Brain injury from the bioweapon labelled vaccine? We know nanoparticles cross the blood brain barrier and cause numerous brain injuries including depression.

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I can see that..

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These were the self acclaimed "gluten intolerant", "dairy free", vegans who have failed miserably in most of their jobs//career or wanted to collect disability so they wouldn't have to put out any kid of effort in their lifetimes. Gave them a "reason"...now it can be climate change since covid is over and everyone is saying "the world is burning up" and "it's so hot" because it's summer...! bwhahah!

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Jul 22, 2023·edited Jul 22, 2023

"Collect disability"...? You do realize disability "benefits" are insufficient to survive on, yes? Designed to be a disincentive. Nobody in their right mind would want "Long Covid," or to have to claim disability.

(And granted, a few nutjobs are probably "faking" it; but the vast majority...? Doesn't make any sense. THINK about it.)

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I know some. Moved back in with parents. Would rather lay around all day…

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Long Covid May be post viral syndrome, but it’s definitely not psychosomatic. My sense of smell was DRASTICALLY altered after Covid, and now, almost two years later, it’s finally starting to return to some sense of normality. I know others who have experienced this as well.

Additionally, my gut was wrecked. I’m still trying to repair it.

I’m so sick of hearing that the long-lasting effects of the bio weapon are all in people’s heads. It completely pisses me off and if I wasn’t a decent human being, I’d almost not feel bad if those who keep saying it is got a little taste of it to give them

a needed dose of reality.

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It should piss you off. It's infuriating. Stupid, and political--I get that some want to make Covid a big Nothingburger (which seems to include dismissing "Long Covid"). Often these same people say they're following the science (Look at this study in Nature!). Yes--let's FOLLOW THE SCIENCE.

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Gut-brain axis. Everyone knows that neurotransmitters are created by gut bacteria, stymied by environmental poisons and hormone disruptors, (people living in high fluoride areas have more depression and anxiety, for example) and that all these things are associated with poor outcomes from covid. I'm actually truly shocked that there are so many people kicking around who have no contact with long covid patients at all. In some cases it's Vax injury, reactivated Lyme,l or EBV, or chronic cv infection.

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Thank you; note that this study didn't do ANY physical tests (blood tests, gut flora, exercise-stress tests, tilt table tests) on the people claiming persistent post-Covid symptoms. They only looked at depression & anxiety, as that is all they wanted to find. This study is SHIT and will be used to "psychologize" sufferers and distract away from identifying physical problems (like the ones you mention) that could be treated.

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"We’ve long suspected that Long Covid may be psychosomatic."

Maybe you've long been morons...?

How are you going to deal with the various objective abnormalities that are showing up in Long Covid patients? Blood pressure problems (dysautonomia), reduced heart rate variability, abnormal tilt-table tests, blood clots...

The post-viral illness SHUTS THE MITOCHONDRIA DOWN. "Tired...?" You should be grateful you haven't experienced the walking-dead feeling.

The CFS/ME community has had a name for people who dismiss their illness as psychological--"psychologizers." You can take the psychologizer position on "Long Covid" (which may be numerous different things), but science may (further) prove that position moronic...

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“Actual” “infection” with “covid 19”? Or inflammation and detox symptoms?

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Insights from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome May Help Unravel the Pathogenesis of Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome (Komaroff and Lipkin, 2021)


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No surprise that people who were already depressed before the scamdemic still are: who (besides the true believer covidiots) ISN’T depressed (& angry) over the antics by our “betters” for the past 3+ years?

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Gut tissues can retain SARS-CoV-2 particles after COVID-19 infection for more than one year after the resolution of COVID-19



Gustavo Aguirre Chang




All had Negative PCR before Surgery

They were unaware they had a Persistent Infection due to SARS-CoV-2

One part had more than 1 year since infection

Are undiagnosed Long Covid

Lingering SARS-CoV-2 in Gastric and Gallbladder Tissues of Patients with Previous COVID-19 Infection Undergoing Bariatric Surgery


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Not buying it at all. If you're depressed it's because you have absorbed too much media news propaganda and lies. Turn off the TV and ignore social media and get a whole lot healthier...mentally.

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Of course it’s psychosomatic. Long Covid-19 is a figment if a the mentally ill’s imagination.

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Gee Charlie, I hope you never get to find out personally how ignorant you are on this.

Because you truly seem like a lovely human being. 🙄

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Wow. Really?

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

On this he's CLUELESS. AND, C-19 may be worse (for some people), as it may be a Lab-created bug...

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