I don't have much sympathy for anyone that engages in, promotes, condones, accepts, or pushes immoral sexual behavior such as homosexuality, etc, whether this person is Jewish or white or black or purple does not matter. I mean gee whiz, where is their moral underpinning? It's not an objective morality it is totally subjective so what do you expect? What do you appeal to for moral base? Popular opinion? Majority rule? Law? How has that worked out through history. Most people here including the author will absolutely refuse to think thru to the logical conclusion of this.

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Ask her about her opposition to self-defense.

People like this with contradictory positions about rights and freedom are the ones who made possible the very existence of the problems she then rails against. If that’s not hypocritical, I don’t know what is.


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Great post. We cannot (I don't think) choose the times we live in. Sometimes the times choose us. Sometimes the rise of a voice comes when we are in need of having one. No coincidences.

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