I truly loathe these authoritarian lunatics and their apparatchik media. "TrUsT dA eXpeRtS!!@!" they squeal!

Oh, really, Big Brother?

How about Kary Mullis, the Nobel-prize winning chemist who created your beloved PCR test and advised against their use for viral detection and openly mocked St. Fauci? Can we trust this expert, Big Brother? NOPE

How about Dr. Robert Malone, whose work helped create the technology behind your beloved mRNA "vaccines," and who now vehemently denounces that application of the technology? Can we trust this expert, Big Brother? NOPE

How about Dr. Peter McCullough, a highly-esteemed cardiologist who presciently cautioned that our entire approach to COVID-19 treatment is incorrect and who had demonstrably better results? Can we trust this expert, Big Brother? NOPE

How about Dr. Angelique Coetzee, the South African doctor who discovered the Omicron variant of COVID-19, who said that Omicron symptoms are “extremely mild” and there is no need for panic. Can we trust this expert, Big Brother? NOPE

GEE WHIZ. It almost seems like our tyrannical fascist state and their Mockingbird media don't actually care what experts say, but are just trying to hijack the word "expert" to mean "Government-Corporate-Approved Apparatchik" so they can keep escalating their control and profits over an ever sicker, ever dumber populace!

But, naaaah, that can't be the case. After all, Big Brother loves me, and he would never do anything like that.

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A beautiful written piece.

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John reaches the same conclusions I reached when I read this editorial (which was based on the conclusions of "seasoned experts").

My take-away: Beware the seasoned experts.


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Thank you for pointing out Trump’s role beyond the point where he turned the matter of lockdowns over to the states. I had not considered his part in subsidizing continued shut downs by the states. I’ve now come around to your view that Trump does not deserve our trust.

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"wartime footing"; REALLY stupid idea, government uses war as an excuse to trample liberty, that of course is exactly why the "experts"/government/media used the phrase war on covid

inter arma enim silent leges

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