Eventually it will be known that the FDA acted with malice and fraudulently.

The people who came up with the “horse dewormer y’all” should be tried at the Nuremberg II trials.

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Oh, I remember that tweet. It was retweeted by my then-pastor. I found it insanely insulting and inappropriate. I don’t go to that church anymore.

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I trusted the FLCCC website and contacted one of their doctors for help when I caught Delta in August of 2021. I was desperately ill but didn't trust the medical establishment in Minnesota. I couldn't get Ivermectin for a week but took Fluvoxamine for brain inflammation. Ivermectin turned me around asap. I tookit again for Omacron in August 2022 along with the advised FLCCC supplements. Ivermectin is wonderful.

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Great example of me ignoring the utter ridiculousness of the FDA’s stupid little Tweet. They were late to the party, if you ask me, because by then, I had seen Dr. Kory’s testimony before Congress and before that, read about it on Ann Barnhardt’s blog.

The FDA can’t even get diet facts straight. What makes them think they know what they’re talking about with Ivermectin?

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The FDA, CDC and NIH are all just Big Pharma subsidiaries at this point. Never again will I trust anything these fraudulent agencies put forth.

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Gotta love that the CDC pretends that Ivermectin is only for horses and very dangerous to treat Covid, yet forgot they already recommended it off-label to treat lice despite, not being approved by the FDA, because (and I quote): "oral ivermectin has been used extensively and safely for over two decades in many countries to treat filarial worm infections."


CDC: “Oh you have a mildly irritating parasite with several OTC options already available to eliminate it? Consider this non-FDA approved pill that may help too-you got nothing to lose”

Also CDC: “This deadly pathogen with no known cure? YOU ARE NOT A HORSE!”

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This FDA 'ad' that they are so proud of, cost people their LIVES. These people knew NOTHING, but acted like shills in order to make money for this morally bankrupt pharm companies. And appeared to have FUN with their PROPAGANDA.

How does it feel to know that you were involved in causing more unnecessary deaths, in order to increase $$$ to corrupt, lying, false testing pharm companies?

They should feel pretty bad. These people need to be asked if they learned anything about testifying about things and mocking people about things that they had NO CLUE about.

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The FDA has zero dignity. These people are inhumane.

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i have seen 4 people turned around overnight with one dose of IVM after suffering horribly. we just keep it on hand in the medicine cabinet. if i get any kind of flu- no testing, please- i take it

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The arrogance of these people disgusts me. Thousands of innocent people died because of them. Where and when is justice ever going to be given to them.

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These people are so gross. It’s criminal negligence and they need to stand trial. Ivermectin could have saved lives. It has been safely used on humans for decades and they tell the world it’s only got horses and mock anybody who tried to use it. It’s beyond disgusting.

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Out of 24 million impressions and over 920k engagements, there were 89,000 likes. Doesn't that ratio tell them anything? So tonedeaf. Great substack title btw

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Justin, as usual, you are on-point. Since I have been aware of the Tess Lawrie / Andrew Hill interactions for months, I KNOW IVM is a key off-label treatment option for covid. That said, what do you think of some of the ostensible scientists who claim that neither IVM or HCQ have been verified via RCT? I think they are FOS, but I might be a little strident. I continue to feel like those of us on Team Reality tend to be over-cautious about recommending something without the proper scientific justification, and I am pretty sure IVM has it. (I am less sure about HCQ.) Just wondered if you--or anyone else in this thread--has other information, points of view, or comments.

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FDA = Federal Disinformation Agency

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Every single one of these people needs to lose a hell of a lot more than just their jobs.

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Have used IVM for prevention and for recovery. My wife got Delta and recovered in 7 days w/ IVM, I did not get it and was taking IVM weekly as a preventative. My wife got Omicron and recovered in 5 days with IVM, again I did not catch it. I stopped taking weekly as the severity of disease diminished. Went to a conference and it was a super spreader. I got C19 and took IVM, recovered no issues. Observational I know but a useful case

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