Mar 10, 2022Liked by Justin Hart

My family and I were up skiing and we were sitting on the gondola (enclosed chair lift). This woman steps up and as she's loading on the gondola (which is slowly moving with the doors about to close). She loudly says "everyone in here is vaccinated, RIGHT?!". As the doors closed and she took her seat, I looked her in the eye and said, "no, my son and I are not vaccinated". Of course the doors were already closed. She looked at me horrified and I spent the entire ride up the mountain fake coughing. Not nice, but oh so satisfactory.

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Justin Hart

My worst Karen story ...

I live in Washington outside of Seattle. I was in the Safeway without a a mask - I never wear one but this day a Karen got in my grill. She told me I had a wear a mask ... I said .. " Oh, you are so right .. I mean, I know I graduated from medical school in 1991, and finished one residency in 1995 and another in 1997, and then completed my Fellowship in 1998, which means I have been a practicing medicine for about 25 years .. so I have what we call a MEDICAL EDUCATION, whereas you have what we call an ' opinion ', which, if you really think about it, is sort of like a ASSHOLE because everybody has one. So.... medical education versus asshole ... you know, come to think , I am going to go with my medical education ! Have a nice day, Karen ! "

At this point I got a several Safeway customers clapping. When she was frustrated at my refusing to me bullied she went and got a Safeway clerk who informed her it wasn't his job to enforce it !

Never wore a mask in the store ... never forget what terrible things people can make you do if you agree to let them !

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And that goes for every situation.

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My worst “Karen” encounter happened at Aldi. We were waiting in line to checkout, not wearing masks because we knew Aldi employees won’t say anything about it. When this dude starts complaining about other people in line because they weren’t wearing their mask over their noses. He’s going on and on about how he has a heart condition and is immune compromised. The other customers pull up their masks. We were chuckling to ourselves because he hadn’t seen us yet, totally maskless. When he finally sees us he starts yelling at us. Saying we were trying to kill him. I just yelled back that the masks were useless. Stood my ground. Mind you I’m 5ft nothing.

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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022Liked by Justin Hart

We tried to live our lives as normally as possible here in SoCal, so I have so much less to complain about than everyone else. One of the main effects was that my daughter’s school had to go from K-8 to K-6 because many parents unenrolled when we went virtual (understandably not willing to pay $$$ for virtual school), and the school couldn’t afford enough teachers the next year for all grades. So we had to switch schools for 7th grade, something very sad for our small, tight-knit class. The other main effect was that I had to resign from my biotech industry job due to a vaccine mandate. But thankfully another biotech hired me (still unvaccinated) a couple months later. One of the craziest things I will remember from the lockdowns is driving on 101 through the valley at 3PM on 3/25/20 and being almost the only car on the road. Also going in to a Trader Joe’s in mid-March 2020, and the meat dept had nothing but Irish sausages for sale (they were delicious).

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Justin Hart

I moved from California to South Florida in December 2019, My 19 yo son died suddenly Feb 5 2020. Thankfully this was pre-pandemic and we were able to have a Celebration of Life for him Feb 9. That was very very important to me.

However the loss was devastating and I was deeply grieving when the pandemic commenced.

I had been attending a new church and Sunday School weekly since moving, and following my son's death I also attended several support groups through church: a church sponsored Grief counseling group, plus Griefshare. When it was all canceled and ground to a complete halt in mid-March, quite honestly, I felt betrayed and abandoned by the church during the deepest need for spiritual support/comfort I had ever experienced in my entire life. I thought church was essential and had heard tales of brave Christians routinely risking their lives to attend underground churches in oppressive countries. I was shocked and disappointed that the church complied with the violation of freedom of religion and freedom of assembly..

There was only one light during that dark night of the soul. Several local Al Anon groups in South Florida got permission from their church meeting places to continue meeting in the parking lot. I attended 3 weekly lawnchair Al Anon meetings held in church parking lots (socially distanced and mask optional). Those meetings quite literally saved my life.

When the church opened (about two months into the pandemic), I attempted to return but I hated the masks and social distancing. People didn't interact anymore in Sunday School- it became like a lecture with only the teacher talking. One could not hear people due to the masks and distancing. And I felt very isolated and alone sitting by myself in a pew.

