Oh thank you for re-posting this! I have tried endlessly to say that over-crowding and overwhelmed hospitals is nothing new. I was a EMT-Paramedic for 12 years, and ERs going on divert (don't bring us any patients) was a regular thing. I've also sat with my mother in ERs for 6, 8, even 12 hours AFTER they decided to admit her before they had a bed ready.

When we locked down for 15 days to slow the spread and save the hospitals, one would think they would have started to prepare for these surges. They've had almost 20 months - and they still aren't ready?? AND they are firing staff over vax mandates while they are already under-staffed??? None of this makes sense. None of anything regarding the pandemic makes any sense.

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Empty hospital beds do not make money. Hospital bed capacity has been actively value engineered for the past decade eliminating 1000s of beds of capacity nationwide. Overflow hospital capacity went nearly unused nationwide.

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All of it makes sense once you drop the rose colored glasses and just stop thinking you will be considered a conspiracy theorist. The Great Reset is real and they are implementing it at break neck speed.

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It doesn't make sense if you are a sensible honest person with a little bit of courage to think for yourself, and you assume other people are the same.

It makes perfect sense if Marxist ideologies have taken over our institutions, and Woke Capital is running most of the hospitals, and most people are cowards who just go along.

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As a nurse who worked critical care in Houston during the H1N1 outbreak, this is what I've been saying for 18months. We lost LOTS of people during that outbreak. I saw 2 pregnant women and their unborn children die within a shift. We were slammed. Yet, no businesses closed, no one wore masks outside the hospitals.

Life goes on.

Hospital EDs go on divert all the time. When a bad flu season arrives city EDs are crazy-busy. This whole thing has been politicized. We've allowed bureaucrats, politicians, and big pharma to make our medical system beholden to them instead of the consumer. We should be learning important lessons about socialized medical systems right now. Instead, I just see society doubling down on stupidity.

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Our governor (CO) just signed an executive order allowing the state to control hospital admissions. This is the goal: state controlled healthcare.

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It’s more than a goal. Most Americans don’t realize that we already have socialized medicine in this country. When your MD cannot tell you the truth for fear of losing his medical license and livelihood, when the government is controlling what medications your MD can prescribe for you, when the government decides which patients to triage out and which to treat aggressively, when your government makes the decisions on what chemical you must inject into your body to keep your job, the war for medical freedom is lost.

My best advice to protect your life and health is to find a concierge medical practice and question the physician on medical ethics - will they allow YOU to make decisions on what treatment you receive. If so, then join and support. We must stop thinking that healthcare should be free. Stay away from hospitals and large medical organizations. They have an agenda and it’s all about profit from Medicare.

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agreed 100%. even though i am forced to have medicare, i go to a concierge practice and pay for everything out of pocket. i stay healthy so it doesn't cost me that much

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Time for a new Governor. And lawsuits from hospitals!

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what could possibly go wrong?

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Thank you for the truth and thank you for doing what you do!

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"We allowed" - my sense is that up to 80% of the public is largely TV brainwashed and propagandized to follow the program a millionaire face in a suit advocates, and the reason is that we have out-of-control Stasi style "intelligence" agencies and openly lying state-media that employ tricks to fool and manipulate the masses into whatever agenda they are currently weaponized to push (i.e., war in the ME will save the women and girls of Afghanistan and get equality for them).

The vast majority of our problems are far worsened by all of the covert players involved in funding, herding and corralling the public, censoring dissenting voices, etc. And our Congress is fully utterly compromised.

Yes, if citizens organize to make change, sometimes real change can happen, especially highly localized or under the radar. A great example of that was the campaign to stop the California Dept of Ag from pesticide spraying the entire SF Bay Area to stop a made-up threat from a moth (during the Bush/Cheney era). Nonstop activism and organizing involving all levels and all types (citizens, professors, health dept officials, mayors, RFK Jr., etc) over a period of months, including numerous lawsuits, hearings, events, etc., stopped it.

But in most cases today, you find that billionaires, spies and global interests are cloaking themselves in "grassroots" with a false rationale that they want to "help" people, and by targeting college students and young people, spreading cash around, they can easily manipulate large numbers of people.

For anyone not fully aware, I highly recommend former State Dept official Mike Benz's interview - https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1758529993280205039

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Brilliant. I thought where you were going is that this is because of the mandates and resulting staffing shortages. But, nope. Just good old fashioned "if it bleeds, it leads."

