Eventually it will be known that the FDA acted with malice and fraudulently.

The people who came up with the “horse dewormer y’all” should be tried at the Nuremberg II trials.

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I agree. They should be tried, as Goebbels was tried for his propaganda during the Nazi era.

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True. Really anyone who promoted the mRNA instead of ivermectin is culpable. Those who continue to do so now after all the data is available are doubly guilty.

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How about those people who swore there were no cures and you either took the 97 percent effect "vaccines" or stayed home and waited to get sick and die? First disease ever that wasn't exploited by early treatment. Those suppressors killed people- a hell of a lot of people too.

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Yet few thought to themselves, “Hey, we’re AMERICA! We have zillions of drugs! Other countries will share theirs and vice verse! I bet Fauci will come up with SOMETHING to at least tie us over! That’s his JOB.” But no…

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Oh, and I’m aware that Trump is in this latter group. His fans will say, “but, but, he didn’t mandate the jabs.” While this is true, he and his people were the most prominent voices promoting the jabs. And certainly he could have pulled up his big boy pants and come out in strong support of Ivermectin. Instead he cowered and kept promoting lockdowns, and all the other nonsense.

So he gets no pass from me. Sorry.

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Trump pushed HCQ before the "vaccines" came out and MSM fell all over itself in discrediting Trump and HCQ and thereby dooming untold thousands at least and probably millions of unnecessary deaths. The Pharma companies delayed release of "vaccines" until AFTER 2020 election so Trump wouldn't get credit. Knowing what it we know now, that might have saved lives but the Pharma companies didn't do it for love, but for politics,(their politics). You can see.why Trump wants to get credit, after all the effort (and lives) expended to deny him this. I give Trump.all the credit for pushing and continued pushing it even though it's now apparent these "vaccines" are killers of some people. Scientific credit should go to FDA, CDC, and that malevolent elf, Fauci, who in a righteous world would be buried UNDER the jail. Trump never pushed lockdowns either, although he supposedly could have stopped them, this isn't to his credit either.

Ivermectin was never "in the mix" although some people may have known/guessed at it effectiveness back then. Trump was out before it caught on

Think your history is not 100 percent correct

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1. Trump was clueless about the value of Ivermectin when he should have known better. In the spring of 2020, I learned about Ivermectin’s efficacy against C19 from Karl Denniger’s blog, Market Ticker (worth Googling). I think he was so cowed by the media’s pushback on HCQ that even if he had done a little research about IVM, he would have been too cowardly to bring it up.

2. Trump and his appointees pushed lockdowns hard for several months. You can’t defend Trump on this ground given how he demeaned Governor Kemp for opening up Georgia.

3. There is no evidence Big Pharma “delayed” the vaccine rollout to try to prevent Trump from “getting credit”. Trump has always been a big supporter of the Pharma companies so that line of defense of Trump doesn’t wash. Pfizer KNEW their mRNA vax was dangerous, but would be highly profitable the moment it was released. If they had been able to release it earlier, they would have done so.

4. Knowing what we know now, if Trump had signed an exec order preventing the release of the deadly mRNA juice, millions of lives would have been saved. But no, Trump wanted credit for a quickly developed experimental “vaccine”.

Oh, he’ll get credit for it all right. If the Nuremberg trials ever materialize, Trump will [rightly] be one of the first to the gallows.

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Weird take, but I appreciate all the intensity you put into it. Lol.

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Goebbels was never tried for anything. He killed his 6 children and then he and his wife committed suicide.

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Right. I stand corrected. He was indicted and knew what was coming at his trial. Will any of the FDA or CDC propagandists take the Goebbels way out?

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hanging would be too compassionate for these monsters. I suggest drawn and quartered.

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Make them all take all the jabs, boosters too, then remdesivir & paxlovid for 6 weeks each. That should pretty much thin the herd.

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Hook them up to ventilators.

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What’s good for



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In Fauci's case, I really think sand flies ought to be involved somehow.

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Must "neutralize" the vocal cords too.