I have faith but no longer attend church. My church attendance was a casualty of their pandemic response.

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As a mom of a "given by God" only son, I am so sorry for the loss of your son. I am also sorry for the complete lack of support you received from the Church and those who profess Christ during such a deep time of grief.

I have also struggled with the lack of courage pastors have had (including at the church we used to attend in person) and their acquiescence to tyrannical mandates. So few (like Rob McCoy in CA and Artur Pawlowski in Canada) have refused to close the doors of their churches and paid a high price, but their integrity before God is intact and that is obviously what is important to them.

Your story makes me very sad and yet I can identify with so much of your disappointment.

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I am so sorry about the loss of your son and your experience with that church. I have heard that from several different churches in our area and I can't understand it. I was so thankful our church disobeyed after two months and opened back up. We didn't wear masks or avoid each other and our pastor was firm on telling the congregation that we wouldn't be treating anyone differently in church but if anyone felt fearful they wouldn't be judged for continuing to stay home. Our pastors come from the same seminary as the Canadian pastor that went to jail and John Macarthur's church outside of L.A that always made the news for defying the mandates.

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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022

I worked at Wegmans as a stock clerk at the beginning of the scamdemic. Our criminal in charge, Gov. Charlie Baker of Marxachusetts had just mandated the masks. I had a medical exemption and Wegmans (much to their dismay) was forced to honor it and allow me to work sans mask. So one day, while I was stocking shelves, minding my own business an obese customer approached me for assistance. She had four items in her cart - twinkies, cheeseballs, Soda and booze. As soon as she saw my pearly whites and diaper-free smile she yelled in horror, "Hey! Why aren't you wearing a mask?! You are putting my health at risk!"

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Wow! Obese and 4 more co-morbidities in her cart!

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Justin Hart

I have 2 Karen stories.

I live in Spokane, Washington. The first story is the latest Karen story. In December 2021 I became extremely ill. I could not breathe without pain, I was dizzy and didn't know where I was half the time(according to my husband.) Come to find out, After I was admitted to the hospital, I had several blood clots in my lungs! No covid for me. So, fast-forward to February 14th 2022. I'm on oxygen still because my lungs just won't heal, and my PCP sent me to a Pulmonologist to find out what the heck was going on. I walked in without a mask because I cannot breathe with it and an oxygen tube in my nose. The first fight was with the receptionist. When I told her no, she was getting ready to lecture me and I told her to plug her nose and breathe through it and exhale your Co2 into the mask and try to inhale again! She shut up. Then, after seeing the Dr. who determined I also had pneumonia going on. So to qualify for insurance to pay for the oxygen, I had to do a walking test to see if my O2 saturations dropped with walking or exercise. The nurse made me put on a damn mask. Here I was in a long hallway with no one around! So, I thought, I'll show her how stupid a mask is for people that can't breathe! So I walked halfway down the hall, and then I was to go as fast as I could. I was to report when my oxygen level went below 90% on the oximeter. By the end of the hall I was huffing and puffing, mind you I was also dragging an O2 tank behind me. I sat down and my O2 SATS went down to 85% Which is NOT good. I tore the mask off, and yelled to the nurse what the SATS were. She came a hustling down, and I'm still trying to recover and get everything balanced. When things were better. She says OK let's go back now! I crumpled up the mask and told her I was NOT wearing it anymore. You of ALL people should know better! Why do you all insist on masks for people that cannot breathe!? Why are you trying to kill me? You are sadists!! So she looked at me wide-eyed and said ok, you don't have to wear one. So we walked back to the other end and just as I got to the end, I was struck with horrid chest pains! They doubled me over, my chest felt horrid.(for Real) The nurse asks what's wrong, I tell her I have chest pains from her trying to kill me and now, I'm having a heart attack! SHE begins to panic. My husband just stared at me and shook his head. He knew what I was doing. So I sat down again, and she says have you told your DRS about this? I said yes, but no one will tell me what it's from. So I said I felt better(I did) and I'm going home! So I got up and left. After I said, have a nice day, Karen! It took me until the next morning to fully recover!

