulk. Funeral Directors Told to Keep Quiet


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Have people here heard about “Augustus”, a 6 month old baby that is being denied a heart transplant somewhere in Tennessee because he - a 6 month old baby - is not vax’d????

Honestly I do not know if this is a true story & I hope not, but after the past 2+ years & seeing how many “healthcare practitioners” drank the kool-aid & stories from last year where the unvax’d were denied healthcare, not to mention how we were treated in general, i can believe about any damn thing that would have been unbelievable circa 2019

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It's encouraging to hear that people are beginning to wake up to the dangers of this death shot

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Can you share the source for your numbers in the US for <5 vaxed? Another source has the number much lower. I want to share your map but don’t have a source. Thank you.

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Can you share the source for the map at the bottom? Can't find the dataset at CDC (their current tracker I use hasn't included the <5 cohort and doesn't break by state). I want to track this moving forward. Thanks

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deletedJul 9, 2022·edited Jul 9, 2022
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