This is a test to see how dumb people really are. Anyone who repeats the mantra trotted out in this "study" as proof of vaccine efficacy, should automatically assumed to be a low-IQ, low-T, low-info moron.

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Or ma-roooooon as Bugs Bunny used to say

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Here's a 2005 article on an avian flu scare, with appearance by "Neil Ferguson, a professor of mathematical biology at Imperial College London." He claimed "up to 200 million people could be killed." Disastrous virus modeling has a history. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/sep/30/birdflu.jamessturcke

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That mf’er was the one who famously said they didn’t think they could get away w/ the Chinese model re lockdowns, etc “& then Italy did it & we realized we could”. He should be strung up next to Faux-Xi

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The "vaccine" has been the real pandemic. The original CV was little more than a robust flu. From the very beginning the most severe outcomes were among those who had received the 2019 flu vaccine in the fall and early winter of 2019. Enter coordinated fear amplification campaign. The most sophisticated, coordinated, global behavioral science informed fear-based coercion and manipulation of information to warp the entire world population's perspective ever known to man (Goebbels is jealous) was deployed. A global bioterror attack on humanity. A little bit of biology (robust flu, vaccine-induced or naturally occurring as robust flu strains can be every few decades, like 1968's Hong Kong flu). Plus a whole lot of terror (fear-amplification explicitly chosen by epidemiologists and public officials as pandemic Nonpharmaceutical Intervention, spread by an unprecedented global media, politicians, health officials, corporations, academia, entertainment, Big Tech massive propaganda and censorship campaign). Supported by fake, phony and false PCR testing protocols, tests designed to detect dinosaur DNA in fossils, not real, live dinosaurs, that detect viral fragments and skeletons incapable of infection. Intentionally amplifying fear is also known as spreading terror. Bioterror. Numbers of dead from CV in 2020 are known to be fake, phony and false, every single respiratory illness-related death, even where comorbidities were the primary cause, were counted as CV deaths. Pretending the flu and common cold disappeared that year. Fake. Phony. False. The more robust flu that began following the 2019 flu vaccine campaign had ended by fall of 2019, as novel flu strains do, they fizzle out.

And then the real pandemic started. When the massive global vaccination campaigns began. And just like how the 2019 flu vaccine is linked to the outbreak of a very robust flu that followed, the massive 2020 CV "vaccine" campaign resulted in the massive outbreak of CV deaths. Vaccine-induced. And that doesn't even take into account the all-cause mortalities that the experimental biotechnology caused and continue to cause.

Which medical science was already informed that vaccines cause. Vaccines shed and spread the viruses they purport to protect from. With knowledge of forethought that makes all we've experienced a bioterror attack on people by their own government. Democide. The worst crime against humanity ever perpetrated.

Nearly Constant Shedding of Diverse Enteric Viruses by Two Healthy Infants

Journal of Clinical Microbiology, November, 2012


"In order to determine the extent of viral infections occurring in early childhood, longitudinally collected stool samples from two siblings who grew up in the mid-1980s in the United Kingdom were tested using an extensive panel of PCR primers against 15 groups of viruses to measure the overall frequency and duration of viral shedding."

"Child 1...The first trivalent oral poliovirus vaccine (tOPV) was given at day 107. Poliovirus vaccine strain Sabin-2 (HEV-C species) was identified in the first sample analyzed from day 116, and the shedding continued until day 180 (73 days after tOPV administration)."

"child 2..."Following tOPV administration on day 129, poliovirus vaccine strain shedding was recorded until day 183, starting with the first collected sample on day 142. Poliovirus (PV) shedding therefore lasted for 54 days after the first tOPV administration."

"The availability of frequently collected fecal samples allowed a detailed analysis of viral shedding occurring during the first year of life in two infant sibling from a developed country. A total of 92% of the 72 samples analyzed contained at least one human virus, with some samples containing up to five different viruses. The average fecal samples contained 1.8 viruses. While symptoms requiring hospitalizations were not observed in these two infants, some of the minor signs of infections, such as runny nose and loose stools, frequently seen in infants of that age, may have been caused by these viral infections or coinfections."

"The surprisingly high rate of virus detection reported here may still represent an underestimate of viral shedding due to viruses being below levels of detection of the PCR assays used. The intermittent detections seen for the more persistent infections, including HPBV-GI, HPeV-1, HPeV-6, and HBoV-1, may indeed reflect fluctuation of the viral loads below detection levels. Other missed infections may also have resulted in very transient shedding occurring between the nearly weekly collected sampled analyzed here.

Our study showed that two healthy infant siblings were nearly constantly shedding a wide range of enteric viruses during their first year of life. While only two children were analyzed, their customary upbringing indicates that the diversity and duration of enteric viral shedding observed here may reflect that of typical infants in developed countries. Testing of longitudinally collected samples from a larger number of infants will be required to further substantiate this conclusion.

The high number of different infections and in some cases their long-term persistence detected here by PCR show that as more sensitive methods of viral detection are used, an increasing number of asymptomatic infections can be detected, likely reflecting effective passive and/or active immunity in generally healthy infants. The possibly substantial effect on the education of these infants' immune systems of such frequent and long-lasting viral infections, including protection from subsequent challenges with closely related viruses, remains to be determined."

Vaccines shed virus. Multiple studies available that prove this on the National Institute of Health's library, just search the www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov website with related keywords to refine results. You'll find a whole lot of evidence related to equine flu vaccines, shedding, strains that are identifiable to a specific vaccine developed and innoculated in any given year. Antiviral horse paste (Ivermectin) works on people just like it works on humans for the flu, because they get the flu as much or more than we do. So much medical science research has been ignored and censored. In an Information War Bioterror attack it makes sense. Follow the Science. Real science. Which is not behavioral science.

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These author(s) clearly know how to “lie with statistics “, although poorly. They must have learned and studied mathematical modeling from the ‘climate crisis’ folks. Never believe mathematical models unless are an expert.

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The scamdemic genocide goes on !! Honestly. Time to blow your mind.


The production facility BNT then purchased was the Behringwerke in Marburg. The Behringwerke was previously owned by IG Farben: the conglomerate that produced the Zyklon B used to exterminate Jews at Auschwitz. The Behringwerke and the experimental vaccine program were at the center of the first Nuremberg trial or "Doctors Trial" that gave rise to the Nuremberg Code.


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I think the chart I include here will show just how dumb this really is... https://inumero.substack.com/p/how-stupid-do-they-think-we-are-3

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I’d believe decreasing uptake of the shots could have saved something of that order

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