Trusting the FBI is on my "to do" list just ahead of beginning to trust the CDC again.

Spoiler Alert: might be a while.

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Don't forget the IRS on your to do list...

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Don't tell anyone, but I NEVER trusted the IRS.


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What a surprise. Anyone walking the streets can see crime has dramatically increased. That doesn't even factor in the crimes that are legalized in California like theft and petty larceny -also NYC. If crimes aren't crimes anymore, the rate goes down!

Just like the Biden Bureau of labor statistics lying through their teeth over the fact that native Americans are not getting hired and the actual jobs created were overstated by nearly a million this year alone.

How anyone can believe Demoncrat bullshit anymore is beyond me.

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Methinks there be a trend in "official" numbers favoring the party in power, while updated figures slant towards the underdogs. Of course, the media fawn over the original data, and make practically no mention of the corrections.

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Fear of a Trump win is forcing fake numbers to be updated. It takes away a talking point from the right.

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Thank you for sharing this Justin. I wrote a Substack about fudged numbers last month. It centers around an interview with John Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center. He is excellent. https://open.substack.com/pub/foxyheterodoxy/p/violent-crime-really-was-lower-under?r=1qba3o&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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JUSTIN, I didn't see a list of the Major cities that stopped reporting their statistics to the FBI.

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