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You had a bit concerned there for a moment Mr. Hart. Thank goodness I read all the way through as you instructed. End lockdowns. End mask mandates indoors. End the malfeasance of the medical profession refusing to treat COVID 19 that is killing people unnecessarily & protracting this fear. It’s up to US! The “ALL CLEAR” is NEVER coming until WE DECLARE IT AND LIVE IT!

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In January of 2020 (right before COVID), I *stood* for about 8 hours in an over-crowded ER waiting room with my daughter due to no open seats. We went in around noon and didn't leave til after 10pm. Lots of ordinary flu/colds, sick kids, old people with old people problems, etc. That same ER was empty during most of COVID...

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haha! this reminds me of taking my friend, who had cancer, to a hospital one night. i waited until morning while they did whatever they did to him and i was pretty sleepy. the waiting room was EMPTY so i stretched out over a few seats to take a nap. some pesky authoritarian came out to tell me that i could not lay down; i had to sit up in one chair in case a lot of people showed up. i said that if and when the people came, i would happily sit up but until then i was going to lie down. he told me i couldn't. i disobeyed. here was a low man on the totem pole trying to be a big man over me.

this is clearly what happened during the pandemic. we have to cancel all other procedures in case. you had people dying at home while hospitals were empty in case, people waiting outside in the cold in tents while heated waiting rooms inside were ghosted in case.

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Absolutely! the low level bureaucrats became little Castros everywhere telling you where to stand, (on the circle you were magically not contagious but 2 inches over you were spewing viruses like mad!) where to sit, how to breathe...or not. these people are all around us. the plandemic showed me how evil and craven the plebes can be.

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Yep! An interesting question, Justin: Can you get your hands on THE NUMBER OF INFLUENZA TESTS PERFORMED in 2019 vs 2020? My theory is that there were almost no Influenza cases in 2020 primarily because the tests were not being performed! Add that to the use of the PCR test which with an endemic virus like Covid easily detects virus particles in people all the time and since there is no way we will ever actually erradicate Covid-19, to the extend the PCR tests are run on people, they will ALWAYS show big numbers. If we developed PCR tests for any number of cold viruses, we would see similar numbers. Difference: we don't put cold viruses case numbers on a daily ticker. There are hundreds of millions of people all over the world who are infected with Corona Viruses and Rino Viruses - we simply don't count them and nobody cares.

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Illuminating! I’m bookmarking this one

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I never believed you for a second!

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I remember being quarantined in 2018, spending 9.5 trillion, and forcing face diapers on my 2yr old.

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Not sure why it isn’t reported on more (i know why) but hospitals are designed to run at 75% to 85% occupancy as regular course of business. Similar to hotel business and yes it is a business. Of course Covid increased this % in places but people panic when they hear a hospital is nearing capacity at 90%+. You do the math…..

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i heard a report on the news the other day that oh golly, we should all panic because of the dreaded RSV/flu/covid tripledemic (it's so scary they had to create a name for it!!!) the pediatric ward in a certain hospital was AT 80% CAPACITY!!!!! oh god!!!! i'm sorry, but doesn't that mean, they are 20% empty? and aren't some people going to get better and go home? so now an 80% capacity hospital is the new hysteria bar. i can wait until they tell us to be very afraid because the hospital is at 60% capacity and is in danger of being over run

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Thank you! For consistently making me feel like a sane person.

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Hospitals have spent the last decade CREATING nursing and staffing shortages. Now they want to fire the very people that kept their hospitals functioning for the last 21 months... These EXACT employees worked all through the worst of Covid with no vaccine and no complaints, just did their jobs. Now because some don't want to be a lab rat for Pharma, you want to fire them...SO SO unethical.

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Precisely. Hospital administrators keep ICU beds thin year round. It is very easy to exceed capacity due to staffing levels. The media's panic porn is reckless.

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Almost had me going there for a minute. I was just about to go look up the actual numbers that the hospitals are reporting. But then again, I also know that the hospitals in our area have been struggling with staffing shortages for years (source: my wife works there), and even more so now that there's so much political pressure surrounding them. Not a good recipe for a functional business, much less a hospital.

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I thought that that’s was where you were going with this 😊

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