My stepfather’s father was in a car accident where he was burned and had broken ribs and punctured lungs, his death certificate says he died of Covid.

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023

Well, there's an obvious takeaway from this.

If you're ever going to get shot, wear a mask, because you definitely don't want to catch Covid too!

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Didn’t hospitals get a set amount of money for each Covid deaths? That’s why they are recorded as Covid deaths. After review of death certificates, those hospitals should return those dollars And be prosecuted for fraud

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I'm pretty sure there is zero evidence suggesting mental and behavioral issues associated with tobacco use. I would refrain from posting opinions as if they were fact. I will tell you I personally do not believe in Covid19 or any other "virus". The germ theory was debunked decades ago and has simply been revisited on a dumbed down populace. But nor will I accept opinions being paraded around as fact. Just saying. I know plenty of people who use tobacco and they most certainly do not suffer from mental or behavioral issues.

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I’ve run out of moral indignation...almost.

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