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Oh, I remember that tweet. It was retweeted by my then-pastor. I found it insanely insulting and inappropriate. I don’t go to that church anymore.

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I trusted the FLCCC website and contacted one of their doctors for help when I caught Delta in August of 2021. I was desperately ill but didn't trust the medical establishment in Minnesota. I couldn't get Ivermectin for a week but took Fluvoxamine for brain inflammation. Ivermectin turned me around asap. I tookit again for Omacron in August 2022 along with the advised FLCCC supplements. Ivermectin is wonderful.

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A friend gave me some to tide me

over till mine arrived— which was confiscated at the airport! Consequently, I took my

second half straight from the horses’ mouth, from the feed store! We have horses. I know the strenuous steps they go through to insure purity. It helped.

People making fun of people taking horse meds— as though horses aren’t prescribed several other things humans take—- antibiotics, hello?, need making fun of themselves.

I did a 5 min. search to find IVM has been prescribed 4 BILLION times, to humans, won a Nobel prize in 2015, & has a far better safety record than aspirin.

Meanwhile Tony “I AM the science”Fauci is lying, saying it needs to be studied for safety . 🐂💩 4 BILLION prescriptions w/ 2 deaths is a study unto itself.

THEN they did a bogus “study”, designed to fail, wherein they gave way too little, way too late. He reported it not efficacious. again, 🐂💩 Or maybe HORSE 💩’s a better word.

Yeah, toss him under the jail.

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Great example of me ignoring the utter ridiculousness of the FDA’s stupid little Tweet. They were late to the party, if you ask me, because by then, I had seen Dr. Kory’s testimony before Congress and before that, read about it on Ann Barnhardt’s blog.

The FDA can’t even get diet facts straight. What makes them think they know what they’re talking about with Ivermectin?

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It's not a matter of knowing what they're talking about. It doesn't matter. They're told what to say. It's not an accident that they called a Nobel Prize winning super safe drug a "horse-dewormer"

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The FDA, CDC and NIH are all just Big Pharma subsidiaries at this point. Never again will I trust anything these fraudulent agencies put forth.

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Well, they ARE funded (by law) in large part, by the pharmaceutical companies. Nearly half the agency's budget now comes from 'user fees' paid by companies seeking approval for medical devices or drugs. despite defenders of that law, IMO, that law should be rescinded.

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yep. FDA, CDC, AMA, NIH, and WHO are all marketing arms for Pharma

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Gotta love that the CDC pretends that Ivermectin is only for horses and very dangerous to treat Covid, yet forgot they already recommended it off-label to treat lice despite, not being approved by the FDA, because (and I quote): "oral ivermectin has been used extensively and safely for over two decades in many countries to treat filarial worm infections."


CDC: “Oh you have a mildly irritating parasite with several OTC options already available to eliminate it? Consider this non-FDA approved pill that may help too-you got nothing to lose”

Also CDC: “This deadly pathogen with no known cure? YOU ARE NOT A HORSE!”

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Ivermectin use in Africa (by HUMANS, not horses, for several decades!) eliminated two deadly diseases: River Blindness and Elephantiasis, both horrible diseases. There were some villages in Africa where half the men over the age of 40 were blind. Ivermectin eradicating those diseases is what won the two scientists the Nobel Prize in 2014.

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And, were one to make the argument that these same African countries that all the geniuses thought would be devastated fared far better than all the uber jabbed, enlightened, data driven, science following, WEF leading countries wrt Covid *because of their prior use of Ivermectin*, could anyone make a reasonable refutation?

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There's a funny story about a elder care facility in a small village in France. During spring of 2020, covid hit the village. Many people got very sick, some died. But not one person in the elder care facility died or even got sick! Turns out a few days prior to the covid outbreak in the village, the elder care place had an outbreak of scabies. They gave everyone in the facility Ivermectin to treat the scabies outbreak. Draw your own conclusion.

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This FDA 'ad' that they are so proud of, cost people their LIVES. These people knew NOTHING, but acted like shills in order to make money for this morally bankrupt pharm companies. And appeared to have FUN with their PROPAGANDA.

