All polls over sample democrats. And in every close state the democrats manufacture fake absentee ballots to get the win.

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What they actually do is overestimate Dem turnout for the external facing public polls (they are nothing more than push polls).

Political polling uses what is referred to as likely voter models. Every polling company has their own model, but pretty much all but Rasmussen overestimate Dem turnout. (BTW, the reason they give for estimating high Dem turnout is always Dem voter enthusiasm about abortion.)

In reality, (R) voters are larger in number with registered R now exceeding registered D. (R) voters are also older and more established, meaning they are more likely to vote. Yet, the polling firms consistently have Dem voters as more likely to vote than (R) voters.

So, basically, Dem-leaning polling firms consistently skew the results to show that the Dems will win by using intentionally biased likely voter models.

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Polls are useless. Like most forms of media, they are controlled by the globalist retards.

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If your polling is consistently inaccurate in the same direction (Dem polling better than the elections), then the poll is deliberately inaccurate to help a candidate (people turn out more when their candidate is ahead in the polls).

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Polls in 2022 did better, and in swing states dems overperformed the polls.

Are dems worried that Kamala might have already peaked? Sure

But it doesn't mean that she needs a big cushion in the polls in order to be competitive on election night.

The Trump campaign needs to do a good job to make sure that Kamala keeps on losing the momentum, if things stay as they are today the Dems would be favoured.

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This has been happening for almost a decade now. It is not due to methodology or random error. I have done this type of work (surveying) for a living for decades now and studied it at the PhD level.

All of the potential reasons outlined in this article are easily fixable, and yet, they haven't been fixed. The only viable reason for not fixing the ongoing delta b/w the survey and reality - BTW, always off-target in the same direction (+D) - for nearly a decade is that the polls are intentionally faked.

I believe they use the polls to justify the cheating that invariably occurs. (If you don't believe Dems cheat, then you have to explain why there are Dems in prison in PA for election fraud.) It goes like this: use true internal polls to gauge the result > use fake external polls to make it seem close to the public > stretch out and delay the vote counting to see the real margin > dump the required number of votes in select urban areas to make up the difference > "win" the election.

To add a different angle: why does it take longer to count votes now than it did 20 years ago when we now have machines that should be automatically tabulating the results in real time? It should take seconds to declare a winner; not days or weeks. Again, there is only one reasonable answer for this.

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What you document here in the actual ‘results’ are CREATED by the cheat. The cheat just enough to look like a ‘close race.’ Please see this article for the actual mechanism used:


It’s disgusting; and will probably not be stopped.

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I found it funny when you said the Dems thought they’d learned the lessons from the last two elections. Maybe they have, but they certainly don’t let on to us if so!

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