It the same for all vaccines and many drugs. There is no validated, scientific proof that there is any benefit to using them or practicing them (lockdowns). You need to prove transmission of a virus and how that evolves and proceeds. This has never been done so that lockdowns accomplish squat.
The same with all vaccines which only introduce poisons into your system (mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, etc) as well as wreck your natural health regulators. You are sick because you use drugs, vaccines and junk foods among other things.
This article gets a lot wrong, including many suppositions about how infection occurs that are wildly off-base. But the underlying thesis, that any mitigation efforts merely delay the inevitable, nature defeats the best efforts of man in the end holds true and supports the lessons from Denmark Eyal Shahar writes about. Lessons, that were already learned before 2020. But were ignored. The "experts" of today knew better than the experts who preceded them. Either because today's "experts" are arrogant, ignorant, corrupt or malevolent. And any combination therein. Selected excerpts:
"That in the final analysis [U.S. President Donald] Trump was right. Not that the coronavirus is just plain flu – it absolutely isn’t – but as he put it: ‘This is just my hunch – way under 1 percent’ [will die].’"
"Q - But, social distancing should lead to fewer cases of infection and death, no?
“No, because we won’t be able to isolate ourselves completely or forever. At some stage, we will have to resume a regular routine, and then the R0 will stabilize at 2 again. Effectively, we are delaying the inevitable. I have no criticism of the decisions made until now. On the contrary: With such a large area of uncertainty, Israel’s decision makers are considering not only a reasonable scenario but also a margin of safety.
“In my opinion, the Health Ministry deserves tremendous credit for being ahead of the world by having instituted no few measures. In the same breath, the public needs to understand that these measures of social distancing mean that we will find ourselves with corona for a longer period, even to 2023.”"
"Q -That long?
“Take the swine flu, from 2009. Reliable models show clearly that it was contained in Israel because its appearance coincided with the Jewish holidays in the fall [when people weren’t out much in public]. From the virus’ point of view, the timing wasn’t good for it in Israel. By contrast, in the United States there was significant infection in 2009-2010. But in the end, it balances out. So we saw swine flu in Israel both in 2009-10 and in 2010-11, whereas in the United States it just came and went. The American population as a whole was exposed to the virus at high rates, so those who fell ill and recovered served as a ‘human shield’ for those who did not get sick.”
Q - So what you’re saying is to tear the bandage off in one fell swoop, and explose everyone at once, the way they tried to do in Britain.
“We need to make decisions based on the most precise models possible. What should be done? Of course, we must significantly increase testing, using the rapid PCR test, and that is what is actually being done. In parallel, serologic tests should be conducted. These differ from regular tests in that they examines an individual’s immunological reaction to exposure. That’s the only way we will be able to get an accurate picture of the distribution of the virus in Israel, and thereby also of the mortality rates.”
Q - What will that test be able to tell us?
“It will solve the riddle of the young people: It’s still not clear whether young people are infected by the coronavirus but don’t develop symptoms, or are simply immune and thus don’t become infected. This is different from most respiratory ailments. With those illnesses, like RSV or flu, this is a key population: The 5-to-19 age group is not at risk but they are responsible for infecting others.”"
I don't have a Twitter account, so I'll post this link here. John Cullen (an alias) explains his theory of what really happened and continues to happen to Dr Dave Collum (Cornell professor). He makes an interesting case for the disappearance of flu globally, the continued elevation in excess deaths globally, and the rapid set up and take down of field hospitals globally. It's long, but, imo, worth the time. I leave this information with you, the Ethical Skeptic, el gato Malo, and Berenson.
It the same for all vaccines and many drugs. There is no validated, scientific proof that there is any benefit to using them or practicing them (lockdowns). You need to prove transmission of a virus and how that evolves and proceeds. This has never been done so that lockdowns accomplish squat.
The same with all vaccines which only introduce poisons into your system (mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, etc) as well as wreck your natural health regulators. You are sick because you use drugs, vaccines and junk foods among other things.
Excellent post.
Sounds like Trump was right...before he was wrong...
'Trump Is Right About the Coronavirus. The WHO Is Wrong,' Says Israeli Expert
Hareetz, March 21, 2020
This article gets a lot wrong, including many suppositions about how infection occurs that are wildly off-base. But the underlying thesis, that any mitigation efforts merely delay the inevitable, nature defeats the best efforts of man in the end holds true and supports the lessons from Denmark Eyal Shahar writes about. Lessons, that were already learned before 2020. But were ignored. The "experts" of today knew better than the experts who preceded them. Either because today's "experts" are arrogant, ignorant, corrupt or malevolent. And any combination therein. Selected excerpts:
"That in the final analysis [U.S. President Donald] Trump was right. Not that the coronavirus is just plain flu – it absolutely isn’t – but as he put it: ‘This is just my hunch – way under 1 percent’ [will die].’"
"Q - But, social distancing should lead to fewer cases of infection and death, no?
“No, because we won’t be able to isolate ourselves completely or forever. At some stage, we will have to resume a regular routine, and then the R0 will stabilize at 2 again. Effectively, we are delaying the inevitable. I have no criticism of the decisions made until now. On the contrary: With such a large area of uncertainty, Israel’s decision makers are considering not only a reasonable scenario but also a margin of safety.
“In my opinion, the Health Ministry deserves tremendous credit for being ahead of the world by having instituted no few measures. In the same breath, the public needs to understand that these measures of social distancing mean that we will find ourselves with corona for a longer period, even to 2023.”"
"Q -That long?
“Take the swine flu, from 2009. Reliable models show clearly that it was contained in Israel because its appearance coincided with the Jewish holidays in the fall [when people weren’t out much in public]. From the virus’ point of view, the timing wasn’t good for it in Israel. By contrast, in the United States there was significant infection in 2009-2010. But in the end, it balances out. So we saw swine flu in Israel both in 2009-10 and in 2010-11, whereas in the United States it just came and went. The American population as a whole was exposed to the virus at high rates, so those who fell ill and recovered served as a ‘human shield’ for those who did not get sick.”
Q - So what you’re saying is to tear the bandage off in one fell swoop, and explose everyone at once, the way they tried to do in Britain.
“We need to make decisions based on the most precise models possible. What should be done? Of course, we must significantly increase testing, using the rapid PCR test, and that is what is actually being done. In parallel, serologic tests should be conducted. These differ from regular tests in that they examines an individual’s immunological reaction to exposure. That’s the only way we will be able to get an accurate picture of the distribution of the virus in Israel, and thereby also of the mortality rates.”
Q - What will that test be able to tell us?
“It will solve the riddle of the young people: It’s still not clear whether young people are infected by the coronavirus but don’t develop symptoms, or are simply immune and thus don’t become infected. This is different from most respiratory ailments. With those illnesses, like RSV or flu, this is a key population: The 5-to-19 age group is not at risk but they are responsible for infecting others.”"
Did I Miss The TED Talk:
“How To Pull Your Soul Out Of Your Asshole”
By Noam Chomsky?
Did Anyone TIVO It ?
I don't have a Twitter account, so I'll post this link here. John Cullen (an alias) explains his theory of what really happened and continues to happen to Dr Dave Collum (Cornell professor). He makes an interesting case for the disappearance of flu globally, the continued elevation in excess deaths globally, and the rapid set up and take down of field hospitals globally. It's long, but, imo, worth the time. I leave this information with you, the Ethical Skeptic, el gato Malo, and Berenson.