What we need are class-action lawsuits against mask-mandaters to pay for the harms masks cause. Make them pay a big price for their BS.

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Please substitute People or Humans or Carbon Based Life Forms or Oxygen Breathing Organisms for Children in the title.

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This is fantastic, Justin! Are you going to post this to Twitter? I know it probably won't matter to the Maskoids and their sycophants, but I love putting the facts in their faces. (Pun intended!) I can Tweet a link to the article, but figured you might have that already set up. (Scratch that. I see the note in the original post. D'oh!)

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Masks are dehumanizing. Forcing people to wear masks merely to live life freely is a gross violation of bodily autonomy as is forced vaccinations. Masks do not work to slow or stop airborne viruses, period. This is not debatable and this fact is why nobody ever mentioned masks for 102 years since the failed Spanish Flu mask experiment. That fact alone should have stopped this mask insanity from ever happening in the first place. The fact that masks cause harm in multiple ways is critical but essentially secondary and irrelevent. If any apparatus is non mitigating as is the case with masks, then we should not wear them for that purpose. Think about how diabolical and insane this mask lie is. We have been forced to don an apparatus that covers our humanity that is useless for over 2 years now, yet here we are still fighting over masks. Again, more people should have refused to cover their faces from the get go. I strongly encourage all of you to read THE PSYCHOLOGY OF TOTALITARIANISM by Mattias Desmet. What we are witnessing is global mass formation psychosis.

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I think the book 'Unmasked' by Ian Miller says it all. No need for anything further. Principal thing it does, perhaps, is display chart after chart after chart showing identical curves for covid incidence in American States with and without masking and other measures.

i.e. it demonstrates again and again that masks made no difference.

Yes, the argument can go on and explore various avenues in order to explain or even attempt to dismiss that finding.

Such as saying that correct masks worn correctly and used correctly (noit quite the same thing) would not have given that result.

I find such arguments disingenuous, misleading; in the end irrelevant.

Theorising some alternate reality in which this or that obtains is not pertinent.

The real world demonstration encompassed upwards of 300 million people and the results were clear.

In China, in Shanghai, we have seen what perversions to the human condition can be imposed.

Would anyone seriously maintain humanity should exist in such a scenario?

And when viewing and debating this fact starkly shown by these juxtaposed charts there's a plain aspect often overlooked. The argument tends to always concentrate on the efficacy or not of masks. Thousands, millions of words about it. Heated dramatic debate.

On the mask side all meant to 'prove' that masks would have worked if this or that.

Understandable that a mask debate should concentrate on masks.

Understandable but not really the point.

The point is battling ( if it needs 'battling' by special measures) this infection.

That's really why the mask thing comes up at all.

So in the midst of the mask debate what we're really talking about, of course, is 'battling the covid'.

And that's the bit that gets overlooked.

And when looked at we see that everyone did alright. Masked and unmasked. That covid was not the menace it was made out to be. Nothing remotely like it.

This truth is still much hidden but it becomes to come out here and there.

The actual numbers of people who had severe episodes or died simply because of covid were immensely lower than the hysterical press had it during those two years.

There was - and still is - massive disinformation and flawed statistics.

There's terrible numbers in there, still being ignored.

For there's hundreds, even thousands of people were killed by the covid 'measures' ! By what was supposed to be helping them. Everything from improper crowding the most vulnerable together, to improper treatments in the hospitals. Hundreds. Thousands.

Buried in the past. No getting a mention.

Just as my country, Australia, ripped off the population for $600 Billion during those two years. More than doubling our debt. Never gets a mention.

So the whole mask debate is essentially a distraction. A red herring leading nowhere. A side issue of academic interest.

The main issue is that the globe has been massively scammed by avaricious, mendacious, despotic politicians in the service of the American drug industry.

And that's a very big issue and the issue of the day today.

Because they have created a precedent for behaviour and that behaviour is going to be repeated and repeated.

We are in a dire situation be no one seems to be aware of it.

It is perhaps somewhat like living on a pleasant rural farm in Ukraine and believing everything is fine.

While the country bleeds to death in the hands of an insane comedian who's pledging their lives to the last man, woman and child in service to his ludicrous rhetoric.

How many people know that in China people get a coloured QR code? On their smartphones. Which pertain to themselves? If it is green they can do this and that. Live nearly normal human lives if any such description can be given to life in the modern world.

But if they have a red code they must go into 'lockdown' which, of course, is our modern euphemism for 'jail', 'house arrest'.

AND, of course - you have some understanding of how digital phone technology works? - those codes can be turned 'red' by the government whenever it wishes.

Meaning that the default status for a citizen in the effected parts of China is 'prison', 'house arrest'.

That's further down the tunnel as yet.

Right now the default position is fairly well short of that. It is that your movements or access to various places is limited. Just as we have places to this day that will not allow access unless you wear a mask so in China they have places that will not allow access unless you have a 'green QR'.

The govt can slowly increase the number of red codes through the population as they wish, obviously.

The govt could overnight make everyone 'red' - and the whole city must lockdown. The whole city imprisoned overnight.

You think that's ludicrous?

They did it in Shanghai, didn't they?

And we have enough loonies always with us that'll be anxious, keen and eager to bring this 'technology' to us as soon as possible.

So that's the real issue.

We talk about masks only because of the underlying covid question.

Too much concentration on the masks thing diverts attention from the covid wider question.

And while attention is diverted away we get inexorably imprisoned, in fact, like an invisible rising tide submerging us.



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The word "abusive" is missing from your title, Justin!

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This message--"I am an anti-masker"--is a more aggressive posture than we've seen for pretty much all of the last 2 1/2 years: https://twitter.com/Rstorechildhood/status/1549394654696800257

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