Oh, I remember this lady! She was one of the first murder victims of the Covid policies. I am so thankful for discovering Megan Mansell on Twitter. She's one of the people who helped keep me sane during that horrible time. I was dealing with my dementia ridden mother, my father also losing his mind caring for her at home, my church was closed for 1 full year, and they banned unmasked people for 1 week short of another year. I was essentially alone those two years. I've never quite "recovered."

This poor dear lady. God sees what was done to her. He will bring full justice one day. But we still need to have earthly justice for her and her family. Thank you for not forgetting her. I know I never will.

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Any church that did that is Satanic. They showed their true colors. Don't be misled or try to find good in them that they were doing the best they could in a difficult, scary moment. They are lying. They gave up on God. Chose to believe man is in charge of the natural world. Feel sorry for those who you used to find shared faith with who've chosen to follow the false light of Lucifer.. But you and the truly faithful who never gave up on God should never go back into that or any church that did what they did. They are dark deceivers. Who can lie to your face, pretend to be your friend, come across as devout and sincerely faithful. But will return to Satan's control the moment he commands them. They gave up on God. And God's army. Never forget that's who you're dealing with.

Finding others who never gave up on God and sharing your faith and teachings in your own communities, your own houses, of worship, is how we stay in God's army. Finding strength with others whose faith never wavered.

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No. They're good people. They were genuinely trying to protect people both inside and outside the church. They did the best they could at the time.

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Have you heard of Hannah Arendt? The Origins of Totalitarianism? Inspired Mathias Desmet's similar book title.

She wrote other books. Coined the term "the banality of evil." How evil is usually just ordinary, common, good people. Who know how to do. But do not know how to think.

The churches, our communities, our friends, our families who still haven't bothered to think about what's happened since 2020 are the source of the banality of evil. As long as they refuse to think about, much less think about what they did and didn't do, THINK, before the did what they were told, they will do it again. Mark my word. As much as we hope/wish they wouldn't.

Some reading on the subject you may find helpful:


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TL/DR - The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Why "good people" lead us to hell. Faith in God is what protects us. Not other men "protecting" us.

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Has nothing to do with goodness. 1930's Germans were good people. Who's combined good did a whole lot of evil. Because they gave up on God. And submitted to the control of evil men. Good people genuinely trying to protect people inside and outside Germany. Who did the best they could at the time. Obeying man's commandments. Not God's.

Evil doesn't have funny mustaches or even point weapons at you. Most of the time evil looks just like the average person you see in a supermarket or playing ball in a park. Evil looks just like us. Sometimes its us looking back at ourselves. When we obey "good" people trying to protect us and others from invisible enemies. Forgetting God is in control of the invisible world. Not ANY man.

But keep believing what you believe about them. Don't be surprised when they turn their back on you and God again. "I told you so" will echo in your mind in the suffering you'll endure at their hands again.

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Our son died in Texas Heart Hospital because they were locked down because of COVID.

He was scheduled for complicated heart surgery. He was partially paralyzed due to a previous stroke and we always supervised his eating so he properly chewed and swallowed. My wife repeatedly told nurses over the phone to watch his eating. After two days they called us and told us he had aspirated and was on a ventilator. We were finally allowed to go sit by him and watch him slowly die of multiple organ failure.

He never had COVID although they tried their best to find it. As we were leaving his room for the last time my wife heard the nurses discussing COVID and told them in no uncertain terms that they had better not out COVID on his chart (as we know, to get more $$) since ALL of his tests had been negative.

Our son died BECAUSE of COVID, not FROM COVID. And because of the corrupted medical bureaucracy.

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I am so sorry for this family’s loss. 😞There are no words adequate to express how sad and enraged I feel. My deepest condolences and prayers are with you and all the victims of this pandemic. My previous response was measured, but what I really feel is anything but! 😩😫😖

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Heartbreaking 💔 Covid will forever remind me that no nation, no people are ever as civilized as they think they are. The people with power became tyrants with no thought for the rights, feelings and actual lives of others. Many of us were permanently scarred and forever damaged to some degree by the Pandemic. I like to hope we would never let “them” do it to us again, but I see lots of sheep instead of warriors these days who care more for safety and comfort than they do liberty and justice. You would think with all of our scientific advancements, we would do better, be better,but when push comes to shove, we revert to our base selves. The level of medical malpractice during the epidemic was staggering, but the callousness of the medical profession is what shocked me the most. The fact that doctors let people wither and die rather than offer alternative treatments is unconscionable, a violation of their oath and evil. In the face of a pandemic, mankind rejected common sense, common decency and

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It wasn’t just the callousness of the medical profession that shocked me, it was also the callousness of many of our supposed “elite “. I think that Arnold Schwarzenegger stated their attitude most memorably when he said ‘screw your freedom’…..

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NOBODY should ever go to a Death Center, aka Hospital for ANY reason that doesn't involve wounds bleeding out or broken bones. That's it. No other reason. Everything else is treatable by natural healers like Ayurvedics, Homeopaths, Herbalists, Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc. Everything.

Bonus: Natural healers won't try to kill you while they're 'saving' you.

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This is what they may do to you in hospitals if they think you’re going to be easy prey.

Stay away from hospitals unless the alternative is certain death.

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