How does it feel to know that you were involved in causing more unnecessary deaths, in order to increase $$$ to corrupt, lying, false testing pharm companies?

They should feel pretty bad. These people need to be asked if they learned anything about testifying about things and mocking people about things that they had NO CLUE about.

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They won’t feel bad. These people are clearly sociopathic and therefore, incapable of shame. In fact, they likely have convinced themselves they were acting for the good of humanity.

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The FDA has zero dignity. These people are inhumane.

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i have seen 4 people turned around overnight with one dose of IVM after suffering horribly. we just keep it on hand in the medicine cabinet. if i get any kind of flu- no testing, please- i take it

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Testing not necessary

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The arrogance of these people disgusts me. Thousands of innocent people died because of them. Where and when is justice ever going to be given to them.

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Acting Chief of Staff Tierney (and her pronouns) should be accorded the same punishment as Goebbels. Based on the emails, same goes for the “team” who were involved with the campaign including:

Erica Jefferson

Janet Woodcock

Melissa Safford

Heidi Rebello

Chris Mulieri

Brad Kimberly

Sandy Walsh

Michael Felberbaum

Daniel Hetlage

I probably missed a few

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I have two friends who died on in isolation on the vent + Rundeathisnear (the expensive and experimental Remdesivir)-- and I have a strong feeling they would have recovered had they been treated with normal, proper nursing care and Ivermectin. There is more than enough information out there to conclude that suppressing the use of Ivermectin for covid was criminal and resulted in many, many needless deaths.

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Dr. Littell Speaks at the Polk County Commission: The Right to Treat Patients

Testimony given September 22, 2021


Posted on rumble September 30, 2021



DR. JOHN LITTELL: Yes, good morning. Thank you for allowing me for come here all the way from Ocala. My name is John Littell, I'm a family physician [states address]. And why in the good Lord's name would I clean out my slate of patients who've been waiting a long time to see me and drive two hours down here to speak for 3 minutes and then two hours back to work until 11 o'clock tonight?

It's because what I'm going to do until 11 o'clock tonight is I'm going to be not only seeing my covid patients in the office, my covid patients in the hospitals, and I'll be calling in prescriptions all over the country, including here in Bartow, Tennessee, South Carolina, Oklahoma, California, New York, and Washington DC for people who have not been able to find physicians who will write for medications for them.

Who would have thought we'd ever be in this position? That I would have to come and say anything to anybody about why I cannot get drugs. Or—- let me tell you this, when patients call me from any of those places the first thing I have to ask them is please find a pharmacy that will give you the medications that I'm prescribing for you. Because I've been through that, calling CVS, calling Walmart, calling Walgreen's, and being told by a pharmacologist or pharmacist that they don't agree with me when I've been spending 32 years as a family physician, 7 years as an army family physician taking care of folks in Guantanamo Bay, we picked up patient refuges who had malaria and measles and HIV and tuberculosis. Working in a health service corps in rural Montana. Chief of staff of the hospital, chairman of family medicine. On five different medical schools in Florida teaching medical students to this day. And what do I tell those medical students? I tell them, for God's sake please do not become robots, because that is what the medical system has produced for the last 30 years and it's continuing to produce. The medical students of today and most of the physicians of today are becoming enslaved to corporate systems. My friends who work for the VA, who work for academia, who work for hospitals are being threatened and two of them have already lost their jobs because they have written for Ivermectin which, yes, you've heard all the great things.

Look at Uttar Pradesh, the largest state— we all need to get an education about India,

1.3 billion people, one state, 240 million people. As we sit here today 5% of their population has been vaccinated and yet they have the lowest incidence of covid in Uttar Pradesh, India. The lowest in the entire country. Why? Because their minister of health a year ago said we're going to start using the Ivermectin, we've already had for both prevention and for treatment. The same with Chiapas, Mexico. The same across most of Africa where they've used Ivermectin to fight river blindness for decades because of the World Health Organization recognizing that it was a safe and effective drug.

