The only way to fix agencies as broken and corrupt as the CDC is to eliminate them altogether. Allow the states to manage their own health agencies, if they so wish. The federal government should not have this amount of power to regulate the minutiae of our everyday lives.

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“All of Walensky’s mistakes were harmful and dangerously misleading. But one of the most indefensible was her efforts to downplay concerns over post-vaccine myocarditis.” I’d put recommending pregnant women get the jabs right up there at the top of indefensible!

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Ding, dong the witch is dead!

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Probably just moving to work behind the scenes.

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What I wonder is does Walensky intend to spend the rest of her life living in a cave somewhere? Does she really believe that she'll be able to live a normal life after what she has done? What of her family?

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She will become a lame street media contributor or work for Pfizer, write a book, make the TV rounds, etc. Look @ Faux-Xi & Birks & all the rest. Have they been derided (except on the right), much less hounded???

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"Just imagine how much worse it could get in the post-Walensky era..." Yes, exactly. Someone much worse is probably up to replace her. Unless Ms. Walensky writes a tell-all book about her tenure as a Narrative pusher, things will only get worse.

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Just totally nauseating. I hold on to the hope that those children who were so cruelly abused and whose childhoods were needlessly disrupted by soulless reptiles like Walensky will, in the coming years as they become adults, come to realize what was done to them and rise up to demand justice.

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The CDC is the pits. And those bums want to bury us all in one.

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Tell her Orange is the new Black.

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