How did the FDA manage to review and analyze the Pfizer data within weeks to authorize the EUA for a product that has been injected into 200 million Americans...but they can only produce 500 pages a month?
Because they have to go through line by line and redact any manufacturing, trade or business secrets that the company shared with the FDA in the 330,000 pages of material that they gave as part of the approval process.
I don't care about their "manufacturing, trade or business secrets". Seriously, it takes more time to do that than analyze the data and recommend an EUA for an experimental gene therapy that will was jabbed into hundreds of millions of arms? I call bullshit.
The news is obviously very, very bad for them. There’s no way I’d be taking their medicine based on this fact alone, never mind the injuries and the ineffectiveness.
I feel sorry for people who got burned with a classic bait and switch. Fauxi and the execrable Walenski were saying just weeks ago that the “vaccines are 100% effective against hospitalization and death” and many gullible souls actually believed that.
Now it’s “boosters or you’re not ‘fully vaccinated’”. In other words it will be a perpetual “pandemic of the unvaccinated” because the goal posts will keep changing. Forever.
An idea was suggested based on this news that any informed consent could not be accurately provided since no one saw or analyzed the actual data, besides possibly the company. Can this be used in legal proceedings as a violation of informed consent argument?
The problem is that all of this regulatory system is captured, and I don't think it is possible to design a centralized government system that cannot be captured.
One possible replacement: (1) stop all government regulation, which would allow multiple independent certification companies to be started. (2) Require companies to list all known risks from their drugs and be liable for both financial liability and criminal charges if they conceal information.
Does this have precedent? Is this the sort of bureaucracy which has always been going on, whether it be for Zoloft or Clopidogrel, and we just didn't realize it because there wasn't scrutiny, or, is this a unique situation? I just hate to be alarmist if this is something which always happens and we just didn't realize it because no one was paying attention. In either case, it seems ridiculous, but I wanted to have a measure of "what about before" to calibrate outrage appropriately.
Its my opinion that if the CDC can approve experimental drugs with 400k pages of info as fast as they did with NO REAL LONG TERM TESTING, then the FDA can fucking hand over all those DOCS! There is literally NO WAY it's legal or ethical to force an experimental drug on ALL of humanity without us having all the info. And even then, WE decide if we want to play guinea pig.
Government never gives information. Agencies have always played this game. If you're expecting to learn anything from a FOIA, you're wasting time and money.
So, it will take 55 years to review the documents before they can be released but it took only a few months to study them enough to declare that the vaccine they pertain to are safe and work?
What is the innocent/benign explanation for this? There is none. THIS should open people’s eyes. It may open a few but I think people are pretty well set in their camps. Camp Cult vs. Camp Truth. Camp Can’t Be Bothered is by far the largest in my humble opinion. They are the ones killing us.
How did the FDA manage to review and analyze the Pfizer data within weeks to authorize the EUA for a product that has been injected into 200 million Americans...but they can only produce 500 pages a month?
Because they have to go through line by line and redact any manufacturing, trade or business secrets that the company shared with the FDA in the 330,000 pages of material that they gave as part of the approval process.
I don't care about their "manufacturing, trade or business secrets". Seriously, it takes more time to do that than analyze the data and recommend an EUA for an experimental gene therapy that will was jabbed into hundreds of millions of arms? I call bullshit.
55 years!?
Additionally, at least some of that would come out once that patents expire.
Cm - because it takes years to ministry of truth this many pages ....... 🙄
The news is obviously very, very bad for them. There’s no way I’d be taking their medicine based on this fact alone, never mind the injuries and the ineffectiveness.
I feel sorry for people who got burned with a classic bait and switch. Fauxi and the execrable Walenski were saying just weeks ago that the “vaccines are 100% effective against hospitalization and death” and many gullible souls actually believed that.
Now it’s “boosters or you’re not ‘fully vaccinated’”. In other words it will be a perpetual “pandemic of the unvaccinated” because the goal posts will keep changing. Forever.
What a fraud.
An idea was suggested based on this news that any informed consent could not be accurately provided since no one saw or analyzed the actual data, besides possibly the company. Can this be used in legal proceedings as a violation of informed consent argument?
The problem is that all of this regulatory system is captured, and I don't think it is possible to design a centralized government system that cannot be captured.
One possible replacement: (1) stop all government regulation, which would allow multiple independent certification companies to be started. (2) Require companies to list all known risks from their drugs and be liable for both financial liability and criminal charges if they conceal information.
Does this have precedent? Is this the sort of bureaucracy which has always been going on, whether it be for Zoloft or Clopidogrel, and we just didn't realize it because there wasn't scrutiny, or, is this a unique situation? I just hate to be alarmist if this is something which always happens and we just didn't realize it because no one was paying attention. In either case, it seems ridiculous, but I wanted to have a measure of "what about before" to calibrate outrage appropriately.
Keep up the great work sir!
Its my opinion that if the CDC can approve experimental drugs with 400k pages of info as fast as they did with NO REAL LONG TERM TESTING, then the FDA can fucking hand over all those DOCS! There is literally NO WAY it's legal or ethical to force an experimental drug on ALL of humanity without us having all the info. And even then, WE decide if we want to play guinea pig.
Government never gives information. Agencies have always played this game. If you're expecting to learn anything from a FOIA, you're wasting time and money.
So, it will take 55 years to review the documents before they can be released but it took only a few months to study them enough to declare that the vaccine they pertain to are safe and work?
What is the innocent/benign explanation for this? There is none. THIS should open people’s eyes. It may open a few but I think people are pretty well set in their camps. Camp Cult vs. Camp Truth. Camp Can’t Be Bothered is by far the largest in my humble opinion. They are the ones killing us.
But they work for us…
400,000 divided by 6,000 is 66 2/3rds. That would mean waiting until 2087 or 2088 for the FOIA document processing to be done.