Florida! We just signed a contract for a home near Tampa yesterday!!! I have lived in Washington state for my entire 50 years and we are finished. My daughter who is a therapist for at risk teens is forced to wear a mask while counseling kids who are contemplating suicide. And if I see one more person by themselves in the car with a mask I think my head will pop off.. The insanity is overwhelming here. She has accepted a job in Florida and we have purchased a home there and will slowly transition to be Floridians. We are devastated that Washington state has gone crazy but so excited to live in a Free State! Come join us!!

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Fellow Washingtonian here. We've lived here 30 years now and used to love it. It's heartbreaking what they've done to this state. We want to move as well, just have to find work in Florida and we'll be joining you.

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It is indeed heartbreaking. The policies and mostly the psychological warfare are breaking people in our beautiful state. If you told me 2 years ago that family members that were normally clear thinkers would shun other family members (who are young and healthy) for not injecting a new pharmaceutical product, i would have said you were crazy. If someone told me that friends who I have known forever and thought were stable haven't left their homes for almost 2 years, I would have laughed. If anyone suggested that I would be asked for my "papers" to go see a movie, I would have said they have read too many dystopian novels. But this is happening and every morning I wake up and realize it is not a nightmare. The mental cost to this over reaction and power grab has been and will be enormous. We will stay and fight part time in WA as long as possible but soon the southern states will be where we stay.

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I'm perplexed that clear thinking people who didn't submit to this madness woke up only after 1.5-2 years. It didn't start this holiday season. It started when family members and friends locked themselves up at home and shun other people in March 2020, long before vaccines were even available, wouldn't have holiday gathering an year ago, and somehow it didn't ring a bell. When businesses closed down voluntarily and it emboldened health departments, not the other way around. It was already pretty clear around May 2020 that old relationships and communities wouldn't come back. Treating other people as literally infectious is extremely rude and toxic! So, some people (my own experience) connected with complete strangers and built in-person communities early on, where you can go events for weeks and don't see a single mask (ok, maybe, 1 mask worn by an occasional zombie). It's really weird when people who felt lonely and disconnected in 2019 celebrate 2020 as the year when they got so many great friends. Call it a survival instinct, people are strong and resilient when they're together, and they're pretty capable of entertaining themselves. We don't want those boring movies! It's never late to join those networks or start building your own.

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Watching the breakdown of friendships and family relationships is heartbreaking. Really enlightening to see how it happened in history though.

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Good luck to you and God bless. I can't help but think that with the Omicron (i.e. midterm) variant, that King Inslee will try shutting the state down again and may deploy the "show me your papers" approach statewide.

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Pretty soon, at this rate, Washingtonians, Oregonians and California”cators” will all have to order groceries online just to eat.

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Let’s see what sleepy Joe offers up tomorrow. It won’t be the dropping of mandates, that’s for sure, but let’s hope it’s not more lockdowns or blaming (once again ) and locking up the un jabbed.

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Keep fighting from Florida! A major problem is the schools and universities pumping out compliant drones and Marxist ideologues. If this is allowed unchecked then in a generation FL will be worse than California is now. Get on the offensive out there in FL and stay on it. :D Your governor has some good ideas but he can't do it all on his own.

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Welcome to the great state of Florida!

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Im in wa... it's depressing as hell... Congrats to those escaping! The lunacy here is beyond words...

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Just give me a little time. West coast at this rate will drop off into the ocean soon.

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I hate all these fukkin assholes with a passion that burns so hot, it would burn all of the to a crisp if they came near me. My kids and grandkids are in Canada. You can imagine what that is like. Makes San Diego look like libertarian heaven in comparison.

Anyway, I live in Central Florida, half way between Tampa and Orlando, town called Winter Haven. Real estate prices have risen substantially but are still only a fraction of California's. The weather is awesome 6 months of the year. The rest of the time you're an A/C prisoner. The biggest asset here are the people: smiling, relaxed, no Karens, mostly polite. Great places to eat within 15-20 miles and some nice places locally as well. Simply living in a state where Ron DeSantis sets the tone is great.