And most importantly guys what all this is about for me and why I have this white coat on, this, I don't wear this as a show and tell thing. I wear this because when I put this on and I walk into the patient exam room [time alarm sounds] I have learned through my 30 years of practice that this projects hope for those patients. And I have found that with covid people are not getting a message of hope. They're being told that there is no hope [time alarm continues sounding] that you wait until you're in the hospital. [time alarm sounding] I'm sorry, I've gone long.

CHAIR: Thank you sir.

DR. JOHN LITTELL: Help me to be a doctor for my patients. God bless you all and thank you for listening to me.

CHAIR: Thank you, sir.



# # #


Dr. John Littell's website is https://www.johnlittellmd.com/

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In the end...God is just.

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These people are so gross. It’s criminal negligence and they need to stand trial. Ivermectin could have saved lives. It has been safely used on humans for decades and they tell the world it’s only got horses and mock anybody who tried to use it. It’s beyond disgusting.

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Out of 24 million impressions and over 920k engagements, there were 89,000 likes. Doesn't that ratio tell them anything? So tonedeaf. Great substack title btw

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Bububuttt.. they're "data driven" doncha know.

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Justin, as usual, you are on-point. Since I have been aware of the Tess Lawrie / Andrew Hill interactions for months, I KNOW IVM is a key off-label treatment option for covid. That said, what do you think of some of the ostensible scientists who claim that neither IVM or HCQ have been verified via RCT? I think they are FOS, but I might be a little strident. I continue to feel like those of us on Team Reality tend to be over-cautious about recommending something without the proper scientific justification, and I am pretty sure IVM has it. (I am less sure about HCQ.) Just wondered if you--or anyone else in this thread--has other information, points of view, or comments.

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What they did for HCQ was even worse. They OVERDOSED, giving near fatal doses to people who hospitalized and very ill. Gates and Fauci funded two trials like this. First of all, HCQ is most effective when given early. Wait till you're in the hospital, it might be too late. So they deliberately chose hospitalized patients for their "trials". Standard dose for HCQ is 400mg. Fatal dose is around 3600mg. In one "trial" they gave the patients 2400 mg, 6 times the normal dose! The other "trial" they gave 1800 mg--4 1/2 times the normal does--daily for 3 days. Guess what? Some of the patients died! So they "concluded" HCQ is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be used. These people are pure evil.

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Damn! I did not have any of this information. If you have citations I can follow, I would appreciate it. The first thing my friends and family will do is ask, "how do you know?"

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The info re the HCQ fraudulent "trials" is detailed in RFK, Jr's book The Real Anthony Fauci. You can download it onto a Kindle if you have one for a few bucks. Or get the hard copy, it's a good reference. Or get your public library to order a few copies.

The trials of IVM are detailed in that link I put in my last comment. I believe they have each trial listed with a link to details about each trial.

Dr. Kory has a substack and he wrote a couple of articles detailing the fraudulent IVM trials. Here's a link to the first article of a three part series. He's got other articles worth reading as well. https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/the-timeline-of-major-battles-in-c8e

Let me know if you need further info/links/etc. and I'll see if I can help.

Good luck talking to friends and family. I have found that to be a tough row to hoe, but you may be better at it than I.

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I am not better at talking to friends and family than you are. Trust me on that! I have the RFK book, so will check those cites going forward. Dr. Kory is another great resource. Thanks for the reminder.

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the study was later retracted when in fact the people who ran it should have been tried for premeditated murder

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I believe you're referring to the "study" that was reported in the Lancet in May 2020 (the freaking Lancet!! How did that happen? Pharma owns them too!!) It was retracted in July 2020, but by then the damage had been done.

That study was a fraudulent study based on completely FAKE data, made up out of thin air, by a company called Surgisphere. The Lancet normally checks the authors, verifies the data, and then sends it out for independent peer review before publishing. They did NONE of that before publishing this piece of garbage article. The Lancet is just another marketing arm for Pharma.