This story took place last spring 2021, I was at our usual grocery store without a mask as usual. I hear, barely, Nice mask you have on. I said what? He repeated himself and took a step towards me. I said thank you, you should try this kind also! It's very liberating. His eyes get real big, and he takes another step towards me. He's one of those tall, skinny dudes that you can link to ANTIFA. He yells at me to put a mask on because I killed his grandmother! I said sorry to hear that, but I did not kill your grandmother. YES YOU DID! He's screaming at me and slowly taking steps towards me. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up with Warning! Warning! So I put my hand up and said Stop! Don't you take another step towards me, or you'll be sorry. You are invading my space! He laughs, like he's going to hurt me. Again, I said Stop! I will begin screaming that you are hurting me, and then I'll have to… He laughs and takes another step towards me. So I said ok, but I have warned you. I lower my right hand and pull back my jacket to show him the little piece

I carry strapped to my waist. He looks at it and my hand is at the ready, He looks at me, I pulled my 5-foot frame as tall as I could against his 6-foot something. I said this is your last warning. What do you want me to do? His eyes get real wide, and his face turned red as I begin to draw kimber from her holding spot. The dude turns around and runs away!! I slump over my shopping cart. I don't ever want to shoot anyone, but what do you do? The dude meant to harm me.

I took a few breaths and thanked God I was not harmed, and I finished my grocery shopping.

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If I'd been in your supermarket and saw that happening I'd have caved in the back of his skull with a 2-gallon of whole milk (whole hurts more) and then we'd go to the range together.

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Here's a funny one! I live in Florida! This is in 2020 I'm sitting at a red light and I look in the rear view mirror and there's this guy behind me in a Mercedes SL...a $150,000.00 vehicle with the roof down and a mask on and he's alone!! How could he have been smart enough to have enough money to buy that car and dumb enough to have the top down and a mask on....just so stupid!

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car loan

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I saw this same phenomenon in Boca Raton in 2020.

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I just saw it in NJ three days ago!

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Justin Hart

Not to puff you Rational Grounders (and others) up *too* much, but when I first found one of you...everything changed. I saw real data, analyzed by capable people that I could verify. Aaron Ginn the first I saw on twitter and his medium article. Kyle L, Jen C, Ian, Emma, Eric, you, Ethical Skeptic (when I can understand him), Dr Clare Craig, Hold2, Ben, Phil K, etc.

You all are a big part of my lockdown/pandemic story.

There's a book in there about how to counter tyranny with data you guys should all be writing together. And a warning to ensure governments (at least US) cannot hide data in the future and prevent this kind of analysis. We need to be able to analytically Red Team every decision the government makes.

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Thanks Bill!

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I work in the classical music industry and almost every moment is still characterised by covid madness and virtue signalling. Many theatres have vaxx mandates but all still require LFT (with photographs emailed) then tests on site before entering the theatre and then still have mask mandates for backstage. Some even require string and percussion players to remain masked throughout whilst wind and brass are playing away a few feet behind. Performing with an (unmasked) world famous violinist recently and another musician was required to put a mask on, during the performance, to move closer and turn pages. The lists of insanities are endless and endlessly wearing.

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Our worst "Karen" stories took place in FL in December 2020. We were birdwatching on a boardwalk near Boynton Beach. As we walked onto it, there were the usual signs about masks which our adult son and I ignored. We're OUTSIDE. My husband is the compliant type, so he put his on. We were not 50 ft. in when a group of Karens started screaming at us to put masks on. Our son said, "No" and kept walking. I said, "Move along, Karen" and one woman said, " my name is not Karen" which I thought was hilarious and I kept walking. A few more feet in, a shriveled geezer told our son to put on a mask and he responded the same way. The man got more confrontational and our son kept walking. He said, "What was this geezer going to do, fight me? I'm 6'4" and 200 lbs.!"

It was such an unpleasant experience that I refused to go back the next day and my husband and I went to another nature center boardwalk which was less crowded and they had made the loops one-way. That didn't stop some guy being pushed in a wheelchair from stopping to ask me to put on a mask. I said, "I'm outside, I'm not wearing one." He used the usual guilt trip narratives, but I was unmoved. Before they left, he said he had had Covid and it wasn't fun and he sure hoped I didn't get it. I thought, "yeah, I'm sure you do."

That part of Florida has many migrants from NY and NJ and they brought their northeastern pushiness and obnoxiousness with them.