One more thing: I was born and raised in Czechoslovakia, where my parents' roots went back centuries (I believe my father's people settled there in the 17th century, migrating from Holland) I have lived in 5 different countries before settling in the US. My point: while emotional attachment to your roots is not to be discounted and uprooting carries with it a psychological price, it does not trump your natural birthright of freedom. California is now stealing that freedom brazenly and perhaps it's time to give two middle fingers

We follow each other on Twitter. If you'd like more Central Florida info, I'm your man, feel free to dm. Courage!!

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"while emotional attachment to your roots is not to be discounted and uprooting carries with it a psychological price, it does not trump your natural birthright of freedom." - my wife Jenny and I both cheered that line. Thank you!

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FL, TN, TX? I'm not quite in the same boat, but I'm looking at SC

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Charleston, SC is my favorite US city :)

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looked at Mt Pleasant..outside of my price range, so going towards Beaufort/Bluffton/Okatie

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My mom just moved to Bluffton. Great place. Fun little town center and only 30 minutes to Hilton Head.

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Justin, no one can tell you where to move, only make suggestions. But as one who has been through public hell and back, I just wanted to tell you how much I admire your tenacity. As your family fights through this, I have absolute confidence in the resilience of you and your family. When dissent is so viciously attacked, it's difficult being that voice of reason. Prayers for you and your family. If I can help, please let me know.

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Thank you Michael

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Just spent 10 days in free Texas. The kids were amazed there is life beyond the masks.

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Consider Idaho. Just not Boise, which is where we are. Like the rest of you, Boise used to be everything a conservative wanted. But liberals are like cockroaches. We are 80, modest income, but refuse vaccinations despite the pressure. I guess my age group can hide but we cant run, not without help, like it was mentioned, ‘where to?’ Here is my strong recommendation for the younger set: Redoubt in central and nw idaho! Home school! My daughter home schooled plus charter for some of the time. She now has 4 graduating in top% of two different universities. These young adults got scolarships and paid the rest themselves, because of their independent education. They are strong Christians and constitutionalists, tolerant and polite but unmovable, outspoken, and politically proactive. Young adults like this are the future, if we have one! But they weren’t indoctrinated in the public school system.

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Same with us on the homeschooling. Our kids finished tippy top in their college studies. The competition is greatly weakened by their public school indoctrination/dumbing-down processes. Homeschoolers/pod-schoolers will rule the roost in 20 years.

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Home school/pods/charters if chosen carefully, all teach a child how to study and to love learning,to be self starters. They are not ‘taught’ by teaching to the test. Tests are not relevant! Challenging, though, when both parents work. Maybe others will comment on how they managed.

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Dear Justin, I am so sorry. I am from CA as well and it breaks my heart what has happened there. Montana’s pretty great except for Missoula. Otherwise, you could definitely look into a Hillsdale Classical Academy or Barney Charter School in TX or FL. We are building a Classical Academy in the Bitterroot Valley, but it won’t open until 2023.

Thank you so much for all the work that you are doing. You are a godsend.

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"Regardless of the potential new rules and regulations the U.S. government is prepared to unleash, it is worthwhile to consider now exactly where your line in the sand might be located. Where exactly will you and your family draw the line?

Ten years ago, CTH warned people to think very carefully about their family and specifically think about their physical location. It wasn’t some arbitrary intellectual exercise, moving takes time. Uprooting your entire family away from the comfortable social network and community is no small undertaking. People scoffed when we warned of an open intent to fundamentally change the structure of our united states assembly.

What I am suggesting now, for those who previously might have not been willing to become uncomfortable in the details of those answers, is to get very serious in thinking and talking about exactly what level of intrusion is too much. Only you and your family can make that decision. Where is your line, beyond which you simply will not permit government to cross?

There are no wrong answers, and you do not need to feel pressured to answer that question for anyone except yourself. However, I strongly encourage you to do the thinking, and to do it post haste."


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Thx for this. I love CTH.

