A whole lot was written about GOF virus research in the 2010's decade, the restrictions and difficulty that researchers were having with those pesky anti-science and research people getting in the way of progress with obstructions like rules and laws. "Those scientific and illiterate Neanderthals!"

In my research I found this link to discussion held at the Council on Foreign Relations Council in 2016. It gets into virus Gain-Of-Function, Dual-Use research, biosecurity, pandemic influenza, China's massive role (and Ukraine??), university research, restrictions on research, political concerns, public ignorance, a whole lot especially relevant in the Q&A part:


It mentioned a name I had to look up, Robbie Barbero, who was at one time Assistant Director of Biological Innovation under the Office of Science and Technology's (OSTP's) Technology and Innovation Division:


Which is where I noticed another name that had come into my world view researching the field of Behaviorism, Behavioral Science/Behavioral Economics. A field that took lead, front in center as The Science (TM) of the pandemic, the definition of Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPI). Maya Shankar was the Assistant Director of Behavioral Science at OSTP. I thought it odd that she was right there, same agency, division as Robbie Barbero from biological innovations (GOF) at the same time!!

And I found that she, too, had been on a CFR panel, where Maya Shankar describes behavioral science, the science of that studies the efficacy of propaganda and censorship in changing people's perspectives so that they change their behaviors to match what authorities want, to the Council on Foreign Relations on how governments can impose policy using psychological manipulation and coercion: https://www.cfr.org/event/behavioral-insights-policymaking

[Note: the article acknowledges that they can’t speak freely on how the behavioral sciences are being used by government to coerce and manipulate populations on the record, they save those conversations for behind closed doors]

There's a whole lot more to this information trail I may have shared on your Stack before, Justin. But I believe it is important to identify these two areas of "science" and how closely they work together for purposes of understanding much of what's happened and ongoing as a result of a virus that changed the world in 2020.

The justification used to fund research into viruses by these health and science agencies with close ties to the Department of Defense is that it is necessary to protect us from a bioterror attack:

Bio=Biological agent that causes disease and death.

Terror=Intentionally scaring people, life/death fear.

Bio-terror. Thing is, for terror to work it doesn't even need to result in a whole lot of people dying. September 11 saw 3,000 people die. In a nation of 300 million. Forever changing the nation. Air travel sucks now as a result. Patriot Act surveillance enacted. Department of Homeland security created to target domestic terrorist threats. Straight terrorism without biology did that.

All that is needed for a successful bio-terror attack is a little bit of death, like, say, a mild infectious agent, perhaps viral, capable of causing severe symptoms that the immunocompromised, like elderly, obese and diabetic, might die with. That's the bio part. The terror part being the fear-amplification campaign, health officials, government-directed media deploying fear-porn at piercing decibels levels. And behavioral scientists pulling out their fear-amplifying NPI strategies to scare people away from another, like fear-amplifying masks, lockdowns, quarantines, contact tracing, psychological appeals strategies like appeal to virture (be a good person), fear appeal (it's real scary), appeal to popularity (everyone cool is doing it), appeal to authority (I'm a doctor), etc. Nudge theory, behavioral science. Called "the science of totalitarianism by practitioners of it for that reason, it can scare people so effectively that they will demand totalitarianism to protect them from a threat they're told they are under.


Bioterror. It looks to this researcher and observer that we, the world, suffered a massive bioterror attack in 2020. A little bit of a biological threat + a whole lot of sophisticated, coordinated terror. By our own government. To fundamentally transform western liberal capitalism societies into totalitarian collectivist societies.

No such things as conspiracies. There are no coincidences.

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Let's not mention how Collins was directly involved in shutting down therapeutics for COVID so that the vaccine program could be pushed through under the EUA.

That crime against humanity ought to land him on the gallows. One could argue that the leak of COVID was accidental, but you cannot argue that his actions after the fact to use the crisis to his advantage and the advantage of Big Pharma were not wholly intentional.

Who remembers Collins' little kumbaya video? It was at that moment that I realized he was just another narcissistic psychopath like Fauci.

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the guy's a worm. i heard his interview with Lex Fridman where he blamed Joe Rogan for killing people. i wonder how many people his reckless lying to cover his ass have killed?

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It breaks my hear that Tim Keller listened to that man.

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Did Keller push the vaccines on his church then?

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Pay attention to the dates on the items I’ve linked. I was appalled and shocked and deeply concerned that Keller would segregate in his church. My biggest concern was the loss of respect I had for The Gospel Coalition organization as a whole.

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I'll look into your links. I didn't know about this. I've read several of Keller's books in the past and they have been a blessing to me.

I suppose I could have guessed though that he was the type of person positioned in just such a way as to be easily manipulated by the propaganda and to be persuaded to use his influence to further it. I don't know how we know such things without knowing, but somehow it fits. I'd love to understand this phenomena better, why certain "good" people were so easily turned around the wrong way.

