This is all nice but you can not use facts to win your argument. You need feelings and emotions. We need to have a place where all could go and report their own personal stories of dead young people right after a shot. There are thousands of them. There are secret groups on Facebook that speak in code so the censors don’t pick up on it. There are new stories everyday about people they knew and loved just dying and many are very young. Then these stories need to be read in person to congress with the simple question. Why did you allow this to happen?????

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They (the proverbial “they”) will respond that 33 deaths, out of billions of shots administered, are the price of protection. Nevertheless, good to have those confirms.

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Sure Fauci can refute these. He refutes he said what we heard him say and have video evidence of. He refutes anything and everything whenever he feels like it and has done so from day one of this mess and gets away with it. Is rewarded handsomely for his constant refutations.

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Fauci and his putrid ilk will deny everything including that the sun rises in the East and sets in the West. These scumbags take NO responsibility for any harm or death they have caused. Even if you have proof of 1 million murders, they will never admit they had any part of it. Until you can get these medical terrorists in front of a judge and jury willing to convict them and sentence them, all those people who fauci has murdered will mean nothing to him. Remorse is not an option...that is how arrogant he is.

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"Mar 2023 - 67-year-old woman in Japan dies after BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine. "

could you check the date of publication of this case? The associated paper was posted "Octover 2022" and not March 2023.

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