Beautiful! Amazing how easy it is when you know the answer before you ask it. This guy was twisted up like a pretzel. How sure and arrogant the media (leftist) act until they have to grapple with truth. Now he has to clean the puddle he left a below his chair.

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Growing up (as a genXer in California) , this kind of weak protest would have been scoffed upon - “slightly racist or slightly sexist….” The more I see of this kinda “safe space” silliness, the more I understand the fall of Rome and every other former empire.

Well done Elon. Now if you haven’t already fixed the problem, let substack back on Twitter.

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If Elon uses "business reasons" to support the decision to delete links to Substack material, he should be forced to squirm just like that little dweeb from the BBC. Time will tell.

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Elon just needs to quit worrying about making Twitter a money-maker. Just play for the history books. He has the possibility of helping bring down a towering corrupt system. His grandkids will thank him for this ... so will millions of freedom-revering citizens of the world. But he needs to be allies with Substack authors, as they are largely the only ones who aren't afraid of performing real journalism ... and asking hard questions of our "trusted leaders."

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Plus, Elon can afford to lose billions. Even if he does, he'll still be a billionaire. Plus, he'll probably end up making a killing if he just offers the world the one uncensored social media speech platform. I also point out that he might as well go ahead and "get" these people before they get him.

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Ok, but what if I told you that he's part of the system?

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I might believe you. But he's not a card-carrying member or else the BBC guy wouldn't have been so upset with him.

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Does this make HAL real because of how upset Dave Bowman was?

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Funny how we rush to believe the MSM when they 'comferm' one of our 'biases'.

I wonder if there's a term for this?

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He might, he might not. Why not dealing with it as it unfolds? In this interview he works for freedom. That is now. Today. That matters. Everything else is speculation. You are spoiling your own fun. Celebrate and smile when a reason is offered. And if he betrays us tomorrow we will deal with that too. As it unfolds.

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Try doing a search for 'controlled opposition' and 'limited hangout'.

Bread and circuses

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I know all about it. I dont think you get me. Of course Elon can't be trusted. Neither the BBC. That doesn't mean he can't be enjoyed .

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What makes you say he is part of the system please?

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Why do you think that he gets all the sweetheart money for those 'zero emission' cars that are built by robots?

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I suppose he's gaming the system better than most. At least when I call him out for the faux green scam he's foisting on us, he doesn't block me from Twitter. But I'm just one, tiny voice so...

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Apr 12, 2023Edited
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Keep digging!

Maybe try using seekr as your search engine.

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Thnx for the tip. DuckDuckGo was a disappointment after Brave and SwissCows looked like a Google redirection app. Any others?

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That was delicious. Felt like Christmas.

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That was FUN to watch!

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Wow. Total destruction. I actually squirmed in my chair watching that BBC reporter disintegrate in just over four minutes. "Let's talk about something else." was his only comeback, a comeback that was used...what...a half dozen times? In just over four minutes? Wow.

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“I don’t like the way this conversation is going. It looks like I’m losing the argument - let’s talk about something else - quickly!” Help, get me out of here …

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Thanks for posting this. I cross-posted it on my site. Key take-away: These interviewers show their true colors whenever they are challenged. So what we need is more people who are interviewed who WILL challenge them. This is probably why such people are almost never interviewed by the mainstream media.

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Sadly, the reporter could only say that others were talking about “hateful content” but couldn’t provide one example. I think this is more of a younger Gen person being triggered by humor we all used to find funny (some of us still do). God forbid this wilting flower ever watches Saturday Night Live reruns from the 1980’s or, (oh, no!) George Carlin. His head would explode.

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Hope he does the CBC next!!

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Delicious start to the day so far . Wish he would interview someone from the CBC here in Canada . I"ll assume the Trusted News Initiative was in lock step with the same agenda in all those G7 countries. Suspect this BBC guy will be getting "retraining" somewhere.

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Always record any interviews you do with the press.

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Utterly brilliant! Wonderful to see BBC’s arrogance toppled so spectacularly and eloquently.

Thank you Mr Musk. Let’s do more of these interviews please .

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Fuck around and find out!

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A PERFECT example of "Having your ass handed to you". Priceless!

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all leftists fold when asked for specific examples because there are none. It is made up nonsense that even Dr. Seuess wouldn't let loose.

Today I shall be

either a he or she,

tomorrow I think

I will be something pink.

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Beautiful and adept handling of a typical irrational leftist who refuses to engage and can only change the subject.

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