There are few people I know who are as anti-mask as I have been from the beginning, with the exception of commenters on Substacks. I don't handle obsessive-compulsive or irrational behavior well, and masks have to be the pinnacle of psychosis the past two years...and still are.

I have an entire page about the worthlessness of masks in my CCP Virus document - Scott Morefield articles, Swiss Policy Research Institute, Colleen Huber's numerous articles at PDMJ and others.

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Florida did one way trails too??? I thought only the west coast was that insane! We had signs all over that if we were caught going the wrong way too many times they would shut down the trails. People became so angry if you were going the wrong way and I saw people have screaming matches over it. What was the difference of me walking in front of you and you being downwind of my breath?? How grown ass people could take any of that seriously is something I will never understand.

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Yes, at least there they did. Two years later, you have covidiots wearing face diapers outside bc they have no ability to learn that viruses are destroyed by UV. Like Dr Mark McDonald says, they are damaged psychologically and are unable to return to normalcy.

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Yeah I still see it regularly at the beach. And we have pretty empty beaches, nothing like L.A County. Imagine wanting to rebreathe your own breath rather than the ocean air

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I am happy to report that on our FL vacation in late December and early January, NO ONE anywhere asked us to put on a face diaper. We are on the way home from our Spring break trip to TX and again, no one asked us to put one on. Not that there weren't signs both trips (including tonight at a Chick-fil-A which everyone ignored), but we ignore them and would refuse if asked. I've gotten more bodacious about asking people why they are wearing them.

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Because they are not adults. They are immature brats.

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I went to a spa resort in Desert Hot Springs May 2021. As I was getting into one of the spa jacuzzis, a woman asked if I’ve been vaxxed. I said “no” to which she (and her group) replied “Please Leave” several times. I refused, saying “I paid good money to stay here I’m not leaving. If you’re vaxxed you’re supposed to be protected, right? Furthermore, the vaccines have bad side effects.”

They then all huffed “Well then, we’re leaving!” I said “fine that’s your choice.”

As they were getting out of the spa, lady who initially asked me if I’ve been vaxxed kicked me in my back! I went after her and she tried to run away as I was taking pictures of her as she covered her face out of shame.

I told her I’m going to report her to the police. I didn’t, but I did tell the manager of the spa resort that I would like some compensation as a result of one of his unruly hotel guests. I got a free stay for the next time!

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That's insane! She needed to be called in for assault.

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25 year old male from Columbus, OH. In the spring of 2021 I went to get a few things at Meijer, specifically Meijer because I refused to wear a mask and I had found out that they wouldn't kick people out for not wearing one. As I walked into the store an employee with a box of masks asked if I would like a mask as I walked by. I politely declined and headed for the back of the store. As I was walking up the main aisle to the back, I began to hear a cart moving rather quickly behind me until it sounded like it was so close that it might clip me in the back of the heels. I kept walking for fear of stopping and experiencing just that, and within a few more seconds the cart swerved to my left and a large man pushing the cart, probably 6'3" 240 lbs brushed shoulders with me on the way by... He then stopped in the aisle about 10ft in front of me acting like he was deciding if he wanted to go down one of the aisles. As I kept on walking towards him and was about to pass him, he violently backed up into my path and swerved ahead of me. At this point I realized something was really wrong with this guy and I wanted to get away from him, so I just stopped for a minute and acted like I was trying to read some signs hanging from the ceiling, hoping that he would leave and I could continue to what I needed. However, after getting another 15 ft ahead of me he stopped again, paused, and then headed straight toward me with his cart. He stopped just before hitting me, got in my face (wearing a mask of course), and threatenly said, "I think you should put on a mask." I was in shock and said, "What??" He repeated himself: "I think you should go back up there and get yourself a mask." I told him I wasn't going to do that and he began lecturing me about how it wasn't fair that everyone else was wearing a mask and doing their part and I thought I didn't have to follow the rules. Still in my face, I stopped him and said, "What are you doing?" as in, "Do you honestly think that you're going to bully me into complying right now?" He said, "I'm trying to figure out why you won't wear a mask." I simply told him I wasn't going to and that I just wanted to get my shopping done. I walked away from him and thankfully he didn't pursue. If he hadn't been twice my size I would've considered staying around to have some fun with the confrontation but it was clear that he was steaming mad and I wasn't interested in finding out how far he was willing to take his release of anger physically.