It's key to stopping this craziness from happening again and key to shifting their thinking now.

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It was a concerted effort by the US government to capture the leaders of the Christian church. I believe this started immediately in 2020 (if not sooner). The assumption was that members would follow their leaders or leave the church (which they considered another bonus I suspect). Collins is a wolf, which was in sheeps clothing early in the pandemic.

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Dr. Robert W. Malone

Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone

c/o The Malone Institute

Dear Robert,

You have done everything right. To this point. Everything. You have been kind in your love for others. Not brutal, as in my love for you.

I never have, and never will speak for you. Only to you:

Drop this vaccine platform nonsense. Immediately.

It cannot, nor will it ever be, “of your doing”.

It’s “undoing” however, is yours to lead and to achieve.

You are the last man standing with nothing but turtles upon your head.

You are not without compass. Listen for your Mother’s voice. You will hear it in the wind when you are headed in the right direction. It is always there.

Vaccines can, and very well may, have a lasting importance for the uniquely vulnerable: Those whose own natural immunity has been, itself, compromised. But not like this. We have to test the tests. We have to grade the tests. Before their data points can be plotted underneath the curve of Natural Immunity.

Turn around. And look down at the broken shoulders of those you have been forced to stand upon. Those that despise you; those that despise criticism; and those that hate themselves more than they could ever hate you. They suffer from Mass Formation Neurosis:


They envy you. You that are able to do what they themselves cannot.

It is in every cry and every whimper of theirs. Easily recognized within their every utterance:

“We’re concerned”. Damn right they are.

Put your full weight upon those broken shoulders:

Expose what they don’t know. What they have never known. And consequently the inevitable mistakes that they have made.

The Greatest Reset. It is time for you to go back and expose every false malevolent assumption that has ever been made in your field. Every assumption, upon assumption, upon assumption. Because, and here’s the thing, at every point, at every node, at every decision that was made by assumption, was a scientist that didn’t know what to do next. They didn’t. If they did they would not of had to make assumptions. At each decision node they had available to them other choices, other known choices available to them. Tell us what they did at each of those junctures. The choices that were made are the dots connecting motive with outcome. Similarly, and even more germane: The choices not made are evidence of malfeasance, and in a court of law, criminality.

The errors. Their errors. Are in the choices not made.

Doubt me? They wrote it all down. It’s right in front of us. In front of us all. You, me, the barber down the street.

Bring it home. Bring it home for us.

WEF: They are followers. Rubber for brains. Let them follow themselves in a self-annihilating concentric circle. Leave them to lead only those that don’t matter. People that don’t matter - to themselves. Money can own lies. Surely. Certainly, But it is the truth that will bankrupt them.

Your truth. Our truth. The truth of what they have done. The truth that you must expose. With a vengeance.

Resistance Within The Resistance: Never you mind. No one is wrong. No one that is doing the work is wrong. The mistakes that continue to be made concerning this full-on assault against us are too colossal to at all times comprehend. That’s why others have been screaming at you, even when they can’t explain why. You and I are no different as people. We are of them.

5GW: We get it. We all get it. There is no there … there. Because it’s everywhere. Okay. Institutions that have gutted themselves, of actual virtue: They lie, they smear, and they obfuscate because they are not of our equal.

Big screens, little screens, the Jumbotron. Worthless. We beat them with pencil and paper. Each word carefully articulated. Thanks be to Jill.

They all forgot about one thing. These plastic geniuses. People still talk to one another. People of integrity, and of dignity, that form communities. Everywhere. Each one a walking-talking Gutenberg Press. There are more people -people everywhere - listening and talking with one another than will ever listen to these cretins again. They’re done. They just don’t realize it yet. And that’s to our advantage. They are each, constituted of their own lies, which they themselves have come to believe. It’s what’s killing them. Let it.

If you think you have to write it down. Do it. Do it quickly. It’s time to move.

Go see Del. He’s waiting for you. Go see Del. Alone. And sit under that Big Tree with him. We will gather the horses; the tack; everything that you need. We will be joining Mikki Willis and Company. They are two days ahead of us.

Go see Del. And you know why:

That man doesn’t need a saddle.

And he always rides ahead.

🟢 Pinned @ Thomas Lewis

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AND sadly not a THING will happen to them!

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Here is Australia's GOF research. Totally out in the open, approved by the minister in charge, performed at a L4 in Melbourne https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-gain-of-function-research

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I have strong reasons to believe Francis Collins actually worships Satan, his professed faith in God is all fake.

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Thank you Justin Hart!

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Why does this keep coming to mind?


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All will be revealed! It just takes time.

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This does show they are all careful about sending emails ... so the FOI requests seeking emails aren't telling the public what really happened. And most of the emails we do finally see are heavily redacted for some non-convincing reason.

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May 2, 2023
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Sad but true...

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