New paper on looked at people in France who were already suffering from some sort of depression BEFORE the pandemic started. The study followed them through the pandemic and found that these folks were 2 to 3 times MORE LIKELY to have persistent symptoms (even if they didn’t have Covid).
We’ve long suspected that Long Covid may be psychosomatic.
The research suggests that people who were experiencing symptoms of depression at the start of the pandemic were more likely to have "persistent symptoms" related to COVID-19, regardless of whether they actually got infected with the virus or not. The numbers "2.88" and "3.03" you see are what we call "odds ratios" (OR).
An odds ratio is a way of comparing whether the probability of a certain event is the same for two groups. An odds ratio of 1 means there is no difference between the two groups. In this case, an odds ratio greater than 1, such as 2.88 and 3.03, suggests that there's a higher chance of having these persistent symptoms for those with symptoms of depression at the start of the pandemic.
So, yes, these people were about 2 to 3 times more likely to experience persistent symptoms, according to this study.
Study can be found here:
Brain injury from the bioweapon labelled vaccine? We know nanoparticles cross the blood brain barrier and cause numerous brain injuries including depression.
These were the self acclaimed "gluten intolerant", "dairy free", vegans who have failed miserably in most of their jobs//career or wanted to collect disability so they wouldn't have to put out any kid of effort in their lifetimes. Gave them a "reason" it can be climate change since covid is over and everyone is saying "the world is burning up" and "it's so hot" because it's summer...! bwhahah!