Even if the COVID injections had been effective they were never safe. So many unfortunate people terribly harmed, there's no justification for foisting shots like that upon the public. Almost seems like the intent was to do harm.

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Yet they keep pushing that trash vax.

All it did for me was injure me.

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Would have been very helpful for the same study to look at harm from the vaccines. Given other studies, and this study's finding of extremely low Covid death rates (even confliating death "from" and "with," a very common and substantial mistake) was quite likely outweighed by harm from the vaccine itself.

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The link to the article doesn't seem to work for me. This is a link that does seem to work https://academic.oup.com/ofid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/ofid/ofae547/7762144?searchresult=1

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