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I had someone ask me that same question in a store ("Why aren't you wearing a mask?) and I answered, "because I'm not an uneducated moron like a lot of people seem to be".

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There are too many lockdown stories to count that I rolled my eyes at -- I think what made me angriest (other than closing the schools) was when they closed playgrounds and filled in the skateboard parks with sand. Just ... stupid.

As far as my own personal Karen story ... I don't have many. I'm in Arizona. I don't wear masks (I can count on one hand the times I was forced to, and I didn't have a choice because I had to go into a government building) so I just dealt with the people at the grocery stores by ignoring them. But I had one confrontation that really upset me.

It was in December of 2021 -- there is no mask mandate in AZ, but businesses can require them. I was taking my youngest daughter (18) to her asthma doctor. They require masks. I had just gotten off the phone with my older daughter (25) who lives in NYC who was telling me she might not come home for Christmas because of Omicron and she was worried about flying (she's the only person in the family who is vaccinated and her fear is that she would catch the virus and give it to us because we're not vaccinated.) I told her Christmas wouldn't be the same without her, and I was really upset -- I have five kids and no matter where they are, they are home for Christmas. I was crying, upset and angry. Nothing I said could convince her (on a positive -- she did come home!) .... Anyway, I went into the doctor's office and the receptionist, who was nice, asked if I needed a mask. I said no. She said they preferred that I wear one. I asked do they require it. A man in the waiting room (the ONLY person in the waiting room) said, "There is a sign on the door. It says they require masks. Put on a damn mask." I told him this didn't concern him. And tears are running down my face again because I was still upset about my older daughter. I turned to the receptionist while he was still talking to me (I don't know that he said then) and said I would just pay for my kid and leave, and the jerk said AGAIN that I couldn't be in the office without a mask and that I was the problem and should follow the rules or did I think I was above everyone else that I didn't have to? I walked out (after paying.) The receptionist was pleasant and the doctor called me after and said I should have come to the treatment room (my daughter is 18, I didn't have to be there) to talk to him. But the jerk in the lobby upset me when I was already upset so I went on a long walk.

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Worst Karen story was in Dallas. I was winter shopping for kids in December I guess of 2020, maybe November just after the seasonal virus was tagged “The Thanksgiving surge” locally. Such a bad joke. Anyway shopping in Dallas which I didn’t expect what came at me in the store. I had just purchased a Starbucks drink bc it was cold (they were surprisingly open still then) and I walk down to the sporting goods store to buy some winter gear for the kids. As I walk in unmasked, drink in hand the lady behind the counter requests me to put it on. I say sure, but may I finish my drink, to which she agrees. Good. Well I walk to the kids section and apparently Mr Karen drops his shopping duties, follows me to the kids sections and from about 40 feet starts yelling. I’m oblivious that he’s talking to me at first bc I’m alone in the section and received clearance from the lady. Quickly he gets my attention and he’s yelling put your mask on and my shocked response is no the lady said I could finish. He pushes and wants me to throw the drink away, I ask if he’ll pay for it which apparently was the wrong response for Mr Karen (mind you he’s merely a shopper but I initially thought he was an employee) he then yells louder I want you to leave the store and I reply is that how you treat customers? It took about 2-3 minutes before I realized he wasn’t an employee so I return to the nice lady and ask if he works there and she says no. So I walk back to my shopping w drink in tow and shop at peace. I guess he left. It was surreal to say the least. Very weird

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I was fired from my job for refusing the V. I worked from home alone developing instructional materials for a hospice. I am a single mother and was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease following my last V in 2014. The nurses and other staff who take care of terminally ill patients were not mandated to receive the V and were allowed to keep their jobs.

Ultimately, it was the best thing to happen to me. I was hired rapidly by another company without the mandate and a significant raise but lost three months of income and the stress leading up to the event was significant.

In the future when I am pushed that hard I will try to embrace the change instead of resisting…a new door was opening.

Now I am waiting to see if Senator Pan will succeed in forcing every child in CA to be force vaccinated in order to go to school despite no evidence that it is beneficial and significant evidence that it is harmful.

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