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I live in Los Angeles and have a farm/forest property in Tennessee. Needless to say, I've been spending more time in TN through the whole pandemic. I think I'd be really depressed if I had to stay in LA. Tried to go to an art gallery in Beverly Hills yesterday but was turned away for not having a vax card (art galleries are not even subject to the local mandate, but I was told they're following it anyway). Flying back to TN tomorrow. Williamson County is the nicest area in TN if you can afford it. I'm just south of there where the prices are about half. Williamson County parents have fought a lot for their kids throughout this whole insanity. TN is pretty much back to normal in general. Not at all like in CA where people seem quite insane - many people in CA are too scared to travel so they have no idea they're living in a crazyland bubble. I'm on flights back and forth a lot. When people started getting vaccinated and flying I would get nosebleeds sitting near them (I'm not the only person to experience this reaction to the massive amounts of spike shedding that result from vaccination). I never had nosebleeds ever in my life before that. Now I use an iodine nasal spray and the nosebleeds stopped, so I use that every time I fly. I already had Covid in March 2020 and didn't have nosebleeds then, it's just a reaction to being near vaccinated people. Even if I'm just talking to a recently vaccinated person on the street I often get a runny nose. On planes it progresses to blood (if I don't use iodine spray). Thankfully none of the people I spend the most time with in my life are vaccinated.

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We left Los Angeles for Nashville this summer and it’s been THE BEST decision we’ve ever made for our family. Freedom smells sweet and the nonsense of California is avoidable. Our governor protects us

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Idaho. We’re long time San Diego residents but seeing the writing on the wall we built a home in McCall last year. Wonderful State, wonderful people who share our values for the most part.

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Thx Hal

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Hi Hal…recognize you from twitter. I didn’t realize you had decided to make the move. I am admittedly a little jealous of your move to Idaho and have quietly been reconsidering Nevada choice. All is not lost though. We haven’t started building yet and property is easy to sell where we bought. I can’t recall if ID is no state tax like NV but would move in a heartbeat and have several friends who have done the same.

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Be very wary of Nevada. The politics there have taken a hard left turn. Nevada has some some very bad Covid restrictions and the economy is in the tank. Currently no state income tax but the Democrats who control the legislature want to change that.

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I know. It’s been concerning. We’re in the northern part in Reno right now but Las Vegas is exactly as you described it. Even I still have concerns about my area though. There’s a pretty complex part of the state constitution that makes it difficult for them to repeal the Mo state tax but won’t say it can’t happen bc as we’ve seen anything can happen. But the process takes years to accomplish thank goodness.

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I am a life long Missourian so have to weigh in. Aside from the liberal enclaves in KC proper, St. Louis, and to a lesser extent, Columbia, Covid is in the rear view mirror. People are friendly and look out for each other, the cost of living is low, and lots of entertainment options. Downside: weather and no mountains or beaches, if that is your thing. Sis lives in So Cal, and she is an hour (plus traffic) from either, great weather, but damn, the cost of living and traffic, and very cliquish/tribal. Lived in the same house for a dozen years and still doesn't know half her neighbors. Can't imagine, everyone knows everyone in our neighborhood.

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We are leaving San Diego in 2 weeks and off to Montana for an adventure…and freedom! We know weather is drastically different but we are up for the challenge. Mother Nature is all over up there. We will learn new things and grow as a family (skiing, fly fishing, and even try out hunting). I have three children that will be able to attend school mask free. They even will be going on field trips again. We are renting our home in SD just in case (hoping) politics could possibly change in a few years. Why not? No better time than the present! Good luck with your decision, it’s not easy if you are so rooted here with family & friends.

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I can’t “like” this post, only say how sorry I am, and how it IS personal for most of us. I have my own story and heartaches, but shared heartaches don’t ease them, just encourage us that we are not alone and can struggle on.

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Go to Hew Hampshire. The libertarian free staters have taken over the Republican Party. It’s the only state that’s turned down all federal funding for Covid measures. They’ve also cut taxes and reduced spending, unlike every other state

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The best answer to your question is obvious. FLORIDA

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‘Blue’ State friends: "Aren't you worried about covid?"

Me: "Wait…you guys are still playing pandemic?"

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Best yet!

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The MindVirus is a disorder of the psyche spread through gaslighting & brainwashing. The sufferer attaches to pain, suffering, destruction and is reduced to a childlike condition, losing agency & autonomy to the mommy/daddy state. These people and their tormentors live in a symbiotic existence. ABHORRENT, DEMONIC

Ideological subversion explained by Yuri Bezmenov


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Dr. Mike Yeadon highly recommends Florida!

Another option is to home-school, although I’d advise getting out of California pronto regardless. I’m a California refugee and am so grateful we escaped when we did!

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