As we noted over the weekend, the CDC has a data problem… and someone is bilking the American taxpayer by logging Covid deaths that are NOT Covid deaths.
The CDC recorded dozens of "Suicide COVID Deaths" under the age of 60. The death certificate OBVIOUSLY denotes intentional self-harm to un-alive oneself
-> but they slapped it in the Covid pile because...
A 23-year-old white male died in February from suicide by intentional self-poisoning with non-opioid analgesics and exposure to hot objects, resulting in burns and cardiac arrest. He also had COVID-19. 1/
A 38-year-old white female died in April from suicide by intentional self-poisoning with antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, ethanol, and benzodiazepines. She also had COVID-19 and unspecified depressive and anxiety disorders. 2/
A 31-year-old white male died in August from suicide by intentional self-harm with an unspecified means, resulting in intracranial injury. He also had COVID-19, pneumonia, and unspecified drug poisoning. 3/
A 27-year-old white male died in January from suicide by intentional self-harm with a firearm, resulting in open wounds to the head. He also had COVID-19, severe depression, and unspecified anxiety disorder. 4/
A 22-year-old white male died in September from suicide by handgun discharge, resulting in open wound to the head. He also had COVID-19, unspecified anxiety and depression, and unspecified mental disorder. 5/
A 55-year-old white male died in August from suicide by firearm discharge, resulting in open wounds to the head. He also had COVID-19, unspecified depression, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. 6/
A 45-year-old American Indian or Alaskan Native female died in November from suicide by jumping from a high place, resulting in head and neck injuries. She also had COVID-19, pneumonia, sepsis and muscular dystrophy 7/
A 33-year-old white male died in September from suicide by handgun discharge, resulting in open wounds to the head. He also had COVID-19, unspecified depression, and unspecified mental and behavioral disorders related to alcohol use. 8/
A 31-year-old white male died in August from COVID-19, pneumonia, and unspecified drug poisoning, he also had respiratory failure and pneumothorax. 9/
A 14-year-old American Indian or Alaskan Native female died in December from suicide by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, resulting in asphyxiation. She also had COVID-19, pneumonia, and unspecified depressive and anxiety disorders. 10/
A 33-year-old white male died in July from suicide by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, resulting in anoxic brain damage, cardiac arrest and asphyxiation. He also had COVID-19 and unspecified depressive episode. 11/
A 44-year-old white male died in October as a result of homicide by COVID-19. He also had acute respiratory failure, pneumonia, decubitus ulcer and pressure area, sequelae of injury of spinal cord, and sequelae of other accidents. 12/
A 57-year-old white male died in June from suicide by firearm discharge, resulting in intracranial injury, traumatic shock, and open wounds to the head. He also had COVID-19 and unspecified depressive episode. 13/
A 37-year-old white male died in February from suicide by firearm discharge, resulting in open wounds to the head. He also had COVID-19, unspecified depressive episode, and hypertension. 14/
A 38-year-old black male died in May as a result of homicide by firearm discharge, resulting in open wounds to the neck, trunk, and upper limb. He also had COVID-19. 15/
A 42-year-old white male died in December from suicide by drug poisoning, involving other opioids and benzodiazepines. He also had COVID-19, unspecified bipolar affective disorder, and unspecified infectious diseases. 16/
A 56-year-old white male died in September from suicide by firearm discharge, resulting in open wounds to the head and lip. He also had COVID-19 and unspecified infectious diseases. 17/
A 55-year-old black male died in February as a result of homicide by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, resulting in open wounds to the head and neck, upper limb. He also had COVID-19. 18/
A 35-year-old white female died in March from suicide by drug poisoning, involving calcium-channel blockers. She also had COVID-19, pneumonia, and unspecified drug poisoning. 19/
A 33-year-old American Indian or Alaskan Native male died in January from suicide by sharp object, resulting in injury of radial artery at forearm level. He also had COVID-19. 20/
A 21-year-old white male died in September from suicide by drug poisoning, involving other synthetic narcotics and benzodiazepines. He also had COVID-19. 21/
A 32-year-old white male died in April from suicide by hanging, strangulation, and suffocation, resulting in anoxic brain damage and asphyxiation. He also had COVID-19. 22/
A 19-year-old black male died in February as a result of homicide by handgun discharge, resulting in multiple open wounds. He also had COVID-19 and unspecified infectious diseases. 23/
Tweeted a while back...
Helpful Translations for use during the COVID Dumpster Fire - 3:
CDC used to stand for "Centers for Disease Control," which sounds like a scientific organization.
CDC now stands for "Continually Deceiving the Citizenry," which serves somebody, apparently. #FollowTheMoney
Why, it's almost as if we were lied to. But the government and its agencies would never do that, would they?
So this piece notes 60+. I'd be willing to bet the number of suicides and murders and even traumas from MVA's and other and other accidental deaths that were/are counted as SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 are a hundred times higher.
If liar, liar, pants on fire were a thing, DC would be a pile of ashes and state capitols would be smoldering piles of rubble. Not one thing mandated as relief worked and the things that worked were hidden or outlawed.
When in the course of huma events...