The fraudulent trials that I mentioned that were funded by Gates and Fauci--those were real trials where they gave overdoses of HCQ to very ill hospitalized patients killing a few in the process. The criminality is almost beyond comprehension, but when you realize that Fauci ran a fraudulent trial back in late 1980's to "show" that AZT was "effective" for treating AIDS, then treated young men with that poison (whose side effects are pretty much the same as AIDS symptoms) killing an estimated 1/3 to 1/2 million young men, it's no surprise that Fauci would be willing to kill a few people to "prove" HCQ was no good for treating covid. Once he "showed" that HCQ was no good for covid, by keeping that effective early treatment (and IVM) out of the hands of doctors, he likely killed millions worldwide. Fauci is right up there with Hitler and Stalin.

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my best friend was killed on april 1, 2020 at columbia presbyterian in NYC. she had bad lungs and oxygen tanks at home. she could have stayed home and used her oxygen if she needed it. instead, she wanted a covid test and the hospital was the only place that had them. when the test came back positive, they put her on a vent immediately and 2 weeks later she was dead. all alone. no one at her funeral, no memorial service.

when, in any flu season has anyone ever fretted over what kind of flu they had, what variant? if you had a fever and body aches, you assumed you had the flu. once she went to the hospital to find out if she had covid, she was good as dead.

i loathe these people!

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wow, that is so sad. very sorry for your loss.

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A good friend of

mine went to the ER out of fear. We begged her not to go. I was in the

throws of Delta, about a week ahead of her, and knew there were 3-4 really scary days ahead of her, but she’d pull through. Sure enough, she got the

same thing your friend did, remdesivir “run-death-is-near”, and would up in a

medically induced come for 7 months! They tried numerous times to pull


plug, going so far as to have the

POLICE go to her

son’s HOME with her grandkids there, terrified, to talk her into signing palates to have her moved— which having her

moved would’ve killed her so… They hired a patient advocate, THANK GOD, who got a doctor to look over her treatment. His words: “This hospital

is doing everything to keep her alive but NOTHING to heal her!” He changed her entire protocol and 2 weeks later

she went home! She’s still on oxygen a year later, but she stays at a 1-2 instead

if her previous 5-6!

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more than 100 trials, most of which were positive. Dr. Kory has said that all of the trials that showed no efficacy for treating covid they were deliberately under dosing. One "trial" went so far as to choose a country (I forget whether it was Argentina or Brazil) where IVM was being sold over the counter, people knew about it and were taking it for covid, so they had no control group! It's easy to design a trial to fail. https://c19ivm.org/meta.html

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Thanks! I notice that the "attacks" generally focus on HCQ, which, I think, has less structured study to back it up. IVM is solid as hell, which makes the effectiveness of the "horse dewormer" Tweet all the more baffling. Amazing how much people take the word of [place alphabets here] at face value, without thinking.

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check out this list of HCQ trials. https://c19hcq.org/meta.html

IVM is better. For one thing, it works at pretty much any stage of the disease, whereas HCQ works best if given early. It's not as good later in the disease process as is IVM.

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You are a deep well of information! I appreciate that. What baffles me, although it probably should not, is how we, here in the bowls of substack, can call up data almost immediately, yet the so-called experts and MSM can find none? Hell, I have a friend, a smart guy, who spouts off the "HCQ has no studies to back it up" nonsense. In fact, I saw a video, which was actually mostly good, that mentioned the same non-fact. #Shrugs

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FDA = Federal Disinformation Agency

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FDA = Federal Death Agency

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Every single one of these people needs to lose a hell of a lot more than just their jobs.

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Have used IVM for prevention and for recovery. My wife got Delta and recovered in 7 days w/ IVM, I did not get it and was taking IVM weekly as a preventative. My wife got Omicron and recovered in 5 days with IVM, again I did not catch it. I stopped taking weekly as the severity of disease diminished. Went to a conference and it was a super spreader. I got C19 and took IVM, recovered no issues. Observational I know but a useful case

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