The beginning of the end of any country is when the public loses all confidence in anything it says or does. We are rapidly reaching that point.

Additionally, the government, realizing they are losing control, becomes tyrannical and abusive to retain its power. All of which creates less confidence. This cycle of destruction then becomes impossible to stop until the whole political system completely folds and a new design is implemented. This is our history, and it always repeats because human nature never changes.

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“Ethics” and “CIA” in the same sentence, 😂

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One million lives in the US alone claimed by COVID? Really?

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Any whistleblower embraced by Congress is part of PR operation.. real whistleblowers get armed SWAT Teams breaking down their door, gag orders & ruinous lawfare.. possibly jail time.. whole thing stinks like week old fish to me.

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All roads to the creation of the illness and the dangerous shots lead back to the United States. Therefore I'm fairly confident we will never see justice in the US. Once congressional leaders realize US has all the blood on their hands they're going to run from this. For now they're trying to appease the public. My only hope for justice lies in some foreign country figuring it all out and holding the United States accountable.

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The CIA blew JFK’s brains out while riding in a motorcade in broad daylight in Dallas, TX. This is surprising?

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No surprise here. Daszak was/is obviously a single/double/triple agent. Intellectual counting coup here, I know, but I figured this out two years ago, give or take. No conspiracy theory required. https://empathy.guru/2022/03/15/the-memetics-of-bioweapons-and-why-they-matter/

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Not at all a surprise. I need to go get my infant granddaughter vaccinated now. The CDC just mandated all of us get jabbed again.

I’m sure the mRNA shots are completely safe and have no side effects and are just as effective as the last batch. WTF!!

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Biden's part Chinese. What part? His wallet! 🤬

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