No vaccine or mRNA substance is safe or highly effective. It is a sacrosanct ruse forced upon the public over the last 70 years. It has now grown into a monstrous death machine.

When anyone says you cannot question something or anything...run for the hills because you are being duped and psychologically managed like a dead head robot.

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"For instance, what is the merit of vaccinating a 90-year-old who suffers from advanced dementia and metastatic cancer?"

Early VAERS reports after the big push to give the COVID jab to the elderly in the U.S. show that *every* resident, regardless of health status, in some of those nursing homes and hospices was being jabbed. The resident isn't feeling well, might be coming down with COVID? Jab them anyway. The resident just got over COVID 14-15 days ago? Give 'em a shot. The resident is on hospice care, unresponsive, likely only a week or two to live? Get a needle in their arm.

I don't know whether vaccinating the dying was done out of fear of COVID on the part of the healthcare workers, or financial incentive for the management. How soon, one wonders, did personnel begin to realize that the jabs were hastening death in some residents?

But if these jabs had been anything like safe or effective, they were relatively scarce at the time. What was the point of jabbing someone who wasn't going to live long enough to make antibodies?

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I've Started Making A Vaccine

From Cultured Cells Of The Vaccine Injured.

-While They Are Still Alive - On Ventilators.

Because If There Is An Airborne Virus

That Invades And Kills Humans ... Surely They Have It.

- Trust The Science.


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Thank you. Your article really makes one recognize the impact of the healthy user bias and the importance of conducting RCT in high risk populations. It is really shocking - the confounding that can occur in observational studies.

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True double blind randomized trials are the best way to eliminate bias. There was supposedly such a trial being run so we should have had good unbiased short and long term data. But oops, the Pfizer trial heads decided early on that the vaccine was so good (95% effective) that the trial was unblinded, unrandomized and the control group entirely nullified by vaccinating all of them. And what do you know, it turns out that 95% number is fantasy. But they eliminated the control group, so now we have to go on guessing which observational studies are more biased than others. Gee, too bad the control group was eliminated. But it was only done for the good of the trial participants! LOL

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